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Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

Nova looked down. He desperately wanted it. “We’re supposed to meet with our, uh, teammates tomorrow.” At least, that was the rumor. “Can I come to you after the that?”
Mew seemed to understand. There was a slight, concerned frown he wore... but he nodded anyway and drifted to Nova's own satchel, slipping his ball into it. He once again made a gesture, finger to his lips, and floated back.

"...Thank you, then," Mhynt said quietly. Something about this Mew was so... She didn't know what to think about it. Too many questions, and Mew seemed to not be able to answer.

Mew waved. Light distorted his appearance... and he was invisible again. Perhaps he was running late.
“Take care,” Nova said, offering a friendly wave. He waited for a fair bit. “Hard to trust anyone’s intentions, huh?”
"Tch..." Mhynt turned her head away, arms crossed. "Of course it's hard. And... I don't like how I trusted him so easily. But I didn't sense anything... Psychic about the reason why. I just... understood what he said.

"I don't get it. But I think he's good. And I don't like that I'm confident about that."
"...I used to be one," Mhynt replied honestly. "In fact, the Treecko line is my base form. But... after some blessings, I did... become a Lunala, yes." She traced her foot in the dirt in the shape of a crescent bat. "If I can awaken some of those powers, perhaps I'll be able to use them to help the team more..."
"And so you're worried... there was psychic trickery making you go along with it." Nova tapped a claw on the ground. "I knew a lunala, too. She's... one of the ones I mentioned. Lost her life trying to protect her child." His mask muffled his pensive hum. "Pokémon 'blessed' with enough strength to change into something extraordinary. The light dragon did that, too. Didn't really work out for him."

He shook his head. The helmet jostled in place. "They were both pretty paranoid. Is that just a psychic legend thing?"
"...Perhaps," Mhynt conceded. "When you're aware of psychic trickery, you begin to expect it elsewhere. But what's strange is I didn't sense it from Mew. So, either he is very skilled at it, or..." Mhynt wasn't sure how to finish that.

"It could be instinctual," Mhynt remarked. "Mew, after all. Perhaps in this world, we're... simply less likely to be wary of him. We should be cautious of that." She turned around. "Well. We should see how town is for now. Try to touch base with the others on the team..."
"Right." Nova's shoulders sagged. He trudged up to her side. "Maybe I just... want to believe he has good intentions. Assuming the worst is... just putting myself back home where I can't do anything."
Mhynt's pensive expression softened a little.

"...In all likelihood," Mhynt said, "he has ulterior motives, but I think wanting to help you was in earnest. We can afford to be cautiously optimistic about him."

She walked, hoping that much could be true. Maybe the others would have insight...

She'd leave it to Nova on how much he wanted to tell.

[Ch03] Board-runner Meeting
With some care, Mhynt, with the meeting's discussions still on her mind, returned to the bulletin board for the evening change. Then, she walked past it and to that same rocky landmark as before, waiting for Mew to appear again. She hadn't said anything, simply led the others with her in the hopes it would not spook Mew.

Dusty twilight greeted them. She sighed and wondered if she should unfold her bucket today... No. It won't be too long, she figured.

"What are you expecting from this?" Mhynt asked the others idly.
"I wasn't expecting an entourage," Nova mumbled. "I'm trying to break my mask. This shouldn't... be related to the stuff everyone's actually interested in." At least, he sure hoped that would be the case. Because if other people chose to do or say something that upset Mew, couldn't he turn around and just send Nova away. And cost him his only lead?
Koa stopped from his searching of the landscape around him to look over at Mhynt. "To meet this msyterious mon running this I guess. And to maybe learn more about pokeballs here." He privately was extremely curious to acquire one of his own now that he was a pokemon, but he wasn't getting hopes up. "Maybe see if whoever is doing this can help us somehow..."

He narrowed his gaze thoughtfully. "I know its a secret, but if we're here already, are you able to tell us who we're meeting?"
"I think it's better to let him speak for himself," Nova said, knowing full well Mew was not going to say anything.
Gladion had that itch again, that sense that there was something that would help him understand everything happening around him just out of reach. The bulletin board had been irrelevant to him, he had no interest in the work it offered or the group that surrounded it. Nova’s benefactor, however, was very much important to him.

"What are you expecting from this?”
…but in spite of that, it was hard to pin down exactly what he wanted to know, he just believed there was probably something.

(Perhaps in some sense, chasing something familiar to him— even if it worked differently based on what he’d seen of Nova— offered a sort of hope that what was happening could still be understood, that his life was still comprehensible. But like hell would he ever say anything like that.)

“Learn something?” He offered, “Challenge some of my assumptions and be the better off for knowing? Something like that.”

It was the best balance to avoid dishonesty and earnestness he could find.
"Mm." Mhynt agreed with a nod. "We're still lost and wandering to find information. So, it helps in some ways... to look into this. For any chance at a lead from any anomaly."

In general, she wasn't sure what was going on. But maybe... the more random information they gathered, the more likely things would start to relate to each other. Or, at the very least, they'd find new resources to work with.

A distortion of light formed in front of them. Mhynt glanced at Nova, then back at the distortion. "It's okay," she said. "They are with us."

A pause. No change in the distortion. And then...

It disappeared, once again revealing Mew for all of them to see.

It was the same as before. Nova and Mhynt had an innate trust, or at least the sense that Mew meant no harm to them. Meanwhile, Koa and Gladion didn't feel anything in particular toward this Mew--aside from the natural wonder and surprise that may come from seeing the mythical creature appear right before them.
Mew?! The mon running everything and who'd met Nova and given him the pokeball was Mew? His eyes lit up in surprise and delight, and he barely restrained himself from full on gawking, instead trying his best to mantain semblance of respectfulness and decency. Saints. They might not be like the ones he knew at home even but... He was still face to face with one. A hundred questions bristled on his tongue but he clamped his jaws shut to avoid rambling.

Instead, still quivering with stifled excitement (and his tail wagging), he dipped his head in what he hoped was a respectful greeting. "It's an honor to meet you, Mew. I promise I mean no harm, and I won't tell anyone about you."
Nova looked down. "Dude, is your tail wagging?" He blinked. That look in Koa's eyes. The way he was practically vibrating. "Are... are you fanboying?"

The null was quick to pivot, producing the poké ball from his bag. "Brought my ball with me and everything."
Mew tilted his head, smiling. That seemed to be what he wanted to see. Mew then gestured to a bag behind a rock. He flitted over to it, then returned with several more unused Poke Balls.

Mhynt took a wary step back. "What?" she said. "Us, too?"

Mew stared again, blinking, ears twitching.

"...You mean, for us to see the real Bulletin Board runner, we have to be carried that way? ...Because it's convenient, I suppose. That makes sense..."

Nova, too, understood this intent. Koa and Gladion, though, may feel lost on how Mhynt could so easily intuit Mew's intentions.
"Right." Nova traced a claw through the dirt. "I guess they're... the kind of person who's very secretive." He glanced at Koa and Gladion. "Or would get nervous even with a small group..."
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