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Frontier Town Traveller's Haus - Guest Rooms

“Corey Holdaway…” parroted Silver, nodding slowly as he fully assimilated both name and species. “And mine’s Silver Tsubaki.”
Silver Tsubaki... now why did that name strike him as just a tad familiar somehow... For a second or two he paused to think it over. 'Tsubaki' was the kind of surname he expected to hear around the Kanto-Johto area in particular, but that wasn't the part that was irritatingly sparking the faintest light in the back of his mind.

"Silver, huh? Certainly a stand-out name," he eventually said, deciding to just leave it at that for now. Otherwise he'd just be weirding this guy out.

“Holdaway, huh? Am I wrong to assume that you might be,” his tone lowered slightly, “human? Because, as far as I’ve noticed, Pokémon born as Pokémon don’t have sophisticated surnames…”

"No, no you're right. I kinda assumed up front you were one likewise for the same reason... well that and the hair..." He couldn't help but be up front about that, Silver's hair was absolutely beyond anything he'd seen on any kind of Sneasel ever.

"Anyways, now that we both know our mutual 'dark secret,' let's get down to brass tacks. What's this job of yours?"
"Silver, huh? Certainly a stand-out name,"

Silver shrugged. “Heh. I guess I’m one of the lucky kids who got names based on colors during the Color Craze. Y’know, when the peak originality was calling your kid Red, Green, Blue Leaf, or Gold.”

"No, no you're right. I kinda assumed up front you were one likewise for the same reason... well that and the hair..."

As soon as Corey mentioned his hair, Silver held a tuft between his claws and grinned proudly. “Ah, yes! If there’s one thing that Talking Cloud got right was recreating my hair!” His mouth straightened into a thin line. “I’d surely would’ve been furious if I ended up… ugh, bald.”

He shuddered at the mental image of himself without his trademark tufts, before shaking his head to forget that cursed display from his mind.

“Interestingly enough, nobody’s pointed that out to me so far. I guess most ‘mons here assume that I’m some regional variant or something, since even the color of my pelt is unusual for a Poison Sneasel.” He motioned to his body. “And if anyone were to ask, I’d just dismiss that as some unique coloring or something. Which, well, wouldn’t be false!”

"Anyways, now that we both know our mutual 'dark secret,' let's get down to brass tacks. What's this job of yours?"

“Right. That matter.”

Silver sat on his bed and patted an empty spot, inviting Corey to sit if he so wished. Then, he produced his training wig and ran a claw through the locks.

“Well… Where I come from, I’m a Pokémon Trainer. And as you can guess, there isn’t really much demand for a human-turned-Pokémon coaching other Pokémon. Even less if said human is as inexperienced as most untrained people.”

He sighed and held the wig close to his chest. “So, I decided to try something different. Since I, well, have good expertise with taking care of hair,” he patted his own red fur, “I thought that I could capitalize on my knowledge, and do something that I wouldn’t be able to do in my world.”

Silver grumbled and stared down at the wig. “But I wanna do more than just cleaning some barber’s floor. I wanna… let’s say, level up, and prove my talent.” He frowned. “However, I can’t even braid some hair without creating tangles and knots. And that was my source of frustration a while ago.”
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"I mean, you're naming some pretty iconic trainers where I come from, so that's not the worst company," Corey said in regards to the names Silver had listed off. The only one that seemed slightly off was Gold, but then, he did recall someone used that as their nickname around the time they got big... or maybe it was the other way around and they used another name as a way to stay out of the public eye... That had all happened nearly half a decade ago, and he'd been plenty distracted with work at the time, so he couldn't remember the finer details.

“Ah, yes! If there’s one thing that Talking Cloud got right was recreating my hair!” His mouth straightened into a thin line. “I’d surely would’ve been furious if I ended up… ugh, bald.”

"Well, sometimes I wonder if bald would be better than the stupid haircut I'm stuck with," Corey muttered, lifting his hat to show off the trademark helmet-like bowl cut of his kind. "Seriously, I don't know why biology went this way with this species, but I guess one could say the same for a number of other Pokemon..." Okay, now he was rambling, back to the topic at hand...

Gratefully moving to take a seat upon being invited, he observed the wig carefully as Silver explained his dilemma...

He sighed and held the wig close to his chest. “So, I decided to try something different. Since I, well, have good expertise with taking care of hair,” he patted his own red fur, “I thought that I could capitalize on this talent, and do something that I wouldn’t be able to do in my world.”

Silver grumbled and stared down at the wig. “But I wanna do more than just cleaning some barber’s floor. I wanna… let’s say, level up, and prove my ability.” He frowned. “However, I can’t even braid some hair without creating tangles and knots. And that was my source of frustration a while ago.”

"Okay, so, you wanna be a stylist, but... let me assume it's your claws that are proving problematic?" Now, Corey had to admit that these claws of Silver's were actually more dextrous-looking than that of your average Sneasel, and he'd heard that historically there had been a variation in the past that needed such claws to climb mountains up in what was now the Sinnoh region, but for a human, that would still be quite the hurdle to cross when one was used to little more than finger nails.

"Alright, let's see here... You need to keep your claws from getting the hair all tangled up... Kind of a simple suggestion here but, have you considered some kind of gloves?"
"Well, sometimes I wonder if bald would be better than the stupid haircut I'm stuck with," Corey muttered, lifting his hat to show off the trademark helmet-like bowl cut of his kind. "Seriously, I don't know why biology went this way with this species, but I guess one could say the same for a number of other Pokemon..."

Silver chuckled in amusement. “Welcome to the Pokémon world, as some professors would say.” He stopped chuckling to show a genuine grin. “I don’t think it’s that terrible, but I could offer you a trim or something, if you wish.” He winked. “Heck, I could even give you a discount!”

"Okay, so, you wanna be a stylist, but... let me assume it's your claws that are proving problematic?"


"Alright, let's see here... You need to keep your claws from getting the hair all tangled up... Kind of a simple suggestion here but, have you considered some kind of gloves?"

Silver pondered that suggestion, his ear flicking with intrigue. “Gloves, you say?”

Unconsciously, he began drumming a set of claws on the desk, before his gaze turned to his own paw and the rhythm of the wooden sounds.

“Hmm… I was considering getting some gloves, actually. However, my intention was to avoid poisoning people by mistake. These claws can be… annoyingly sensitive at times.” He paused to think things through, then turned back to Corey, his claws still. “So, you think that some gloves could help with my limited dexterity with my claws?”
“I don’t think it’s that terrible, but I could offer you a trim or something, if you wish.” He winked. “Heck, I could even give you a discount!”
"Hah... you know, kid, I might take you up on that offer," Corey said in amusement, though he was hardly joking. Seriously he hated that hair...

“Gloves, you say?”
“Hmm… I was considering getting some gloves, actually. However, my intention was to avoid poisoning people by mistake. These claws can be… annoyingly sensitive at times.” He paused to think things through, then turned back to Corey, his claws still. “So, you think that some gloves could help with my limited dexterity with my claws?”
"Honestly I do," Corey said with a nod. "Think about it like this, one of the biggest problems you've got here is that you're basically trying to style hair with... well... blades. Even with the minor telekinesis we all get, you're gonna inevitably get strands of hair getting tangled and split or god-forbid even sliced off when that wasn't your intention. However, with the right kind of gloves, you'd be cushioning that sharpness, which means all you have to worry about is your concentration."
Silver nodded slowly, taking in what Corey was saying. It made sense; far too many times he had to focus hard to avoid accidentally clawing away strands and other material, and that in turn reduced the accuracy of his movements.

That was something he had noticed with Nyula, too. A Sneasel’s way of using their paws involved plenty of rough hacking-and-clawing, which was very far from the pinpoint precision required for more delicate and meticulous tasks. So, if he removed the whole “holding back” out of the question…

Silver smiled faintly. “…Okay, then. I’ll see to check somewhere if I can find some gloves for clawed ‘mons. Thanks.” He chuckled. “Oh, I wonder if Edward Scizorhands had similar struggles!”

Feeling lighter after that conversation, Silver placed the wig back on the desk, before staring curiously at Corey. “Y’know, you’re good at problem-solving. Were you a psychologist in your world or something?”
Corey smiled rather brightly to see that his advice was actually helpful... and of course, sensing that growing, if faint, positivity from Silver definitely made it all the more satisfying in turn.

“Y’know, you’re good at problem-solving. Were you a psychologist in your world or something?”

He couldn't help but laugh at the very idea.

"Me? Oh, definitely not. I was a researcher in my world, a Pokemon researcher. I've had the good fortune to work as an aide to professors the world over, even a few of the real premier ones. Just recently I'd finished a stint working for Professor Birch over in Hoenn for instance... and I remember a few years ago, I was so close to getting employed by Elm's team, but ah... that was around the time of the incident, so he was a little too paranoid to bring in new help for a while, unfortunately... Never really found out what happened to that Chikorita, my travels never really brought me back to Johto since then... but that's all just reminiscing. Point is I've picked up a lot of things from all those different experts. Never would've thought any of that would help me out in this fashion, but, hey, life's unpredictable, ain't it?"
Ah, a Pokémon researcher! That piqued Silver’s curiosity even more, since his interactions with professors were… strained, to say the least. He listened keenly to the retelling of the other former human, nodding once in a while to let him know he was following the conversation.

Silver couldn’t deny that Corey had quite the curriculum! Traveling the world and learning from the major experts in everything related to Pokémon? Heck, just getting to work with great celebrities like Prof. Oak and the likes must have been both an immense privilege and an honor.

Though there was a curious fact that Silver noticed during the conversation. While his ear heard the words ‘Professor Elm’, his brain matched that surname with a professor he knew all too well: Dr. Utsugi. Perhaps the multiversal translator had something to do with that strange connection?

Dismissing that observation as yet another cloudy shenanigan, his thoughts wandered in another direction. The now-Sneasel idly wondered if he would have gotten the chance of training under some important Champion. Well… as long he didn't get that dragon-obsessed Wataru as a mentor, of course! He still had a score to settle for the humiliation in that Rocket hideout.

“Oh yeah. Life loves throwing curveballs and making sure that things are never boring, huh?” quipped Silver, before snickering softly. “I bet no human hero would’ve ever dreamed of being stuffed in some Pokémon body, either. But well,” he shrugged, “since we’re now in this dance together, now we gotta dance, no?”

Then Silver’s grin faltered. There was one detail that buzzed incessantly in his mind. A detail that felt… ominously familiar.

“However, there’s something I gotta ask. You mentioned some kinda… accident that happened with Professor Elm and a Chikorita.” Silver couldn’t help but feel his stomach squeezing, and a cloud of suspicion coiled in his mind. “If you don’t mind me asking, what kinda incident was that?”
“However, there’s something I gotta ask. You mentioned some kinda… accident that happened with Professor Elm and a Chikorita.” Silver couldn’t help but feel his stomach squeezing, and a cloud of suspicion coiled in his mind. “If you don’t mind me asking, what kinda incident was that?”

“What kind of incident?” Oh, duh, of course he needed to elaborate. Sure it may have been big news to him but he was talking to someone from a different world after all.

“Well, the police said someone broke into Elm’s lab in New Bark Town one day while the professor was occupied with another matter and snatched one of the starter Pokémon he kept for new trainers in the area. I remember some rumblings that it might have been a Rocket job, but they never work alone, they’re too incompetent to get away with that… Like I said I wasn’t there long enough to find out the whole story but I do have my theory…” At that, Corey rested one of his stubby hands on his chin in a pondering fashion.

“It seems more like the work of some wayward kid who probably just didn’t know what he was doing… I just hope if that’s the case, he came around to treating that Pokémon right… The bond between humans and Pokémon is something truly special if it’s one of mutual respect and care, but it’s the responsibility of the human trainer to instigate that bond. Otherwise the Pokémon has no obligation to stick around, let alone cooperate.”
Apex Note

- Silver talks about his past… by defending ???

The very moment that Corey began describing the theft at the laboratory, Silver’s heart plummeted. Outside, he might have showed a stoic and serious expression, but deep inside he was battered by a hurricane of scorching memories and past regrets.

‘That… So, it was really… me…’ Silver took a deep breath, trying to keep his jumbled emotions in check. ‘Or, well, it was another me from a parallel world, but still! Just… Why? Why did my… clone have to make the same mistake?’

And what followed did nothing more than confirm all his suspicions and weigh further on Silver’s heart…

“It seems more like the work of some wayward kid who probably just didn’t know what he was doing… I just hope if that’s the case, he came around to treating that Pokémon right… The bond between humans and Pokémon is something truly special if it’s one of mutual respect and care, but it’s the responsibility of the human trainer to instigate that bond. Otherwise the Pokémon has no obligation to stick around, let alone cooperate.”

“…You’re right. He didn’t know what he was doing. And even if he did, he didn’t care about the consequences.”

Silver blinked, then his eyes widened when he realized what he had just blurted out. “I-I mean! That’s what I believe, anyway!”

The now-Sneasel crossed his arms, considering what to do or say. Could he really hold himself accountable for what a clone from a parallel dimension had done? Though, who better than a Silver could tell what another Silver might have gone through?

“I… can’t really speak for whoever took that Chikorita, but… um… if it was indeed a kid, then that sounds like an immature stunt.”

Silver tapped his claws together, fighting hard to keep his voice steady. If anything, it was good to let that matter off his chest, even if he was speaking about an alternate version of himself.

“Perhaps that kid was confused, or uncertain, or under pressure for whatever reason. Who can tell for sure? Kids, well, can take bad decisions and make idiotic mistakes. Many of them don’t know any better, or they have no other option.”

I didn’t know any better, and I didn’t have other options…

“But! Life can be a great, if at times ruthless, teacher. And if you don’t humble down and recognize your own mistakes and flaws, then you won’t go far.”

And that was a lesson he had to learn the hard way, many times. But even if that wasn’t a pleasant experience, he was grateful to have met people who opened his eyes and got through his stubbornness.

“If it’s been years… I’m sure that the kid has gotten the time to grow, make mistakes, and get back up. They might have gained experience, and learned about the world, about friendship, about how to be a better person.”

Somehow, a sense of clarity and serenity flooded through his entire body. He really had learned and grown a lot, hadn’t he?

“Also yeah. A Trainer’s job is to recognize the potential of their Pokémon and treat them like valuable allies, but most of all, like friends. To take care of them and show love and trust.”

At that point, Silver began smiling sincerely. Thinking about his team brought him much comfort and an immense sense of gratitude. They had worked so hard together. He couldn’t have asked for better friends.

“And! I wouldn’t be surprised if that Chikorita helped that kid as well! And I bet that by now it has become a strong, healthy and happy Meganium.” He nodded, his expression and voice brimming with confidence. “At least, I like to believe so.”
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By this point, Corey had very much come to connect the dots, though this was hardly the time to act accusatory or otherwise. He could sense that the boy was going through quite the rollercoaster of emotions, and he was clearly referring to himself when discussing this 'kid'. In some ways, Silver's remarks gave him some comfort, knowing that if the Silver in his world had similar principles and the chance to develop them in a similar way, then indeed, somewhere on his world both the Pokemon and the boy were doing alright together.

"...I wouldn’t be surprised if that Chikorita helped that kid as well! And I bet that by now it has become a strong, healthy and happy Meganium.” He nodded, his expression and voice brimming with confidence. “At least, I like to believe so.”

"Y'know, kid, I think you're right," Corey said with a knowing sort of grin. "And I'm sure wherever he is, he's out there with that Meganium and the rest of his team, getting stronger together, and who knows, maybe they've even proven themselves heroes somewhere along the line. Far stranger things have happened after all, yeah?"
"Y'know, kid, I think you're right," Corey said with a knowing sort of grin. "And I'm sure wherever he is, he's out there with that Meganium and the rest of his team, getting stronger together, and who knows, maybe they've even proven themselves heroes somewhere along the line. Far stranger things have happened after all, yeah?"

Silver smirked, then laughed heartily. “Well! That’d be quite the plot twist, wouldn’t it? But… yeah! It would be really cool, and the proof that even misguided guys can find the right path.”

And I hope I’ll get the chance to prove myself someday, too…

“Ah, but anyway… With this tangent and the lotsa stuff that rushed to my mind, I forgot to ask you what you’re researching.” He leaned on the wall, relishing the cool sensation on his fur. “Is there some branch that you’re studying or something?”
"Well, that's the thing, lately I've kinda been... between subjects," Corey said rather sheepishly.

"See, I've been trying to figure out a subject I could specialize in, but with so many experts out there already, it's kinda difficult finding something that'll really make me stand out. It's gotten to the point where I've been resorting to subjects of myth and legend and hoping I'll uncover a truth beneath it all... Funny enough, I might have gotten somewhere with that, but... well now I'm a tiny little man with weird hair and a body that looks like a baby romper, and I won't even remember any of this crap when it's all said and done..." Oh, great, now he was hoisting his issues on a teenager who had enough troubles of his own to deal with...

"Sorry, ah... short answer is I'm still figuring it out."
Silver held his paws out and flashed a neutral, but somewhat reassuring, expression. “Hey, now, it’s alright. I know how it’s like looking for some achievement you can claim as your own in a saturated environment.” He shrugged. “Besides, it’s better to take your time finding something you like than to settle for something you don't like for much longer. Dontcha agree?”

Tired of sitting, he hopped off of his bed, still holding his gaze on Corey. “Oh. Also, if it helps. You’re a Ralts now, and that means that someday you’re gonna evolve into a Gardevoir or a Gallade.” He grinned widely, showing his tiny fangs. “And those are really badass species! So chin up; that baby form or whatever won't last for long, if you train hard every day!”

Silver looked briefly at the practice wig, then back at Corey. “Anyway! I think I’m gonna go to the plaza and see if I find those gloves. I guess you wanna go back to your room now, but I’d be fine with you tagging along for a while, if you wish.”
“Hey, now, it’s alright. I know how it’s like looking for some achievement you can claim as your own in a saturated environment.” He shrugged. “Besides, it’s better to take your time finding something you like than to settle for something you don't like for much longer. Dontcha agree?”

Corey let out a light chuckle, amused that Silver was now the one trying to get him to think on the more positive side of things, and to be fair he made a good point.

"Yeah, y'know, you're right, last thing you'd want is to be stuck doing something you hate for the rest of your life." Indeed, and though he might not remember any of these escapades, maybe he could at least pick up where he left off on that island... provided it was still there when he awoke... best not to think too much about that right now, lest the anxiety come creeping back.

Oh. Also, if it helps. You’re a Ralts now, and that means that someday you’re gonna evolve into a Gardevoir or a Gallade.” He grinned widely, showing his tiny fangs. “And those are really badass species! So chin up; that baby form or whatever won't last for long, if you train hard every day!”

"Hah, you know your stuff, kid," Corey replied with another grin as he likewise hopped off the bed.

"Honestly I think I need to catch a nap or something, I've been wearing myself out trying to keep up with those little bulletin board missions and bounty hunter tagalongs. I appreciate the offer though, I'm sure we'll run into each other again soon enough, then maybe we can even follow up on that haircut. You ever need some more cheering up, you know who to call, alright? Just skip the whole door-slamming part next time."

At that, he gave the Sneasel a nod and another psychic tip of his hat before excusing himself, heading back to his room. The troubled thoughts had died down for now, thanks to that conversation. Perhaps now he could get some rest and clear his mind.

[Ch01] Everything is shit [Dave solo]
Dave stumbled back to the Traveller's Haus, vision swimming. Gerome's cactus whiskey really had had a kick.

He'd been a couple of drinks in when Odette, the Mawile from the minecart, had sidled up to him and asked if he'd caught what she'd been saying back at the dining hall. Well, no, he hadn't, but she'd clearly wanted him to find out.

Supposedly, then, this Sonora person was some lovable rogue type who wasn't even planning to steal anything, just hoping to nobly sabotage the mayor's slimy gentrification plans about buying all the land out from under the locals. If she was to be believed, anyway. Who the fuck could say? Wouldn't the highway robber approaching normies for help claim to have some noble motivation? Didn't have to mean shit. Something about her knowing Brisa, the Escarpa kid Gerome had mentioned. So what. None of this fucking changed anything. If grass cat Robin Hood over there knew what was best for her and her little gang she'd stay the fuck away. Publicly crashing the party of the judge-jury-executioner-mayor was just childish fucking noise that'd get them all killed, and for fucking what? Stupid motherfuckers.

She had also supposedly said the point was this gala thing was going to be full of rich types from out of town that the mayor wanted to impress so they'd finance his bullshit. From out east, then? The Commonwealth? Were those the human supremacist types they were supposed to stop? That was the bit that kept spinning around in his head. Something to do. He could go to the fucking gala and see who these fuckers were. Maybe tell them why they should not give all their money to the guy who'd spend it building statues of himself and sentencing people to death for petty crimes.


He crashed on his bed. He'd be pretty fucking hungover in the morning. Morning. Wasn't there somewhere he was going to go in the morning? Fuck. Fuck.

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[Ch01] Team Two Men and a Cat debrief on the situation [Corey, Archie, Tarahn]
After the fight at the river, Tarahn had retired to a comfy spot in a crawlspace under a building to sleep off his injuries, and now he was awake and nosing around town to see what his buddies were up to. One building in particular seemed to be the nexus of a lot of familiar smells and tasty ones. For reasons known only to him, he scaled the side of it to a window left slightly open and shoved and wriggled his way in, thumping onto the floor to the dismay and grim resignation of its occupant.

"Hey Corey," Tarahn said, picking up his now-somehow-more-filthy hat off the floorboards. "You seem sad! I won't try to hug you because we fell down really hard that other time. What are you sad about?"
Corey had been spending time meditating on his bed, trying to calm his mind and think over the situation with as much rationality as he could muster. Most of his outfit was carefully hung up nearby, apart from the slacks and undershirt (because frankly, he was done waltzing around without pants or a shirt on. Pokemon or not it just felt wrong to his human mind.) As he sought to reach a sort of peaceful ponderance, the whole thing was completely disrupted by the unexpected sound of someone greeting him... in his room... uninvited. The surprise launched him right off the bed and onto the floor, no-doubt causing the exact catastrophe that his companion was trying to prevent.

"Tarahn! What the hell!" he remarked in agitation as picked himself back up and dusted himself off. "You can't just be barging into someone's private dorm, man! It just ain't proper! How'd you even get all the way up here anyway?!"
Archie was on his own way back to his room, new fancy duds folded over his arm (Tailored pants! A tie and waistcoat! Comfortable silk undershirt! A fedora that fit him! Pince-nez with black tinted lens! Even a little belt holster for his scalchop!) when he was interrupted by the sound of two thuds, interspersed by the sound of voices, behind a specific door as he passed it. Familiar voices, behind a familiar door.

His curiosity peaked, Archie first tried the knob, only to discover it locked. So he pounded on the door with his free paw instead. “Corey? Tarahn?”
"You can't just be barging into someone's private dorm, man! It just ain't proper! How'd you even get all the way up here anyway?!"

"Climbed up!" Tarahn said brightly. He wrinkled his nose. "Oh, don't worry, I knew you were alone, I could smell your room." He turned to look at the door. "Someone's outside," he said, coinciding with the rattle of the knob and knocking. "Hey Archie!" the toxel called.
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