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Two sides to the person.

Amber and Zack

is trying to be active again.
Hi. I'm Amber.

Hi. I'm Zack.

I'm hyper, random, and annoying!

I'm the complete opposite.

But we both love Pokémon!

We're really the same person,

but we act different depending on our mood.

So hi!

Hello two sided person!
I'm Charizard Morph, I am, in fact, a Charizard morph.
Welcome to this awsome place of randomness, i hope you enjoy your stay!
Oh, and don't ever forget your towel. You wouldn't want to go anywhere without your wonderful towel! (No, really, always know where your towel is.)
((Yes, i am, in fact, insane. Completely lost my marbles, if you find any floating around this place please return them.))
Do I seez some possible friends?

Probably not.

Nope, it was just a few marbles.

What I tell you?

I dunno. *eats marbles*


Don't eat my marbles! Now we will never know the outcome of this insanity!! Oh well, i'll just make due with the one Mewtwo gave me.
[sarcasim]wow Zack, you're positive!![/sarcasim]
SO, what are your stories? Or are they works in progress?
Hi. I'm Amber.

Hi. I'm Zack.

I'm hyper, random, and annoying!

I'm the complete opposite.

But we both love Pokémon!

We're really the same person,

but we act different depending on our mood.

So hi!

Uh, welcome.

Doesn't everyone act differently depending on their mood? Why try to make yourself seem particularly special just because you're ... normal?
Don't eat my marbles! Now we will never know the outcome of this insanity!! Oh well, i'll just make due with the one Mewtwo gave me.
[sarcasim]wow Zack, you're positive!![/sarcasim]
SO, what are your stories? Or are they works in progress?
... do you mean 'sarcasm'?
Hello and welcome. I have to say, I've never seen someone act as two people at once, I give you props for that. I can also be random and hyper, and sometimes annoying but then again who isn't?

Anyways, have fun and enjoy your stay.
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