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Sojaveña Wilds Totally Normal Bulletin Board

Felin clicked the heel of her boot on the ground. She briefly eyed Mewtwo before glancing back at Nova with a gaze that seemed to say, 'How much can we trust this guy to listen in?'
Nova blinked a few times. "Right. Uhh, well, you did a bunch of stuff for the bulletin board, right?" He glanced between Felin and Mewtwo. "He's the owner. Probably knows more about you by now than you'd even realize. But we can save it for later, I guess."
Mewtwo chuckled, smug as always. "You are cautious with your information. That is wise. Even if it is in my best interest to assist you, you don't have any confirmation of that otherwise."

Mew nodded approvingly, floating in a small spiral nearby.
"Right. Well." Nova glanced between them and the luxury ball. "Is someone going to chuck this at me or does it still work even if I just press the button? And, uh, what's next for training?"
"Next," Mewtwo said, "will be more training, after some rest. Of course, you likely have other obligations to get to, as do we. I suspect we will not be going for longer than noon." He looked at the sky. It was already approaching late morning.

"Now then." Mewtwo took the Luxury Apricorn and tossed it Nova's way, just the same. Compared to the standard Ball, there was a greater, persistent weightlessness behind this one...
And so, Nova was caught for the second time. Briefly, in his head, he imagined some sort of fanfare comprised of MIDI horns or something. And then he shook the head he imagined was there. Maybe the heat had gotten to him a bit?

He remained in there for a bit. The weightlessness could've lulled Nova to sleep, but he forced himself out of the ball again.

"Right." Nova bent over in a stretch. "Break, then back to work."
Mewtwo nodded and stepped away, leaving them to do more training and giving instructions, apparently channeling some of his power, as needed.

Late morning transitioned slowly to the apex of noon. They were getting close, and Mew had fled somewhere to nap or perhaps check on other things.

"That will do," Mewtwo finally remarked, looking at all the rubble of the cleared path. "You did very well, Nova. I hope the exhaustion is outweighed by any alleviation your head might feel... With time, the mask will surely break."
Exhaustion was an understatement. Nova's thanks was practically garbled gibberish. His fur was matted and somehow even dirtier than when he'd gotten up from sleeping on the ground earlier.

After nodding his thanks to both mew and 'two one final time, he retreated into the luxury ball. Ideally, he'd get carried back somewhere where Felin would be comfortable describing what she'd really been up to.
Thankfully, the trip was swift, and Mew deposited the pair back to the bulletin board without any protest. They were free to reemerge at the triangle of rocks to talk to one another. Mew left them to handle, presumably, some other important duties that a Mew did for Mewtwo...

In the afternoon, the area was quiet. Most adventurers were off on missions that the board had posted...
Nova reemerged, despite his fatigue. He did, however, immediately flop onto his belly, caking it with even more dirt than before. Figuring Felin might be able to hear him even inside her ball, he said, "All right, coast's clear. What'd you do for Razael?"
Felin popped out of her pokeball right on cue. She reached down for it and destroyed it without a moment's hesitation. That done, she cleared her throat and adjusted her collar leaf.

"You recall that a handful of our posse had an unfriendly encounter with a charmeleon, right?" She began. "The big Haxorus happened to have a Charmeleon friend at the monastery, a fellow monk of his at the monastery. He wanted me to check on her just in case."
Nova tried to recall if he'd seen Felin at the team meeting or not. He figured it'd just make more sense to ask what she found. "What happened when you visited?"
Felin aired a sigh. "False alarm. Shira hadn't gone missing, and I found her alive and well. She was not the void possessed Charmeleon."
"Good to know." Nova scooted closer. "Because we had a team meeting the other day. Mhynt claims the charmeleon is from her world. They've got... some sort of history." He shrugged. "Maybe they were teammates or coworkers or lovers. Who knows? She's convinced of it, though. Says it's him beyond a shadow of a doubt."

Nova paused and realized his choice of words. He tilted his head so the front of his mask smacked the dirt. "Pun, uh, not intended."
Felin's eyes went wide and she frowned at that revelation. "Someone from her world, you say? What are the odds? Did Betel bring him along prior to us?"
"I don't think so," Nova responded. He was trying to recall the specifics of that part of the conversation, though he was zoning out by then. "I think Mhynt might've been speculating if he'd somehow already gotten shadowed and fell into this world because of that?" He frowned, though the mask hid it. "There's probably a better way to phrase it. Mhynt could offer you more, I'm afraid."
"I see. Might prod her then," Felin muttered. She brought her paw by her chin, her mind taken by a stretch of deep thought. Shortly after, she remembered Nova was beside her. "Anyways, there is one more thing. Help me spread it to the others while you're at it."

Felin turned to face him properly and flicked her fingers, which was surprising because she had cat paws. Was it a trick? "When I at the Abbey, I happened to pick up on something very interesting. Say, have you heard of the Wandering Light before?"
"Can't say that I have," Nova said. He picked his head up and tilted it skyward as much as the helmet would allow. "That a fancy term for a star or a sun? Cuz that's light that 'wanders,' in a way."
Felin waved her paw around and laughed. "No, no, no. It's the name of a mon. Title, if you'd prefer."

She reclined against the wooden frame of the bulletin board as she sat back. "The Wandering Light is a somewhat of a deity the Escarpa Clan revere." She suddenly leaned forward, eyes bursting with excitement.

"They've been seen near Obstine Abbey just recently. Soon as I heard that I came rushing back to fetch a handful of of us to go deity hunting."
Deity hunting sure sounded like the kind of wild adventure that would pique Felin's interest. Nova wasn't sure if he could do much with that information, though. Especially not if he was going to be training with Mew and Two. "You're not... asking me to come, are you?"
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