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{We will...} ~How to Fight Evil: A Tokyo Mew Mew/Pokemon RP~ {...defeat you!}

Kichigo took a good look at the menu, scanning the section on cheesecakes until it landed on the word 'strawberry.' She mentally checked how much money she had, and confirmed that she had enough for a slice. "I'll have the strawberry cheesecake," she said to the waitress with a small smile before turning to her friends. "You guys?"

Michiko glanced up from her own menu. "Chocolate parfait," she said, "Oh, and a mint tea."

Himiko remained silent a moment; Kiichigo couldn't see anything but the top of her glasses over the menu. "I'll have the strawberry cheesecake too," she finally said, putting down the menu.
"Ooooo...What's that?" Michiko suddenly asked, reaching out to grab the note. As a reflex, Kiichigo quickly snatched it away and clutched it. Michiko put up her hands defensively. "Hey, hey, sorry. Didn't realize that mysterious notes from hot guys were for your eyes only."

"Hot guy?" Kiichigo repeated, looking at the note.

"Well, of course it's from that hottie working the door," Michiko replied, "Did you think the waitress was slipping you her phone number or something?"

"Not out of the realm of the possible," Himiko commented quietly, knowing full well she was going to be completely ignored.

"Read it! Come on! Don't leave me in suspense here," Michiko urged as Kiichigo opened the note and read it.

((...Which is all I can write until I know what the note actually says...))
I cannot explain much with those nosey friends of your but teem em ni eht kcab fo eht efac ta mp 30:7. It's important that you do so and gnirb enoon.

((read words backwards!8]))
Berry glanced down at her black and white uniform.
'It looks....Old fashioned and new. Mixed together.' She thought, and sweatdropped on her brain.
She noticed there was another person sitting at a table who hadn't been served. She walked over to him.
"May I take your order?"

((I have no idea who they are....
Edit: Idea time :3
Gatae's special alien ability is shape shifting.))

Gatae smiled too himself. This disguise was perfect.
"Erm, I'll have the Chocolate Gateaux please."
"Yep. Anything else?" Berry asked.
"No thanks." Gatae replied.
"Okay, one chocolate gateaux Coming right up." Berry smiled, then went to get the gateaux.
Kiichigo looked at the note for a moment, trying to figure out what looked like gibberish. Then it clicked and she realized that some of the words were written backwards. She raised an eyebrow; was this his way of encoding the note?

"Well?" Michiko urged, "What's it say?"

"...He wants to meet me tonight..." Kiichigo finally said.

Himiko tensed up. "I don't like the sound of that..."

"Alright!" Michiko burst out, "You've got a total hottie asking you out!"

Himiko held up a hand. "This may not be innocent. We should probably go with you..."

Kiichigo looked back at the note. "I...think I should go alone."

Himiko froze and stared at Kiichigo. Michiko, however, simply gave her bespectacled friend a pat on the shoulder. "Come on, Himi, wouldn't you like a little privacy if it were you?"

Himiko didn't answer; she simply eyed Kiichigo, who tucked the note into the pocket of her shorts and didn't look her in the eye. She knew Himiko was suspicious, but how would she respond if she knew that this young man somehow knew her name? Kiichigo would follow the rules, if only to get a few answers.
Doe-Shitzu wooped when she saw Berry in uniform.

"That really makes you look pretty. You should where skirts and dresses more often."

She had came back with their orders and set them on the table. She was about to ask if they wanted the free beverages that came with it but her phone rang. Sh e blushed seeing it was her boyfriend Aidou and ran to the kitchen.

"Hey you!" She squealed excitedly into the phone.

"Hey hun. You busy right now?" His beautiful voice hummed into the phone.

"Well I'm working. I was uh-" She was about to spill out the whole, 'I have powers and was hired' thing until she was pinched on the ear by Ryuk.

Aidou heard a yelp from her and quickly asked, "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Cut it out!" She hissed at Ryuk before replying. "Oh uh-well I closed the door on my hand and-hey! Why don't you stop by!"

Ryuk groaned and smacked his forehead irritatedly. Doe-Shitzu glanced back at him when she asked why Aidou couldn't make it. Ryuk cackled in a strangely evil but unexpected way before squeezing her shoulder from trying not to laugh too hard.

"Okay. Bye." After the beep she glared at Ryuk who only raised an eyebrow and gave her the bill for the people she served. She stormed out and he smiled.
Berry saw Doe-Shitzu storm out of the kitchen, and raised an eyebrow.
She walked into the kitchen, and saw Ryuk was there.
'Well thats the answer.' She thought.
"What did you do to Doe-Shitzu?" Berry said, sighing.
He was surprised to see her come in so he sat on the counter and looked down at her.

"What did I do to her? What do you think I did?" he was still slightly laughing but his tone of voice made him sound more curious about what she was thinking.
Kiichigo had opened her mouth to say 'thank you' to the waitress when her phone rang and she ran off blushing. Kiichigo raised an eyebrow. Wasn't it kind of an unspoken rule not to have your cell phone on while working?

Michiko leaned back in her chair. "Geez. Terrific service, huh?" she said sarcastically before taking a sip of her tea. Both Himiko and Kiichigo followed suit, starting to eat their cheesecake, though Kiichigo noticed that Himiko was doing that thing she did when she stared over the top of her glasses at her. She normally did that when Kiichigo or Michiko or both were about to try some sort of impulsive stunt; Kiichigo had always took it to mean a mixture of frustration and concern.

"Something wrong with your slice, Himi?" Kiichigo asked, though she knew that wasn't the reason for the look.

Himiko took the hint and looked away. "No, it's fine."

Michiko swallowed a mouthful of chocolate parfait as she noticed a less-than-chipper waitress storming out of the kitchen. "Heads up; I think our waitress just got dumped," she whispered to her pair of friends.
Doe-Shitzu came back rubbing where she had been pinched.

"My apologies. I shouldn't have run off like that. My boss is just a jerk!" She let out a sigh and looked at them. "It's no wonder he never had any customers. Well besides him ruining my day, was your dessert alright?"

Ryuk watched through the crack and stretched. His dad was right about girls. They were all sensitive and there are always those who find nothing better to do than get involved in other peoples lives. He was disliking the pushy girls that sat at Kiichigo's table. Ryuk told Berry to go do the dishes before he went to Doe-Shitzu.

"I'm sorry I left your phone on." He lied. "I made a phone call when you were waiting tables. My bad." He rested his arms around his head in a relaxed fashion. "Girls, here's the bill." He slipped it onto the table and left with her to the kitchen.

"You okay now?" He asked while closing the door. He wasn't sure what to do if she hated him so he'd rather try and keep on her good side.

"Uh-huh." she muttered and went to help Berry.
Gale groaned as he regained conciousness. He rolled off the bed and hit the floor with a big thud. He hit the floor so hard that the people downstairs heard it. XD
Ryuk immedietley looked up and ran upstairs. "Stay here you two. I'll be right back!" is what he said before leaving.

He quickly openend the door and closed it behind him before looking down at the boy. He grabbed him by the shoulders and helped him up.
Gale groaned.He felt himself be lifted. He tried to focus on the person. He steadied himself and moved away from him. "W-where? Who are you? Where am I?"
"A worker of mine said you passed out on her. She couldn't take you to the hospital and brought you to her job...here. We won't hurt you. You're in a cafe as well as my home. My name is Ryuk."
Ryuk grabbed hold of him and jerked him back. "No, not looking like that you won't. Rest a while longer." He closed the door and locked it.
He saw the door close and saw him lock it. He looked at Ryuk both confused and annoyed. Why wouldn't he let him go? Why was he being like this? Gale suddenly felt dread. Did this guy know? Did he see the green vine? Did he see what kind of monster he was? Did he know about the man he had killed? Gale backed up to the door and stared at Ryuk.
"Let me go. Let me out right now."
Ryuk frowned, "Are you on the run or something? I honestly think you should rest. If me locking the door frightened you I'll have to assume you thought I was locking you in. The truth is I'm locking everyone out. I don't want any of the girls coming to flirt with you while I'm trying to get you well without paying the damn hospital to give you pills and lay you next to crying babies that'll keep you up all night." He stood up. "You hungry?"

At this, Gale knew he had no idea of his powers or of the man he murdered.
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