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{We will...} ~How to Fight Evil: A Tokyo Mew Mew/Pokemon RP~ {...defeat you!}

Berry jumped in the air. And hit the roof. Literally.
"Oww......" She followed Ryuk outside, and jumped onthe the roof of the cafe to get a better view.
There was some kind of...giant Octillery.
'Well. You don't see this every day.' Berry thought, grinning. This probably meant she and the other Mew's would have to fight it. Then she realised she didn't like fighting.
Berry sweatdropped. Damn Starly DNA.
Ryuk groaned impatiently and called Doe-Shitzu and Berry to his side.

"It's time you use your powers. Here!" He tossed Dokichi and Berry their pendants. "Activate, Mewtamorphosis!"

Doe-Shitzu gawked at herself and then at Berry. "Woah! Check us out!" She felt something move behind her and looked back to see a tail with a face. It clicked and smiled at her.
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((No offence, but slight character control there. I'll do Berry transforming now.))
Berry grinned.
"Mew Mew Blackberry, Metamorph~sis!"
She closed her eyes, and felt a tingling all down her back.
When she opened her eyes, she looked completely different. Her hair was darker, as well as her eyes. And she was wearing a completely different outfit.
But the most strange of all, was:
"O...M...G. I have wings. And a tail!" Berry tried to move them, they twitched a bit, then flapped, causing Berry to float in the air a while.
Doe-Shitzu looked at the monster and shivered. "How are we supposed to fight that?!"

Ryuk stood by them and said, "You have to summon your weapons. Here, Doe-Shitzu..."

He had her hold out her hands in a halting fashion and slowly a set of nunchukus appeared in her hands.
((Well, Ryuk could send a little robot pet thing, like Masha. I thik it's called Mini Mew in the dub? Anyway, the robot could detect a mew, fly off and give you the power pendant, and Ryuk could talk in a hologram.
That's if you and Kindling Queen agree.))

By the time Doe-Shitzu had her weapon, Berry was halfway to the mutant. She wasn't actually thinking about a weapon. All she knew was that she had to get there. And fast. And the Stary DNA really wanted her to fight.

((Reasons explained later, with added emotional breakdowns from Berry.))
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((Um. Well I was thinking that for our next monster Flora's character gets attacked by it and we realize the reason why is because she's a mew too and so Ryuk gives her the pendant and she helps fight etc.))

Doe-Shitzu went wide-eyed in panic and chased after her.

"Berry! Wait!" She hauled butt and caught up but jumped back when she found that the mutated squid tried to smack her with a giant tentacle.

"Ah! Berry-look out"

The predacite fired off massive globs of mud that just barely missed her. Doe-Shitzu readied her nunchukus and realized that the only way to keep Berry from getting hurt or giving her the advantage with whatever attack she may have, she had to keep it still.

"Yaaaa-Mew Cocoa Binding!" She whip lashed at the Octillery and her nunchukus extended in size and length. It continued to grow till it was able to wrap around twice. Doe-Shitzu pulled on it so that it was tight.

'That was pretty awesome...' she thought while she kept a firm grip on the nunchuku.
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((It's Mini Mew in the dub. I hate the dub, though. It's so much more awesome in Japan. :D))
Just abit away, watching the pretty little monster wreeking havoc for these people, were the two people,or really,two aliens responoble. They smiled and watched some people get hit. They laughed.
((You know, 'mutated octillery' was just a vague description from an adrenaline-charged meowth girl trying to find something to compare the monster to; it doesn't mean it is one, or that everyone who looks at it will think up the same strange, barely-accurate description.

Okay, I'm through being a grumpy Mightyena. Back to the fun!))

Kiichigo leaped back as a stinger-tipped tentacle whipped past her, finally coming to her senses when she realized that this thing could very easily kill her. What had she really been thinking, racing in here like that?

Apparently the same thing that was sending the purple-haired girl charging straight towards herself and the monster. Kiichigo leaped over another flailing tentacle and darted around the corner of the building out of sight of the girl.

The ensuing fight, if you could really call it a fight, left Kiichigo slack-jawed. Okay, so it wasn't exactly the kick-butt action of movies, but that was still incredibly awesome as far as she was concerned. It was just like those old stories about the 'Mew Mews.' They even had the costumes!

The monster shrieked and seemed to try to wiggle loose, but even breathing looked difficult held tight like that. Still, Kiichigo felt an uneasy chill when it stopped struggling and stared right at the Mew holding it captive. Suddenly a red glow came to its eyes and Kiichigo let instinct take over.

"Look out!" she shouted, leaping up high in the air. She looped an arm around the waist of the girafarig-like Mew mid-air and yanked her out of the way as a blast of red energy struck the spot where they'd been.

The landing for Kiichigo was painless, albeit a bit akward. She stayed there on the ground in a four-legged stance, legs bent and arms out in front of her, panting, not even looking at the Mew she'd saved, until she heard a shriek and squeezed her eyes shut.

Pleasestillbetieduppleasestillbetieduppleasestillbetiedup, she thought to herself as she fought to get her breathing back under control.

((Sorry if I'm messing up Doe-Shitzu's moment of awesome, but I really wanted to get Kiichigo in on the action.))
Doe-Shitzu paniced when she realized she wasn't holding the handle bar of her nunchuku anymore.

"Oh no..." she moaned and looked around while saying between frantic breaths, "Th-thank you-by the-way."

The predacite took the opportune moment to start loosening the nunchuku chain wrapped around it. Doe-Shitzu scrambled over to the handle and yanked. The predacite screeched when one of the loose tentacles was severed from the sudden pull.

"Ew..." Doe-Shitzu gagged.
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Gale had just come outside after a calming rest when he saw the predacite. He scratched his nose. And he thought that he'd go back to acting normal after his rest. The dang thing was destroying the store one building away from his apt. He went around to ee the monster. What he saw was a super, dangerous tranformed monster squid and girl fighting it.
"I've cracked. O_O" he said knowing he was going crazy or thi was ome weird dream.
Berry jumped up a fire escape, and reached the top of a building, higher than the Chimera Anima. (That is what I'm calling it ^^;;) A flailing tentacle came flying towards her. Berry jumped in the air, dodging it by centimetres.
"Need a weapon, need a weapon!" She muttered. Then something came into her head.
"Might as well try.
BLACKBERRY SCEPTER!!!" She yelled, pushing her arm up into the air. The air around it seemed to compact into an elegant scepter, topped with a swirling purplish black crystal, with a black ribbon winding round.
Berry grasped it in both hands, then spread out her wings. She jumped off the building, her wings slowing her decent.
"Ribbon Blackberry....RUSH!!!" She yelled, bringing the weapon down, sending a swirling tornado from above, doing some damage, but mostly dazing it.
"H-here-we-go!!!" She pulled with all her might till the predacite burst into nothingness and a strange floating virus thing came falling down.

Ryuk unpocketed a light blue version of Masha/Mini Mew that had devil wings and a little fang at the corner of his mouth. His big red eyes made him look like a doll.

"Yajuu! Go get it." Ryuk tossed it.

Yajuu flapped his wings rapidly and ate the little predacite.


The poor squid that had been mutated fell down smack on Gales face.
Ryuk smiled at their team work and looked over at Kiichigo. "I guess I have some explaining to do. Come with me." He held out his hand.

Doe-Shitzu looked around, "I'm surprised there weren't any guts. You okay Berry?"
Kiichigo slowly shifted into a sitting position as the Mews took out the monster; she was still shaken up by her brush with mortal peril. She watched something blue and fluffy fly out and scoop up something vaugely jellyfish-like in its mouth. She stood up, watching it. She'd never seen anything like it before; it was so cute!

"I guess I have some explaining to do. Come with me."

Kiichigo jolted a little in response to a new voice and looked over at the young man who was holding out his hand to her. She pointed to herself, mouthing a vaguely astonished, "Me?" before she stepped forward and reached out, taking his hand with a small blush working its way onto her face.
"Doe-Shitzu, Berry! Come inside!" He hollered to them. He then led Kiichigo inside and began telling her about why he had passed her that note.

"You saw the way they just saved Tokyo just now? Well you have that ability. There are a few more of your kind that we haven't found but I'll be happy to tell you more inside."
"Whoa whoa whoa!" Kiichigo burst out, letting go of the young man's hand the second they were through the door, "Are you trying to say that I'm some kind of fre--" She froze, realizing she'd been about to call two girls who had just saved Tokyo freaks. "Look, I don't even know who you are. How am I supposed to trust you?" She planted her feet and fixed him with a fiery look; cute or not, he wasn't getting her to move another inch until she got at least a name.
"Who am I? Heh, the name's Ryuk Shirogane. I own cafe Mew Mew. I am the descendant of Ryou Shirogane who owned this place before my past generations and passed down his research as well. Do you want my Blood Type, height, or weight?"
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