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What methods of transportation do you use frequently?

  • Plane. I live in Cambodia and can't get anywhere else otherwise

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Helicopter. I'm a flying ambulance.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Boat. I sail the seas, AYE

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
(and in our defence, the London Underground, while horrifically expensive (£4 for a single journey within Zone 1??) is far and away the easiest to navigate tube system I've ever come across)
but still this very annoying!

I mean, they close half the damn system at any one time and they expect to get away with such ridiculous prices? fff.
Bus to/from school, on foot to anywhere within walking distance (which is pretty much nowhere of interest whatsoever), car everywhere else. That is, being driven, not driving myself. Like Cirrus and goldenquagsire I really could not care less about learning to drive, at least until there's actually anywhere I need to go. Not that I could afford it anyway.

I remember taking the bus very frequently when I was little, when my mum went shopping or whatever. I also remember staying at my nan's house each weekend, and I'm not terribly sure how we got over there considering my mum definitely didn't drive back then :/

I want to badly to vote "helicopter" :>
Helicopter fo 'sho, that's just how I ROLL.

So terrible lameness aside, I live in a general nowhere-land and thus car ends up being the option most of the time. The only place within reasonable biking distance, only -barely- walking, is the market, so I do opt for that at times. Everything else is at least a 15 minute drive that cuts through some major motorways.
It doesn't help much that I'm in the doesn't-care-to-drive set. I can, though, I just tend not to. If there's something I hate more than people, it's people with a couple tons of metal under their control. l: Particularly Little-Miss-Cellphone and gtfo-The-Road-Grandpa.

There's no public transport around me persay, but there sure are a lot of Freight Trains. To get stuck behind. Constantly.
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