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Warriors Fan Club

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Hey what is your favorite book/character.

My favorite book has been Firestar's Quest since it was released, although I'm positive it will become Long Shadows once it's released. My second favorite is Moonrise, and my third favorite is The Rise of Scourge.

My favorite character is - obviously - Leafpool, my second favorite is Cloudstar (I know, I know, that makes no sense...) and my third favorite is Jaypaw.

Hey, what about favorite shippings? :3 I've got too many non-canon shippings that I like to count, so my favorite canons are LeafxCrow, BramblexSquirrel, FeatherxCrow, CloudxBright and GrayxSilver. (And JayxStick. >P)
JayxStick all the way :D

Favorite Charrie=Whitestorm

I always liked Forest of Secrets.

And I've always supported BlackxTawny and RunningxWillow
For book, it's either Eclipse, Twilight, or Sunset, (look at the Twilight books!) and favourite character is Hollypaw*cough*. Nudge nudge wink wink. And shippings... meh, I don't like love. I like action, blood, and fighting >:)
YAAAY! I must join! Warriors is my favorite book series ever

btw my favorite character is hollyleaf. Perhaps to signal that she's Leafpool's daughter?
btw my favorite character is hollyleaf. Perhaps to signal that she's Leafpool's daughter?

Except don't forget that Firestar was the one who named her, and he... probably wouldn't know if she were Leafpool's daughter after all.

I disagree with that theory, but I'm not going to go into much detail to prevent arguments, because W&W has taught me that arguing over the LeafxJay theory leads to all kinds of crap.
I like all of the books. But my favorite character is Jaypaw.
The endings to their names should be in spoiler tags, Ijy.
And, Ijy, you shouldn't say that because some people might belive that they are. Not me, because I don't have eclipse, just sayin'.

And yes, spoiler tags would be nice.^^

Erm... I'm getting Starlight tomarrow.^o^
sorry but I here that myth on wariorcats.com all the time and it annoys me. who even made that up any way?
*facepalm* Proper grammar, please.

And I belive that should be in spoiler tags? I don't know. Probroly.^^~

Wait... ShadowClan's boarder is before the clearing? Anyway, PURE EPICNESS
Wait... ShadowClan's boarder is before the clearing? Anyway, PURE EPICNESS

The borders seem to constantly change. o.o Especially in the first series with the ShadowClan border - sometimes it sounds as if there's no Thunderpath at all, sometimes the ThunderClan border ends far before the Thunderpath, sometimes it seems that ThunderClan's territory includes the Thunderpath... etc. The WindClan and ShadowClan borders will likely end up confusing you in the next few books, especially a discrepancy between the WindClan border in The Sight and Dark River.
that shouldnt be in spoiler tags because it is not giving anything away.
Please PLEASE PLEASE use proper grammar. Like appastrophe and capital letters and all that nice stuff~^^

I got to the part where lightning struck the tree at the end~ It was epic.^^ And at the back of the book... why is there a preveiw for The Sight? It's after Sunset so wouldn't it spoil what happens in Sunset/Twilight? Because I haven't the slightest clue who Jaykit is. =/
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