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Victoria Pride Parade


|D Sup guys, just got back from Victoria Pride. I was in the Parade with my youth group <3 it was AWESOME. moon-panther was with me. <3

We met up around 11:30 at our spot, and the parade started at noon. AHHH it was so fun. moony had me on a lead rope (xD) and we marched and cheered and made noise and blew bubbles~ I got to wear a Pride flag as a cape.

I'm still hyper from it. |DDDD
Re: WHOO Pride.

JEALOUSY i never know when Brussels Pride takes place. And it should be pretty noticeable seeing as well, it's Brussels.
Re: WHOO Pride.

Aw, that is so cool! :3 I really want to go to a pride festival.

Oh, it's so awesome that you got to go and you had such a good time. :D Yay!
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