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Requests Open Virtual and Physical Art Shop

But... but that's my thing! D: I'm currently working through all 493, and there's really no reason for them to be done more than once, so I'm wondering if you'd consider removing them?
Sorry if I come across as rude here, by the way.

Really? I'll remove them, no harm done. Just trying to give more options for requester's. I had no idea anyone else did that. That's pretty cool though...

... can I see some of them? :grin:

Could I get the blue neon? Thanks.


EDIT: Zackrinian, your Communist Drifblim is almost done and looking great! All I have left is the mustache. Do you want it, like A big, scruffy one? A Wario? Pencil Thin? Curly Q? Clean cut? Aftershave? Or anything else?
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Here you go:


Sorry it took so long. I saved the image accidentally as the dreaded .jpeg and had to start all over. :( Well it looks good now! :D

I'm it adding to my list of examples too.

Neon Buneary, your NEXT! Shouldn't take too long, but don't be surprised if it doesn't come till tomorrow.
Just asking before I type up the long post, what's the request limit? I have three I wanted to ask of you, as a challenge-type thing. Don't worry; it's nothing like Weedle/Arceus *glares at whoever requested that out of my shop* but...
Just asking before I type up the long post, what's the request limit? I have three I wanted to ask of you, as a challenge-type thing. Don't worry; it's nothing like Weedle/Arceus *glares at whoever requested that out of my shop* but...

Challenges... Yay! The request limit is five, but with only one other request, it's fine... so ask away. I'm up for a challenge. :grin:
Okay, the first one is Squirtle/Totodile/Mudkip/Piplup. The second is Charmander/Cyndaquil/Torchic/Chimchar. The third and final is Bulbasaur/Chikorite/Treeko/Turtwig. You may do whatever you wish with these, any base, any colors, etc.
Do you have to the say the pallet on the pallet swapped pokemon? As in *Pallet-swapped elekid with crobats colors* or like that?
Okay, the first one is Squirtle/Totodile/Mudkip/Piplup. The second is Charmander/Cyndaquil/Torchic/Chimchar. The third and final is Bulbasaur/Chikorite/Treeko/Turtwig. You may do whatever you wish with these, any base, any colors, etc.

That I believe, was once a TCoD spriting challenge that I did. In case you didn't notice, it was in the example section for splicing. So I've already done it before. I'm going to leave it at that in case you want to change it.

*laughs uncontrollably* YES. Thank you so much!

Your welcome. :) It does look pretty funny, but the mustache "completes" the work.

can I get a pallet-swapped Crobat?

Do you have to the say the pallet on the pallet swapped pokemon? As in *Pallet-swapped elekid with crobats colors* or like that?

We are no longer offering pallet swaps due to a poster, stressing that she is in the process of all 493 pokemon with pallet swaps. vv

But... but that's my thing! D: I'm currently working through all 493, and there's really no reason for them to be done more than once, so I'm wondering if you'd consider removing them?
Sorry if I come across as rude here, by the way.

But what pallet swap is, is a pokemon whose two pallets have been swapped (aka: my Manetric with a yellow body and blue head/hair). And yes, you would've had to have specified what colors you would have wanted swapped.

Blue Neon Buneary, coming soon!
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(I'm female)
Thanks, I do appreciate it. Some people would just refuse and keep doing them, so it's nice of you to stop at a request from lil' old me.
(I'm female)

So so sorry. *scutters along to edit post*

Thanks, I do appreciate it. Some people would just refuse and keep doing them, so it's nice of you to stop at a request from lil' old me.

Your welcome. :) I'm pretty nice I would have to say on my account for most of the time, but sometimes people just aggravate the fu-... uh nothing.... :scared: Have you posted your work yet? Or is it under wraps until you've nailed it 100%?

Well, the fire-type one you've done; what about the other two?

Hmmmmm..... True.... Alright, I'll do 'em. :D

Adding to the request page....

...Blue Neon Buneary, where are you? o.o
.... Oh look! I found you!


Adding to examples....

Editing request list....

Now onward! To tackle the challenge! Huzzah!
Have you posted your work yet? Or is it under wraps until you've nailed it 100%?

Uh, well, I haven't compiled them into one post yet... um. The ones I have so far are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Any new ones will be added to the end of that thread, and that tends to be every weekday, but don't count on it. Since I'm working in backwards alphabetical order, I'm nearly done! Excluding the 5th gen ones. I'll do those after.
Uh, well, I haven't compiled them into one post yet... um. The ones I have so far are here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. Any new ones will be added to the end of that thread, and that tends to be every weekday, but don't count on it. Since I'm working in backwards alphabetical order, I'm nearly done! Excluding the 5th gen ones. I'll do those after.

Woah that's awesome. :D I added it too the front for your publicity and so people will stop requesting them from me. X( Two birds with one stone.
yeargh I just read that post about my pallet swap... *sighs*

What about splicing hypno and drifblim and feraligatr and flygon and houndoom?
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