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Vending Machine Game

Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the headless body of Cobra Commander from 'G.I joe'.

In goes Future Trunks' sword.
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes Yojimbo from Final Fantasy VI Advance screaming how he's gonna add it to his collection!

In the Ra-horrible graphics for Final Fantasy VII!
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes "Re:Re: No. There is not a person inside this here vending machine"

In goes a bracelet made of silver and gold wolf fur (No animals were harmed in the making of this bracelet!)
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes Deacon O'Reilly and some Gold Werewolf, reclaiming their fur!

In goes the question of how exactly that happened...
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the answer of: "Long fur sheds naturally and can be harvested without harming any Werewolves in the process!"

In goes more naturally harvested silver fur from everyone's favourite silver wuff
Re: Vending Machine Game II

Out comes the mental image of Samantha Terra Locke face palming!

In goes Christian O'Reill laughing at that thought, til he's in pain!
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