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Theories that no one else would believe.

La Toya Jackson and Michael Jackson are actually the same person.
Or if not that they share a nose between them.

Oh my god! I completely agree. Lemme guess you were watching Celebrity Big Brother. My mum was watching it. D:
Well... I have one, but you cannot tell anyone.

I think that lawn gnomes, Mews (except Mew Trick Mews), cookies, old ladies and plastic flamingos are allied against us. They're trying to take over the world with the power of cheapness, bad cooking, knitting needles and pinkness.

Think about it. Old ladies are so sweet, you'd never suspect them. Same with cookies. Plastic flamingos and lawn gnomes are EVERYWHERE, and Mews? Well, search 'March of the Mews' on Yout Tube, and you'll see why they're in on it.
I had this theory in grade one that inanimate objects could talk and move and crap, but could sense people coming and movewd back into their original places. So I kept looking in rooms to see if they moved. oO;

Remember this was in grade one. And I somehow remember it.
I had this theory in grade one that inanimate objects could talk and move and crap, but could sense people coming and movewd back into their original places. So I kept looking in rooms to see if they moved. oO;

Did you watch Toy Story a lot when you were a kid? xD
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