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Uh, Hi Guys


formerly known as Jaketiger1116
Gosh I know I've made multiple introduction posts...

Uh, so hi, I'm Jaketiger, I haven't exactly been gone that long, but it really feels like it. I had a reason I left, but it's not really affecting me anymore and so I'm back, I guess. I don't think I ever planned on staying gone, my Opera Speed Dial has had these forums in the top row forever, and I've edited my Speed Dial to take out several sites I don't use anymore since then, so. I guess it was just subconscious knowledge that I'd be coming back sooner or later.

Frankly, this place is hard to stay away from. I see I missed a big bit of drama, but you know other than stuff like that, this really is and always has been my favorite place on the Internet. I miss the people here, I really do. So I just want to come back.

And I also want to apologize for not exactly ever posting much except in the Forum Games, and just not being all that memorable. You guys are all great, it's a great community, and I'm dying to be a part of it again. I at least hope this time maybe I can stop watching from the sidelines, maybe make more than like two friends.

So yay! I'm back! Hi guys.
I just want to say that I remember you too, even though you most likely don't know who I am. Seeing your username in the online list makes me feel a little nostalgic. So you are certainly memorable enough c: Welcome back!
Well of course I remember you, Eifie. Thank you for not changing your avatar though, that really helped! Changing avatars is at times almost as difficult for me to get used to as someone changing names! That's prooobably an exaggeration but it's at least still difficult to get used to. But yes, I definitely remember you, no worries! And thank you, I wasn't aware I was part of anyone's nostalgia XD

And thank you, I'm glad to be back amongst friends!
Thank you everyone, I really appreciate it ^_^ And yes things are mostly going well! I'm getting ready to graduate high school (I graduate May 21, I think) and then I'll be going to Southeast Missouri State University in the fall :D So I guess things are alright!
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