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VM vs Zekrom_B0lt

Format: 2v2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO moves, Direct recovery moves, Rest, Wish
Arena Description: Asber Courtroom No. 6


Vipera Magnifica (OO)
goomy (lucky-egg)
[Prosecutor Belch] M <Gooey>
Health: 57%
Energy: 53%
Status: Unhappy.
-2 Defense, -2 Sp. Defense.
Double Team ~ Dragon Pulse / Facade ~ Dragon Pulse / Facade

Zekrom_B0lt (OO)
[T-Bolt] M <Static>
Health: 27%
Energy: 70%
Status: Trying to catch his breath.
+1 Attack. Confused (mild).
Detect ~ Zap Cannon ~ Zap Cannon

T-Bolt hunches down low and pours all the energy he can muster into staring intently at Belch. The effect is just kind of off-putting, really, Belch decides, shifting uncomfortably as T-Bolt just.. stares him down. Belch just shakes his head and painstakingly starts off in a big circle around the courtroom, trailing gross slime behind him as he goes. T-Bolt watches warily as Belch struggles to move in a circle around him. The slime trail building up on the ground is making it a bit easier for Belch to move, but not much, and as he finally comes to a stop, the three extra Goomy afterimages copying his every move, he's breathing quite hard at the exertion.

T-Bolt visibly relaxes, sinking lower to the ground as he lets his intense concentration slip. The sudden change makes his headache come back, though, and he lets out a little wail and sinks even further to the floor as his head throbs and threatens to black out his vision. The four Goomys watch T-Bolt break down for a moment, then simultaneously start to build up the now familiar orbs of draconic energy. T-Bolt looks up just in time to get smacked in the face with a Dragon Pulse from all directions, it feels like.

At this point, the Pichu is both really annoyed and sore all over, and just wants to be done with the battle. T-Bolt whirls around and chooses a Goomy clone at random, then charges his cheek pouches with electricity to the point where it almost starts to hurt. The energy builds up and forms an unstable ball of electricity in T-Bolt's paws, and he looses it towards Belch with a shout. All four Goomys wince and duck their heads.. as the ball of electricity goes wild and flies almost a meter higher than its intended target. The crowds in the gallery yell and dive for cover as the huge ball of electricity explodes against the wall, shaking the entire courtroom. The two Trainers and referee duck under their benches as small bits of plaster fall from the ceiling, but Belch is determined to press forwards, even if the courtroom comes tumbling down around him. Just as T-Bolt turns his attention back to the circle of Belches around him, they simultaneously fire off another Dragon Pulse at him, knocking him off balance easily. As the referee peers out from under the judge's bench to end the round, T-Bolt slowly gets to his feet and puts his tiny fists up, probably for the last time this battle. He's pretty worn down, but it looks like he's not going out without putting up a fight.

Vipera Magnifica (OO)
goomy (lucky-egg)
[Prosecutor Belch] M <Gooey>
Health: 57%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling like he's already won.
-2 Defense, -2 Sp. Defense. Has 3 clones.
Double Team ~ Dragon Pulse ~ Dragon Pulse

Zekrom_B0lt (OO)
[T-Bolt] M <Static>
Health: 3%
Energy: 60%
Status: Barely standing.
+1 Attack. Confused (light).
Detect ~ (confused) ~ Zap Cannon (miss)

-Goomy's base speed is like 20 points below the average for all Pokemon, so the max clones he could make is 3.
-T-Bolt hurt himself in confusion on the second action.
-T-Bolt's Zap Cannon on the third action missed on both accuracy rolls (it targeted a clone instead of Belch, and then missed the clone).
-VM commands first.
Okay Belch, you're doing great. Use TAKE THAT! as many times as you need to finish T-Bolt off. Use Shock Wave if he has clones. Chill if he protects/detects.

(TAKE THAT! / Shock Wave / Chill) x3
Format: 2v2 single
Style: Switch
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned/Restricted Moves: OHKO moves, Direct recovery moves, Rest, Wish
Arena Description: Asber Courtroom No. 6


Vipera Magnifica (OO)
goomy (lucky-egg)
[Prosecutor Belch] M <Gooey>
Health: 57%
Energy: 44%
Status: Feeling like he's already won.
-2 Defense, -2 Sp. Defense. Has 3 clones.
TAKE THAT! / Shock Wave / Chill x3

Zekrom_B0lt (OO)
[T-Bolt] M <Static>
Health: 3%
Energy: 60%
Status: Barely standing.
+1 Attack. Confused (light).
Volt Tackle ~ TAKE THAT! ~ TAKE THAT!

T-Bolt takes a deep breath and steels himself for what will likely be his last attack in this battle. His cheek pouches overflow with electricity and his fur starts to stand on end, then takes on a bright, white aura as he super-charges himself with energy. T-Bolt closes his eyes and spins to face a Belch at random, then flies towards the Goomy with incredible speed, faster than he should be capable of moving.

The real Belch's stomach drops as he sees T-Bolt turn towards him, but doesn't have long to be distressed before the Pichu slams into him headfirst with the force of a sledgehammer, and simultaneously releases all his pent-up electricity into him. Belch can't even squeak as they both go flying backwards into the prosecutor's bench with a loud crack as they hit it. The Goomy just lies there and stares up at the courtroom ceiling in shock, while T-Bolt manages to cough out a weak laugh and grin, before he finally lets himself slip into unconsciousness and go limp on the ground.

Vipera Magnifica (OO)
goomy (lucky-egg)
[Prosecutor Belch] M <Gooey>
Health: 45%
Energy: 44%
Status: Shaken.
-2 Defense, -2 Sp. Defense.

Zekrom_B0lt (OO)
[T-Bolt] M <Static>
Health: 0%
Energy: 54%
Status: Knocked Out!
Volt Tackle

-Volt Tackle hit and destroyed Belch's clones. T-Bolt was knocked out by the recoil damage.

-Zekrom_B0lt sends out and commands
-VM commands
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Swagger ~ Iron Tail ~ Draco Meteor

Right, guess I better cut this one short; Zekrom_B0lt is DQ'd.

VM gets $8 and I get $5, since ZB never got to send out that second Pokemon. Belch gets 3 EXP/happiness and T-Bolt gets 1. Good game while it lasted!
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