• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Hi, and welcome to TCoD, I am iphillip1, call me Philly, and I am the self-proclaimed Prince of the RP Forums. You get a a free custom emote! It is a Flamethrower! ««««¬
Hi, and welcome to TCoD, I am iphillip1, call me Philly, and I am the self-proclaimed Prince of the RP Forums. You get a a free custom emote! It is a Flamethrower! ««««¬

oooh cool. *sets fire to his own sleeves* FFFFF-

i RP. c: sometimes. how did you become the prince of the RP forums?
Did you see the Self-Proclaimed part? I said to myself that I want to be the Prince, and then made it so. That is how it happened.
Haha wow, I think I like you already.

I'm assuming you made that avatar yourself, right? Artistic. Pixel artistic. Double respect.

*is browsing through your DA*
Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay at the


testing center. See you around!

(I am obsessed with that game right now.)
Yay, more awesome people ^_^

You can have a cat plushie...

Did you see the Self-Proclaimed part? I said to myself that I want to be the Prince, and then made it so. That is how it happened.

oh, sorry. english is my second language. that's probably why i didn't get that part.

Haha wow, I think I like you already.

I'm assuming you made that avatar yourself, right? Artistic. Pixel artistic. Double respect.

*is browsing through your DA*

welll.....i editted a sprite of an absol for a base. that's pretty much what i did. xD;;; so i guess the correct term would be "bastardized"? 8D

i likey your siggynature. c:

NOOOOOOO stay away from there! my crap, bright animu shit'll burn your eyesss x__x

Welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay at the


testing center. See you around!

(I am obsessed with that game right now.)

VIDEO GAMES 8) i wants some tooooo

Yay, more awesome people ^_^

You can have a cat plushie...


<3 oooh! ascii catsz!
Did you just make an emoticon give me a gay look? creepy...

But you seem awesome so far, and as I always say, "awesome until proven an idiot"

fffyeah. and hey! being an idiot is my specialty! 8) i especially like pointing out to people if they're being rude......which is stupid, because this is the internets and we talk to each other using texts anyway so....

thank you. xD you seem awesome too. i like random people. :3

Sooo, yeah, Do you like to RP?

i'm only known to ever RP with one person - and that is one of my best friends. :>

but i am willing to RP with someone else. xD just as long as they go easy on me as i'm n00bs at it.

my predominant character in this forum would be my pokesona - chirin the abbysoll.
Looks like you're a pretty cool guy O:
I'm Xikaze. I'm a pretty cool guy too. And also an artist!
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