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Warrior Cats Mafia [innocents unofficially win]


The already-quiet chattering dies down as a blue-gray she-cat approaches the crowd of cats sitting before her and looks over them, preparing to address them.

"You're all here for a game of Mafia, of course," she tells them. "A game of wits and logic which will last for the next few days. I've given you each your role in private, and now it's time to begin the game - for the Mafia to kill and the Innocents to lynch, for you to use words to battle each other rather than claws, for a nerve-wracking period in which you'll constantly be wondering if you're dead and why..."

She grinned widely, showing sharp white teeth. "Let the games begin."

Role PM's have thus been sent out and you guys have roughly 48 hours for night actions.

~Night actions not sent in will be randomized.
~Abstaining is allowed.
~Out of thread communication is not allowed unless stated in your role.
~Secret roles for funtiems.
~48 hour first night and first day, the rest are 24 unless I have real-life concerns and have to extend it.
~There will be no randlynches and attempts to stealth-lynch just get the day phase extended until there is some sort of consensus.

Also yes i know most of the role PM's accidentally have alignment[/b] I don't know how I overlooked that -_- ignore it
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Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [n1]

Just a note for reminders - there are three night actions which I have not yet received. Abstaining from action is fine, just as long as you send me something.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [n1]

The following morning, all the cats peek out of their dens, tentatively, wondering if they'll see the mangled body of one of their own somewhere in the game's grounds.

Slowly they emerge and creep around the clearing, checking all parts of the grounds for any sign that one of their own is missing...

But somehow... they fail to find anything.

No one has died this past night.

~48 hours for day discussion. (possibly more, as I'm leaving for the beach on Saturday and idk when I'll get there)
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Well, if it's a lead, I roleblocked Bluzzy last night...

That might be the reason there was no death.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Or it's possible whoever was targeted got healed. Although it may not have been such a good thing to hint to your role so early on, so you could give it a trial run and see what happens? I wouldn't want our roleblocker to be a mafia target D:
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

... I swear, this is a running theme continued from when I stopped playing Mafia...

I will, of course, say that I'm not Mafia. It's also possible that the kill target was healed or was alien. In fact, that's probably more likely.

VM, you can roleblock me again, but that may not prove anything, since the Mafia can abstain and frame me that way. But now that you've revealed that you have a power role, you yourself are a target, so I suggest to the healers that they heal VM tonight.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

VM, you can roleblock me again, but that may not prove anything, since the Mafia can abstain and frame me that way. But now that you've revealed that you have a power role, you yourself are a target, so I suggest to the healers that they heal VM tonight.

What, healers plural?

Hm, I was going to say that VM could just block blazhy again, but if the mafia are allowed to just abstain from killing... Then again, if that means they won't kill anybody anyway, we would have a chance to at least try to find our mafia through day discussion or other roles while nobody dies at night. If we have an oracle they could ask about mafia being roleblocked last night, but then they'd have to claim to give us an answer. I don't know, I'm used to pretty much immediately lynching anyone who's been roleblocked on a night with no deaths, but in a large game like this there are plenty of other possibilities for what happened last night. Perhaps somebody else will know something about it.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Isn't it usually standard for there to be two healers, especially in a game this size? Then again, it's probably not a good idea to assume.

... wait, if you mean "healers, plural" as in "that would healclash and kill VM", yeah, that was bad wording on my part OTL Sorry.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Well, I'm against lynching Bluzzy.

If she somehow was the don, we could render the mafia useless by me continually roleblocking, and at the same time providing a safe harbor for the inspector and other power roles to find the other mafia.

And if she wasn't mafia, then there would be no reason to lynch anyway.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

There are too many possibilities for lynching blazheirio right now to be a very good idea. I'd probably suggest that our roleblocker not tell us until the following day whether they chose to roleblock em or not so as to avoid the whole Mafia abstaining to throw the innocents off thing. Then we can maybe deduce, or poke an oracle out of the shadows, or whatever.

I don't know! I hate night zero when there's no death, it's so rubbish and nobody understands.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

blarg i swear all of the mafia are intentionally abstaining from death N0

If she somehow was the don, we could render the mafia useless by me continually roleblocking, and at the same time providing a safe harbor for the inspector and other power roles to find the other mafia.
Is this plausible? Just wondering.

Eh, I'm really against day 1 abstain most of the time because it solves absolutely nothing (a lead is a lead, and a healer picking the right person to save is kind of unlikely with 16 people, even with two healers), but we have 40-some hours to talk it out.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Is this plausible? Just wondering.

Well, assuming fairly standard roles, with only one mafia actively killing at a time, it is somewhat plausible.

Eh, I'm really against day 1 abstain most of the time because it solves absolutely nothing (a lead is a lead, and a healer picking the right person to save is kind of unlikely with 16 people, even with two healers), but we have 40-some hours to talk it out.

A roleblocker targetting the don N1 is also unlikely, as is an alien kill. Since we don't know for sure what stopped the kill last night, abstaining could be our best option, unless there is a cop claim.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

I think it's possible that an alien was activated or the target was bulletproof rather than just having a really lucky healer. With a 1/16 chance, it's too early to really say anything is certain. If anything ever is in Mafia.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

yay no one died!

its been said, but i agree with not launching blazehaero, maybe the detectives could examine her tonight.

anyone have any other leads?
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Well, assuming fairly standard roles, with only one mafia actively killing at a time, it is somewhat plausible.
I was talking about the "roleblock every night" thing, but I guess so.

A roleblocker targetting the don N1 is also unlikely, as is an alien kill. Since we don't know for sure what stopped the kill last night, abstaining could be our best option, unless there is a cop claim.
note: cop claim on day 1 is usually not the best idea

Well, yes, but a roleblocker targeting someone N0 and the next day having no death makes it rather more likely that the roleblocker targeted the don. It's not really the best of chances, though, but you take what you get.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

I wanna lynch because all the abstaining is making me blargh.

But I agree it's tactically better to not lynch. So yeah.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

maybe vehement could role-block blazeiherio tonight and see if we get the same result. if we do, we can lynch blazeheiro. if she comes up innocent, we can amuse vehement is lying and lynch him.

i dont really like it because we would be lynching alot of people who could be innocent, but its a plan nonetheless. what do you guys think?
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Just dropping in for the obligatory "oh no d1 no leads what do" post, nothing to see here.

Gonna throw down a vote for abstaining for now, unless we have any revelations.
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

Just dropping in for the obligatory "oh no d1 no leads what do" post, nothing to see here.

Gonna throw down a vote for abstaining for now, unless we have any revelations.

im for abstaining to, but we do have sort of a lead so we are trying to figure out what to do about it. (or at least i am i don't know about the others.)
Re: Warrior Cats Mafia [d1]

maybe vehement could role-block blazeiherio tonight and see if we get the same result. if we do, we can lynch blazeheiro. if she comes up innocent, we can amuse vehement is lying and lynch him.

i dont really like it because we would be lynching alot of people who could be innocent, but its a plan nonetheless. what do you guys think?

It'd be easy for the mafia to frame blazhy in that case by not killing, though, which is our problem. And even if she turns out to be innocent, that wouldn't necessarily mean VM is lying and we could end up losing an important role.

I think Twilight Sparkle's idea is probably the best way to go. I do hope that VM doesn't end up getting overdosed tonight, though - be careful, doctors! Maybe you should flip a coin or something.
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