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Umm... Hi.


New member
I'm Dragostar, I like 80's and 90's Heavy metal music, playing Pokémon and Guitar Hero. I'm not the best at either, but I think i'm kinda damn good! :grin:
If you have any questions, just post a reply!
You think you're good at Pokémon? Once I have a Black/White battle team going, we should battle. I always love fresh meat. I mean, uh, new competition. >.>

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo, and I prefer Rock Band. (and the drums. gooooddd am i good with the drums) Enjoy your stay here at TCoD.
Ah, competitive battling, eh? Willing to battle on 4th gen?

Superbird, resident bird-lover, at your service. Can I get you some tea and cod?
Welcome to tCoD, land of Anime-Style Battling, which is housed to the right, and games of Mafia, to your left. Beware of the carnivorous welcome mats, instead dry your feet on mats that don't say welcome on them.

Enjoy your stay.
You think you're good at Pokémon? Once I have a Black/White battle team going, we should battle. I always love fresh meat. I mean, uh, new competition. >.>

Anyways, hi, I'm Mewtwo, and I prefer Rock Band. (and the drums. gooooddd am i good with the drums) Enjoy your stay here at TCoD.
I'm kinda in between loving gh and rock band... Seeing as I have to use the Rock Band drums to play GH5 and Warriors of Rock, I don't have the 5 piece set, and I don't know where to get one for my Wii. And I don't have any Gen V games yet, but I've got HeartGold, Diamond, and Platinum. I don't use the Sinnoh games for Wi-Fi, so I'll just leave my Heart Gold friend code here:
3094 9909 9113
Do you have a copy of RB3? I've been itching to play online with someone.

Have fun at TCoD, now with our adorable yellow spider style.
Do you have a copy of RB3? I've been itching to play online with someone.

Have fun at TCoD, now with our adorable yellow spider style.
Sorry, I only have RockBand, Lego RockBand, Beatles RockBand, AC/DC Live, and RockBand Trackpack Volume 2. I want RB2 and 3, but i can't buy them without money. I do Have GH5 and Warriors of Rock, but I dunno if you do.
I have beaten every song on Expert Guitar on every game, except Mauvius Garcon on GH3, a few songs on World Tour, and Most songs on Guitar Hero Metallica. Sadly, Guitar hero metallica does not work anymore.
So what other bands you in to? You just like the ones on the games or just the music? Good band to check out is White Lion.
Metallica, Megadeth, Aerosmith, and Avenged Sevenfold.

All my friends are really into Avenged Sevenfold. I honestly have no reason why, they're just not my type of band.

Anyways, welcome! We hope you enjoy your stay here!
We should exchange friend codes some time. I've been itching to play online with someone.

Can't say I like metal too much, but I'll listen to good bands.
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