• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

um...*kicks dirt*...Hey.


blast from the past
Hey...my name would be Mew~ but don't bother putting the '~', I probably won't either. :l

I'm not super good with my punctuation so don't hate me for it.

Anything you'd like to know?
I don't know. Favorite pokémon? Mine's Scyther. And can you use inverted punctuation? Like this..... ¿ or ¡ basically use it upside down. Anyway, welcome.
I don't know. Favorite pokémon? Mine's Scyther. And can you use inverted punctuation? Like this..... ¿ or ¡ basically use it upside down. Anyway, welcome.

My favorite pokemon would be either Wartortle or Mew. :l I can't decide. I don't really know what I like about them either. I have a Mew drawn on my wall :/ and Wartortle is probably because it was the first evolved Pokemon I ever had...AND it has ossum ears and tail. :3

No, I can NOT make those... *glares at laptop keyboard* :l :sweatdrop:

thank you glitchedgamer and steele.
You just got brownie points.

Welcome and what-not, I'm Blastoise, resident obscenity-yeller and secret-teller. Hope to see you around.

Hmm Blastiose, eh? :] I would enjoy to see you around also. :D You're like a grown up version of me.
Hi, i'm the forum's random person who goes from section to section within the forum, deciding what to do, once i'm out of RPs and Forum Games.

Why did you draw a mew on your wall?

Hey man, don't be kickin' mah dirt.
DO NOT EVER kick around anyone else's dirt!!!!!!!!!! it is illegal (Article150032, subarticle 12, section 26, paragraph 3 in the Rules webpage, (an yes, there is a whole webpage or two DEDICATED to the rulebook, i think Butterfree has the written version in her room somewhere, i was told...)) in many forums, ESPECIALLY this one. I'll let you off with a warning now, but be careful next time.
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Hah. I'm fourteen. :}

Oh, I'm 16....so.... some kind of Time-Space Paradox happened and I somehow Devolved into a squirtle when you evolved into a Blastiose....

or i was a Wartortle and I stopped my evolution...? :l

OR YOU'RE A HACKED POKEMON naughty naughty:evil:

Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies, where we drink cod and eat tea.

You must be a pretty cool guy, Mew with a Tilde, if you've gotten so many wartortle people to share their appreciation for such a fine pokemon! Welcome to the boards!

(I'm even more amused that zero people have come to support Mew the pokemon. Mew~, you should commit to Wartortle as your favorite pokemon, it's making you internet famous!)
You must be a pretty cool guy, Mew with a Tilde, if you've gotten so many wartortle people to share their appreciation for such a fine pokemon! Welcome to the boards!

(I'm even more amused that zero people have come to support Mew the pokemon. Mew~, you should commit to Wartortle as your favorite pokemon, it's making you internet famous!)

Sarcasim? O___o;;
I'm trying to decide, should I ask if my name can be changed to Wartortle or something similar? :l I don't really like having the name Mew,withatilde. :l :U
Oh no, I'm not being sarcastic! You seem like a neat person! =D

(EDIT: Your name is up to you, I guess. I personally like Wartortle better, if that means anything!)
I'm trying to decide, should I ask if my name can be changed to Wartortle or something similar? :l I don't really like having the name Mew,withatilde. :l :U

Completely possible. Ask Butterfree in either a PM or VM.

if you did i'd personally love you in a member way forever-*gets feodra shot off* oh damn Dx
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