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US Election Question

Well, the only politics I really care about are British and to a certain extent American politics, and I support the Conservatives and Democrats in those countries, so sort of in the middle. If I said everywhere else blue, I might be supporting something like the BNP or UKIP in another country.

By "everywhere else" I meant how the US is the only place where blue means left. Also why are you supporting the Conservatives wtf. :(

If the racist states really do stay racist, then it could be close, as that's a good half of south America. Although the big states are Democrats, I seem to recall, so who knows. As long as we don't have Independents wrecking it for the Democrats like last election, then we should be fine.

Obama's plan does not generally involve winning the southern states, and you may want to do some more research (said southern states have the highest African American percentages in the country). I wouldn't be surprised if Obama broke 350. Also last election was John Kerry's to lose, and he lost it; if you absolutely insist on blaming Independents 2000 is the clear target with Nader definitely costing Al Gore the election.
By "everywhere else" I meant how the US is the only place where blue means left.

This had me confused for the longest time X3

But I think it's kind of sad that the UK government at the moment is as left as we're gonna get. Like Ruby said somewhere else, the left is actually becoming increasingly right...and the fact that parties like UKIP even exist despresses me.
But I think it's kind of sad that the UK government at the moment is as left as we're gonna get.

It always frustrates me that the Lib Dems are large enough to actually make it worth voting for them but small enough that they never WIN anything.
Well, the only politics I really care about are British and to a certain extent American politics, and I support the Conservatives and Democrats in those countries, so sort of in the middle.
...aren't Democrats and Conservatives like almost opposites or something
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