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There once was a story.

There, Wilson realized that he was supposed to cure himself of the fear of being eaten by a golden striped elephant.
He had to be quick, for the Golden Striped Elephant of Khatmandoo was hunting for him, its thousand tusks covered in the blood of its victims.
(Why was a Kathmandu elephant in New Zeland?)

The Mudkip was its next unfortunate victim.
The Elephant was merciless, having crushed an orphanage full of cute little orphan ponies with its clawed feet, thick as trunks to get to its next meal, the Mudkip.
It was about to eat Wilson when it saw a groundhog.
Unfortunately, the elephant knocked it over.
Suddenly, the groundhog decided that it was winter, and a blanket of snow three feet thick fell to the ground.
Wilson watched in awe as he realized this was no ordinary groundhog: this was the God of Really Weird Coincidences, Qwertyuiop.
The Welshcakes tasted like oranges mixed with nectarines.
Wilson ran to the river and jumped in fully clothed.
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