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Unintenional Innuendoes!

Yup :D Thanks for introducing me to it via You Laugh You Lose. =)

You're welcome :3 I found it myself when a friend was complaining on a chatroom about how her mom was yelling at her to organize the stuff in her room when she had already put it all into piles. She said her mother told her to organize the piles or something and she was just like "but I already DID organize it into piles!" Another friend said it sounded like notalwaysright, so I checked it out and... yeah. x3
me said:
I have a massive phobia of balls.

Oh, wait, let me rephrase that!

Thank God nobody heard me. But I did say something similar with the phrase "used in a sport" placed after "balls," and my friend did notice that one. XP
I can't believe no one has noticed this:

I once said "I have a soft spot for huge dorks." ><; (A dork is another term for a whale's penis, by the way.)
Is it just me or have we gone eight pages with no mention whatsoever of Dewford Town's ADULT TOYS craze?
You people should be ashamed.
^ I've never heard of that, so...
I am not ashamed. Muahaha.

Oh, yeah. guess what this looks like: =3
My mom pointed that out when I emailed her a thanks for scanning a few of my pics.
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