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Theories that no one else would believe.

Actually, I think it's just because some people are just a little too slow to understand it first time around. :P
Lightning is caused by charged positive ions striking a negative cloud, connecting a path for electricity.

Eh? It's 2008? I'm sorry, still in the late 18th century. My how times change.
The dark side's cookies are only ilusions made out of cardboard. If you want real cookies, go to Greenland! The real cookies are frozen :D

EDIT: Oh, and S.K., Gannondorf does have the same design as Captain Falcon.
Re: Theories that now one else would believe.

That humans are actually some kind of experiment created by aliens, and we live in a universe that's in a little glass jar in some alien labratory.

I have too much time on my hands D:

Yay! :D I thought of that too.

Dragons are lying in wait to destroy us and take back what is theirs :3, because we destroyed them to near extinction so they are plotting revenge.
Good theory, maybe I'm the actual Satan, any you're my embodiment. anyway, My new theory is that I am Arylett's Welshie Robot Knight.
Cabbage Patch Kids were created to make us think about and get used to what humans may look like after genetic mutations of a Nuclear war.
That ice cream cures stomach-aches. (I am aware that's not how it's spelled, but I couldn't spell it -_-)
Good theory, maybe I'm the actual Satan, any you're my embodiment. anyway, My new theory is that I am Arylett's Welshie Robot Knight.

You are not Satan, I have met him before Cocoa puffs are rabbit poo.
All the events in Phoenix Wright :Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations happended in real life.
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