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{We will...} ~How to Fight Evil: A Tokyo Mew Mew/Pokemon RP~ {...defeat you!}

((Okay, I've got to say something here. First of all, what the heck? Kiichigo was with a friend, here. What's supposed to have happened to her? And you can't have someone just 'explain' something in a roleplay. I have no idea what Ryuk said to her, have had no time to reply to it whatsoever, have no idea of time passing, have no idea what to roleplay.

I don't know what Kiichigo is supposed to know, how it was explained to her, nothing. I have absolutely zilch to work with here. I'm in limbo. What on earth am I supposed to do here?

I don't want to sound like I'm dropping out due to frustration, but I'm starting to think maybe this isn't my style. I'm not the world's best ad libber and I think this roleplay requires a bit more of 'figure it out on your own' than I'm overly comfortable with and can handle.))
((My apologies for assuming you knew what he said. I'll explain...

Ryuk told her why she may have been experiencing new capabilities in herself that seemed inexplainable. he told her how he had morphed her with a Pokemon turning her into one of his guinea pigs that he could use to help save the world. he told her she'd have to keep all of this info. a secret and that she couldn't tell her friend why she was locked in the bathroom. [his only way to separate the 2 ^^;] he explained to her that there were people who wanted her dead that weren't of this world and that he'd give her a further explanation of the situation when she came back tomorrow morning. once again I apologize. 8[ but basically you can say that she's coming back today which is the day she gets her outfit and learns of her weapon and enemies ))
Gale woke up hoping that yesterdays events were all just a dream.Though, he was disappointed to find that he still had a green vine coming out his hand when he reached for something. He remembered the man on the floor and shivered. He left to get some breakfast. On his way to the park, he almost dropped his pastries on the floorwhen he saw his first alien. He saw a guy truly floating next to a window and he had three tails. He couldn't help but stare in horror.
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Aidou had been watching Doe-Shitzu sleep. He could sense a presence. Someone was watching him. He tilted his head back so that his silver locks were leaning to one side.

"Why hello there." He grinned at the stunned human.
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Gale gasped and tried to run. But he was frozen. He was too scared to move and he felt the green vein snaking out of his skin. He looked from the vine to the guy and raised his arm to defend himself if this alien was going to hurt him.
"Oh? You are what master is searching for I see." He gave Doe-Shitzu one last look and glided down to this human. "You dare challenge me? I don't wish to fight." He held up his hands, "Only to talk."
Gale took a step back and didnt lower his arm. He had enough to craziness. he was too scared to trust anyone right now, especially an alien.
"G-get awy from me!!"
Aidou kept a calm look and put his hands down.

"I guess I'll let Gatae get a go at you if master gives him a second chance. For now, I suggest you get those powers of yours under control before you kill innocent humans instead of your enemies. With power like that you might kill yourself. Farewell."

He shimmered and dissolved into thin air.
Gale fell on the floor, feeling dizzy. He didnt like the way he said that. He wouldnt kill himself and he'd never hurt innocents. But then there was that one guy.....but that wasnt his fault. And it wouldnt happen again,at least he hoped not. Gale looked up at the window that the alien had been looking in.
He saw the silhouette of a female pass by it. Eventually, she came out dressed in gym clothes but when she saw him on the floor she ran to him. She helped him up and dusted off his shirt.

"Um, are you okay? Do you need water or something?"
"Uh-hey? Wake up!" She shook him but found he wasn't waking. "I should call an ambulance but...Ryuk wants me there in half an hour. Shoooot. Uh....maybe Ryuk can get him to the hospital. He's rich."

She put him in a wagon and pulled him to the cafe.
(XD random happiness at what you just said!!! You have inspired a song! ~bumpin up and down in my lil red wagon~bumpin up and down in my lil red wagon~bumpin up and down in my lil red wagon~All the livelong day!~)
((the following have met the new ryou/elliot and were told about their powers
-Kiichigo unless she wants to redo it which i don't mind

you still haven't been informed of your powers yet and right now doe is taking gale along with her to get ryuk to get him to a hospital since he passed out infront of her house.))
((okay, continuing with the story))

Doe-Shitzu dragged the wagon into the cafe and looked around. "Ryuk?! Hey, I'm here and I brought a...uh....a guy that passed out on me. Could you call the ambulance or something?''

Ryuk came downstairs and smiled, happy to see she showed up but frowned when he saw the boy. "Why didn't you just call an ambulance before coming here?"

Doe-Shitzu pouted, "Well I was gonna but I'd be late if I did."

He sighed and lifted the boy out of the wagon and upstairs into his bedroom so that he wasn't a distraction to Doe-Shitzu or Berry when they were working. He put a cold rag over his head and went back down stairs after finding the mew mark on the back of his neck.

"Alright, put this on." He handed her a brown version of the waitress uniforms and put her to work. She wiped down all the tables and set up utensils before putting up the OPEN sign.
((Alright, my post has been edited. Time for Kiichigo Finds Out About Her Powers, Take Two.))

The study session turned sleepover had been great, despite the constant questions and prodding about Sachi. Honestly, Michiko didn't know when to quit. Even now, as they walked down the sidewalk toward the 'cute cafe they just absolutely had to see,' the blue-haired girl was chattering endlessly.

"You really have to make your move. I mean, I'm sure he's crazy about you, girl, but he won't wait around forever. Do you even know what kind of signals you're sending? For all we know, he thinks you're out of his league..." Michiko's stream of chatter continued as she walked backwards in front of Kiichigo and Himiko.

"Look, just cut her a little slack," Himiko finally said, adjusting her glasses.

Michiko stopped, jabbing her finger at Himiko. "Hey, I'm just looking out for our best friend. I mean, really, sixteen years old and no boyfriend."

Kiichigo stepped forward. "Hey, neither of you have boyfriends, either."

Michiko gave a vague gesture in the air. "Completely irrelevant. Come on, we're almost to the cafe." She then whipped around so that she was facing where she was going and crossed the street. "It's right over here." Then, as if she physically couldn't stop speaking without a prod, she added, "Maybe you could take Sachi there on a date."

Kiichigo froze in place as the other two continued on. Her? Sachi? On a date? At a cafe? Images flashed through her mind that caused her cheeks to turn a bright red. Her and Sachi walking to the cafe hand in hand, Sachi opening the door for her like an old-fashioned gentleman, Sachi buying her a slice of strawberry cheesecake, Sachi feeding her a piece of the cheesecake...

"Kiichigo!" The vocal warning had barely sunk in, the image of the incoming car barely registered, when Kiichigo leaped straight up in the air, flipping mid-air as she soared across the street and out of danger.

Both of her best friends' mouths dropped open when she landed next to them. Michiko was the first to respond, grinning like a fool and shouting, "That was absolutely awesome!"

Himiko's response was different. She raced over, looking both concerned and angry. "What in the world were you thinking?"

Kiichigo blushed, embarrassed by both their responses. "Well...uh...I...um...Oh, look! We're here at the cafe. And it's open. Let's go in."

"Right," Michiko burst out, hooking her arm through both Kiichigo's and Himiko's. "Priorities. Desserts and cute waiters await us!" she said in a dramatic voice before opening the doors.
Ryuk answered the door. "Well good morning ladies. May I just say todays special is the 'Strawberry Shortcake.' Do come in." He held the door open for them.
Michiko's eyes seemed to light up at the sight of the young man holding the door open. She blushed and let out a small giggle. "Thank you," she said softly as the trio went through the door, then gave Kiichigo a nudge and whispered in her ear, "What'd I tell you? Cute cafes always have cute waiters..."

Kiichigo, however, was looking around at the cafe's interior. "Wow, this place is nice." Himiko remained unimpressed by either the decor or the one who greeted them, sighing faintly at her friends' behaviour. She eyed Kiichigo with a little concern. First being stuck in the tree, and then her narrowly avoiding death by car; there was something wrong here.
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Ryuk passed around the menus once they were seated and told Doe-Shitzu to take their order as well as pass a note to Kiichigo. She came up to them and asked as happily as possible, "May I take your order?"
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