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Totodile vs Wargle

shy ♡

whispers in gay
Format: 2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 1 week
Damage Cap: 40%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKOs, direct healers, Dig, Earthquake
Arena Description: Cerulean Gym

A very large swimming pool lined with bleachers. There is a floating island in the center, large enough for an Onix to curl up uncomfortably, and land-bound Pokemon may start either here or on the cement surrounding the pool. If such Pokemon jump or are pushed into the water, they must expend 1% energy each action to stay afloat until they climb out (not applicable to water-types). Because of its type affiliation, water-type moves deal 1% more damage for 1% less energy.

[size=+2]Wargle vs Totodile[/size]

Wargle's active squad

charmander Ferno the male Charmander <Blaze> @ Fire Stone
slakoth Sleezy the male Slakoth <Truant> @ Amulet Coin
rufflet Washibon the male Rufflet <Keen Eye> @ Eviolite
sandile Caimanly the male Sandile <Intimidate>
cubchoo Martimur the male Cubchoo <Snow Cloak>
scraggy Scraggy the male Scraggy <Moxie>
solosis Zona the female Solosis <Magic Guard> @ Life Orb
porygon Androgynous Porygon the genderless Porygon <Download> @ Up-Grade
timburr Andro the female Timburr <Sheer Force> @ Black Belt
skrelp Glauert the male Skrelp <Adaptability> @ Lucky Egg

Totodile's active squad

totodile Sobek the male Totodile <Torrent> @ Lucky Egg
luxio Sekhmet the female Luxio <Intimidate> @ Lucky Egg
zubat Camazotz the female Zubat <Inner Focus> @ Black Sludge
ralts Ganymede the male Ralts <Trace> @ Dawn Stone
riolu Anput the female Riolu <Inner Focus> @ Soothe Bell
snorunt Hel the female Snorunt <Ice Body> @ Dawn Stone
cleffa Sin the male Cleffa <Magic Guard> @ Soothe Bell
honedge Perry the male Honedge <No Guard> @ Lucky Egg
deino Wrath the female Deino <Hustle> @ Lucky Egg
pancham Poe the female Pancham <Iron Fist> @ Muscle Band

Totodile sends out, Wargle sends out and attacks, Wargle attacks.
Let's go with Scraggy. kinda nearish the pool I guess, with a lot of space in between the two.

Alright Scraggy, we're two points slower, so we have to fix that. Start off with a good Dragon dance to get going. Once you're nice and faster, go ahead and get rid of that pesky Dawn Stone with Knock off, then boost your attack more with Power up punch.

If you can't hit for any reason besides substitute, use Dragon dance. If you get attracted, use it back to return the love.

Dragon Dance ~ Knock Off/Dragon Dance/Attract ~ Power-Up Punch/Dragon Dance/Attract

By the way, according toe the first post, I respond to my own attacks, and as much as I'd love to let Snorunt get it, I'll let Totodile do it :p
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Thanks Wargle :D

Okay, we're at a disadvantage here, so let's see what we can do. First, poison your dear new friend here, and drop your Dawn Stone while you're at it. It looks like you'll be losing it either way. Then set up some Hail, since that should work in here. Finally, smack him with a Blizzard.

Toxic (drop Dawn Stone) ~ Hail ~ Blizzard
Cerulean Gym

A very large swimming pool lined with bleachers. There is a floating island in the center, large enough for an Onix to curl up uncomfortably, and land-bound Pokemon may start either here or on the cement surrounding the pool. If such Pokemon jump or are pushed into the water, they must expend 1% energy each action to stay afloat until they climb out (not applicable to water-types). Because of its type affiliation, water-type moves deal 1% more damage for 1% less energy.​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body> @dawn stone
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
- ‘:3’

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
‘I’ll punch you right in the face!!’

Upon release, both pokemon take a moment to examine their arena, neither one particularly adept at, well… swimming. They’re pretty grateful that they’ve been put on the outskirts of the pool, and for the floaties on top of said pool, since they don’t fancy a dip in the water any time soon. It’s hard to tell which one is more fearful - scraggy at least has noticeably limbs with which to swim, but Hel might float, since it’s… hard to tell what she’s made out of, really. These thoughts dwell on their minds while they turn their focus to battle, probably not helping much…

Scraggy begins, bouncing from foot to foot, punching the air like a tiny boxer. A green rush of energy flows up his body, giving him a burst of adrenaline to keep him going strong - even when a slop of purple goo lands right by his side, burning into the gym’s ceramic floor. Hel looks utterly dismayed at her miss, and so does scraggy; that was meant for him. He stops his bouncing and stares first at the hissing acids, then at the snorunt, re-assessing his opponent. Nasty.

Now thoroughly pumped, scraggy rushes around the pool, stepping gingerly around the still-fuming toxic, his tiny fists raised. A dark glow burns around them and as he quickly reaches Hel, he slams his paws into her side, trying to swipe off her - her - but she’d already dropped her dawn stone, damn it, and he paws aimlessly at her instead. Though she certainly isn’t happy at the slight bruise forming on her side, she still smirks at the trick she’s managely to pull off.

Now, she just has to pull off one more. Though indoors, she turns her body to look upwards, praying silently to the ice-gods above to shower her with their blessings. She keeps murmuring, and nothing seems to happen for quite a while, much to her dismay; she’s convinced it won’t work, and about to give up, when the first tiny hail stone smacks into her icy hide. She yelps with shock and delight, beginning to heal a bit from that previous knock off, and then more fall down, an absolute storm overwhelming both her and scraggy. The poor lizard tries to cover his head with his hoody, but nothing stops the torrent of ice from smacking him; only the bottom of the pool seems to get any relief, and he’s certainly not going down there.

No… his only choice is to enact some revenge. Glowering, he raises his fist, now glowing a slight orange, and slams it heavily down on Hel’s smiling face. Her smile evaporates to be replaced with a deep grimace - that hurt worse than the knock off before! Another bruise is forming, and the ice is only small comfort now.

Oh, but she can play at revenge too.

Her body grows, swelling, doubling in size, collecting in air and falling hail stones until she’s lost her former shape and is just a strange ball of sucked-in cheeks - and she lets it all out in one massive breath. Out, out, an enormous gush of freezing wind and ice covering the gym and scraggy’s shocked face, coating the top of the pool in a thin layer of ice, until Hel is reduced back to her normal size, completely out of breath. She gasps a bit, pulling in air to refill her lungs, and admires her handiwork.​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body>
Health: 87%
Energy: 86%
- ‘Everything will be ice!!’ Ice Body active.

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 85%
Energy: 92%
‘o__o cold…’ +2 atk +1 spe.

Arena Notes:
Hail is falling from the rooftop (7 more actions). The water is beginning the frost over. There’s a dawn stone on the floor next to Hel and scraggy.

Final Notes:
  • Toxic missed… bad luck there.
  • Totodile next.
I guess it's just as well Toxic missed, since he has Shed Skin and everything.

Do some more Avalanching if he hits you with a damaging move, but use Frost Breath if he doesn't. But if he Protects, Chill.

Avalance/Frost Breath/Chill x3
Ok, well we're going to try something novel here.

Get rid of this pesky hail. If hail can work inside I see no reason sun can't. Then when that's up, we can abuse types and weather and boosts with Fire Punch. Finish it off by stopping his last turn.

Sunny Day ~ Fire Punch ~ Fake Out
Cerulean Gym

A very large swimming pool lined with bleachers. There is a floating island in the center, large enough for an Onix to curl up uncomfortably, and land-bound Pokemon may start either here or on the cement surrounding the pool. If such Pokemon jump or are pushed into the water, they must expend 1% energy each action to stay afloat until they climb out (not applicable to water-types). Because of its type affiliation, water-type moves deal 1% more damage for 1% less energy.​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body>
Health: 87%
Energy: 86%
- ‘Everything will be ice!!’ Ice Body active.

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 85%
Energy: 92%
‘o__o cold…’ +2 atk +1 spe.

Clearly sick of the ice rocks hitting him, scraggy turns his head to the ceiling and mumbles a few choice words. For a few moments, nothing quite happens, but as this was quite similiar to earlier events scraggy wasn’t so worried. And indeed, quite suddenly and strangely a tiny bright orb materialized near the ceiling, growing stronger and hotter until the hail was melting before it reached the floor, the frost coating the pool entirely gone. All that remained of the hail were puddles of water across the gym, while the intense fake-sun shone on.

Squinting her eyes now, and clearly dissapointed, Hel sucked in another deep breath and released it all at once on the nearby scraggy. Scraggy yelped in shock; it seemed to have hit a nerve, perhaps a bruise formed by the falling ice, and he paws his side where the ice had struck quite gingerly.

Now frustrated, scraggy drew his fist outwards, drawing energy from the warming sun. His fist erupted into flames, and all at once he brought it down on Hel, striking her across the cheek - but she braced herself, and as he drew his fist back, she roared furiously. The melted ice now rushed into the air, re-freezing and slamming into scraggy along with Hel’s tiny weight. Somehow the impact felt so much heavier, doubled by the strength of scraggy’s own attack, the ice punching him back to the floor as he’d done to Hel. She landed and stared at him, he stared back, an uneasy tension neither dared break.

Hel didn’t even notice scraggy move; he was too fast, and he slammed into her, smacking her light but fast back-handed. She stumbled back, overwhemled by the shock, not even remembering her commands …​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body>
Health: 65%
Energy: 76%
- ‘Wh —‘

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 60%
Energy: 80%
‘Hah!’ +2 atk +1 spe.

Arena Notes:
There’s a tiny sun that’s shining brightly (6 more actions). There’s a dawn stone on the floor next to Hel and scraggy.

Final Notes:
  • Frost Breath was (obviously) a crit.
  • Wargle next.
Scraggy being in two battles at once is confusing. Oh well.

Let's make hay while the sun shines. Get a fire punch out for great damage. Then go ahead and do yourself a favor and Drain Punch some health back. Then have a bite to eat.

If you can't hit for any reason besides a sub, Bulk Up. If Snorunt uses avalanche, use Spit the next turn

Fire Punch/Bulk Up ~ Drain Punch/Bulk Up/Spite ~ Crunch/Bulk Up/Spite
Don't worry, Hel! Get some more hail going. Then Mimic his Drain Punch. Finally, smack him with a Blizzard.

Hail ~ Mimic (Drain Punch) ~ Blizzard
Cerulean Gym

A very large swimming pool lined with bleachers. There is a floating island in the center, large enough for an Onix to curl up uncomfortably, and land-bound Pokemon may start either here or on the cement surrounding the pool. If such Pokemon jump or are pushed into the water, they must expend 1% energy each action to stay afloat until they climb out (not applicable to water-types). Because of its type affiliation, water-type moves deal 1% more damage for 1% less energy.​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body>
Health: 65%
Energy: 76%
- ‘Wh—‘

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 60%
Energy: 80%
‘Hah!’ +2 atk +1 spe.

Scraggy wastes no time. He raises his fist and draws the heat from the blazing sun to it, smashing it down on Hel’s heavily bruised face (body?). The snorunt cries out in pain, but it does manage to break her out of her stupor, and she whines pitifully at the … ceiling… It answers her, the thinned clouds drawing back, blotting out the sun and releasing their pent-up hail stones back to the gym floor. Hel gives a sigh of relief; gone is the sun, and the ice is doing wonders to her aching skin.

She’s only got a moment to enjoy it, though. Scraggy draws back his other fist, gathering up a different sort of energy now, more familiar to him, and brings it down on Hel’s other cheek. The impact is way harder than either one expected, so hard it sends Hel tumbling back end over end until she manages to stabilize herself on her tiny feet. Scraggy, meanwhile, has drawn the life force from her wound, sucking it back through his knuckles into his body, and he feels worlds better for it.

Hel shakes herself, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in her entire body. It’s hard to concentrate, but she blocks it out, focusing on remembering everything scraggy had done - how he’d drawn up his fist, gathered up a strange energy towards it, just how he’d punched her, and the life force that had sapped towards him from her. Yes… she thinks she can do that…

Grinning now, a dark fluid was clearly visible between scraggy’s sharp teeth, and he ran clumsily towards Hel. She yelled but couldn’t avoid it as his jaws closed on her, the dark ooze burning at her skin - and she let loose an enormous breath of cold air, blasting him off her and several feet backwards. He landed hard on his butt, the icy winds still blowing, freezing him tot he ground. His eyes were huge as he realized what had happened - he tried to punch at his legs, at the ice encrusting him there, but it was too thick, he couldn’t move at all.​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body>
Health: 26%
Energy: 65%
- ‘Ugg…‘ Mimic replaced with Drain Punch.

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 56%
Energy: 68%
‘Lemme go!!’ Legs are frozen (severe). +2 atk +1 spe.

Arena Notes:
Hail is falling (6 more actions). There’s a dawn stone on the floor next to Hel and scraggy.

Final Notes:
  • Drain Punch was a critical hit.
  • Blizzard froze scraggy.
  • Totodile next.
Hmm. Okay, change of plans. Keep your distance, and he shouldn't be able to do much. Use Blizzard if it's hailing, but Ice Beam if it's not, and switch between them if he Torments you. If he Protects, use Reflect, but only do that once.

Blizzard/Ice Beam/Reflect x3
Cerulean Gym

A very large swimming pool lined with bleachers. There is a floating island in the center, large enough for an Onix to curl up uncomfortably, and land-bound Pokemon may start either here or on the cement surrounding the pool. If such Pokemon jump or are pushed into the water, they must expend 1% energy each action to stay afloat until they climb out (not applicable to water-types). Because of its type affiliation, water-type moves deal 1% more damage for 1% less energy.​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body>
Health: 26%
Energy: 65%
- ‘Ugg…‘ Mimic replaced with Drain Punch.

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 56%
Energy: 68%
‘Lemme go!!’ Legs are frozen (severe). +2 atk +1 spe.

Hel eagerly doubles in size again, not waiting for the frozen scraggy to escape his icy prison, and blasts him with another facefull of snow. The force nearly knocks him straight out of the ice encasing his lower body - only nearly, though, and instead he has to wobble to regain his balance while feeling like he’s been dunked into a tank of ice water. His entire body is going numb, ice hailing on him, his legs barely detectable, his arms quickly rubbing the snow clinging to his face … oh, he’s definitely had enough. Pitifully now, he whines at the ceiling, or the clouds blocking it, and waits anxiously for the sun to reappear… and sure enough, it does, popping out of the storming clouds and scaring them off like scared cats from a chasing dog. Soon, like before, only puddles remain as evidence of the hail, and the sun is so strong that the ice encasing Scraggy melts almost immediately. He can almost feel his legs again!

Jumping from foot to foot, Scraggy’s chipper mood seems to have returned with the sun, and he barks his joy at Hel. Oh, her stupid clouds are gone now, huh?? Scared of a bit of sun? Bet she’ll try and call the hail back - hide behind some ice shards like a baby, can’t she do anything else, little baby! Hel’s cheeks burn red with fury, and she puffs up to release a thin beam of frost towards the boasting Scraggy, blasting him off his feet with the shock of it. He slides on the wet floor and rises slowly, smugness gone from his face; the sun’s warmed him up, sure, but he’s clearly hurting.

Hel puffs up again, ready to release another beam, but Scraggy’s even faster. He raises up a thin shield, clearly visible in the sunlight, and Hel pauses, unsure. The rage pushes her forward though, too hot to let her think, and she releases the built-up ice, crashing as shards across Scraggy’s shield. He winces a bit with the pressure of keeping it up, but the ice runs out fast and he lets it down, relieved. Hel’s fury is still clear, though - she’s ready to kill.​

Totodile (Oo)
Hel (f) <ice body>
Health: 26%
Energy: 51%
- ‘YOUUuuuu!!!‘ Taunted (1 more actions), Mimic replaced with Drain Punch.

Wargle (Oo)
(m) <moxie>
Health: 32%
Energy: 55%
‘9_9’ +2 atk +1 spe.

Arena Notes:
Sun is shining (6 more actions). There’s a dawn stone on the floor next to Hel and scraggy.

Final Notes:
  • The ice made scraggy slower, so Hel got a blizzard in before the sun came out and thawed scraggy.
  • Was a bit unsure what to do when scraggy protected, but figured that since Hel was given the option of an attacking move, she should go with that.
  • Wargle next.
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Is scraggy still frozen? You mention him thawing and he was moving about but the stats say severe freezing
Righty. Let's start big yes? Go for the damage output. Keep using it. If the weather is ever not sunny, make it sunny. If you can't hit for any reason besides a sub, use Dragon Dance.

Fire Punch/Sunny day/Dragon Dance. x3
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