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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Theories that no one else would believe.

I think it's something like this:
All fiction, as a book, TV show, comic, RP, video game or whatever (or more specifically the actual stories) are actually true events, somewhere in either this universe or another one.

I sometimes think that the whole world is having a huge joke with this emotion thing - a joke I'm not in on.
Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking with my dream theory.


I can't imagine myself without my dream theory, and somehow, I think that somewhere, it's true...
That all thoughts are actually alternate universes is another one of mine

:( I want my living sword to hurry up and find some way to get to this world already, damnit!
I think it's something like this:
All fiction, as a book, TV show, comic, RP, video game or whatever (or more specifically the actual stories) are actually true events, somewhere in either this universe or another one.

I believe that. ^^
That's what I've always been afraid of. But I hope that someday, I will wake up in the dream world, with...

Perhaps my theory doesn't belong in this thread...
A nearby planet will explode within the period of forty years.

The heat of global warming will spread and the moon will be crushed in the orbit of Earth, causing a meteor shower and another apocalypse. That's how I think of it, anyway.

Everyone can tell by now that i like things about space.

A star will go supernova, destroying the Andromeda galaxy and slice Beetlejuice in half.

Cornucopias are made of hardened clay.
You mean Betelgeuse? I think you're taking it too literally.

And I don't think Cornucopias are made of hardened clay. But of course, this is the "theories no one else would believe" thread, so...
I thought it was spelled differently...

I am in on the "every fiction/TV/etc." is true.

Great Glaux, I wanna wake up from life! D:<

Air is not a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide, but printer fragments. We are robots and we do not know it.

Science is obsolete and scientists get everything wrong.

Each universe is square and ten feet long on each side.
And I was thinking you were fake.

StarClan, Arceus and Glaux live in the sky.

Barn owls with golden feathers are pretty. On that note, Eglantine is both cute and pretty.
I was worried when she was all gizzardmia... :(
I agree with the this life is a test theory.

P.S. - Criptica you like my first and third favorite book series too! :D
Cryptica, you read Guardians of Ga'Hoole, too?! Amazing!

Anyway, I support the 'every t.v. show/video game/book series is true' thing also.
Santa Claus first originated in the ice age, where the leader of the tribe would offer gifts to the mammoths, to avoid being eaten so they could eat them.
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