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In Progress Welcome to Insanity!


Among the few morons with straight A's.
This was inspired by Charizard Morph's story Ninja Sister. In this story, I am sent a random box with a, well, just read to find out! The only character who's real is me, though. I have no siblings or neighbors with eight siblings.

Me (Eevelu)
Glacia, my older sister
Leafe, my older brother
Espia, my big tomboy sister
Umbre, my other older brother
Jolteo, my little brother
Flara, my little sister
Vaporo, my other little brother
Ten, my imaginary best friend & neighbor
Eight, Ten's little brother
Seven through One, Ten's little siblings
Tot, a 9-year-old boy who comes to stay with my family
Kyle, an idiot
Boom, Tot's tomboy sister

Me: Ah, what a wonderful day... Hey, what's that on my doorstep?
[Box on doorstep labeled "VORTEX CHOCOLATE"]
Me: Chocolate!? I better call Ten!! *gets out phone* Hey Ten, come over here quick! There's chocolate on my doorstep!!
Me: Well, that was fast.
Ten: Chocolate is the only reason to go on sometimes.
Me: Good point. Let's open it!!
Ten: CHOCOLATE!! *rips off lid to reveal swirly thing* There's no chocolate...
Me: We should sue for mislabeling. Wonder what that swirly thing is?
*Eight pokes head around wall*
Eight: That's a vortex to another dimension. If I were you, I'd stay away.
Me: Good point.
Ten: But... chocolate...
Me: Also a good point.
Eight: ...Eevelu, you're more messed up than Two. *leaves*
Me: What did that mean?
Ten: Simple. Two hates chocolate.
Ten: Oh well. Maybe the chocolate's in the vortex!!
Me: Wait, Ten-
*Ten dives into vortex*
Me: Why do I even bother? In I go.
*dives into vortex after Ten*

Chapter 2: Pretty Vortexes
Me: What have we learned today?
Ten: Never dive into a vortex just because it replaced chocolate, or you'll be turned into a weird thingamajiggy.
Me: ...Walking animals that talk and wear clothes, Ten, not thingamajiggy.
Ten: Whatever. Why do you get to be a wolf and I have to be a chicken?
Me: For the last time, you're not a chicken, you're a Ptarmigan.
Ten: What the heck is a Ptarmigan!?
Me: Some type of bird in Alaska that looks like a chicken.
Ten: I'd rather be a hawk or worm... Let's get out!
Me: Good idea. Only how do we get out?
Ten: Follow the chocolate road!! *runs off*
Me: ...What chocolate road!? *follows Ten*
Ten: Eevelu, look! More vortex thingies! *points with wing to vortexes*
Me: Uh oh.
Ten: I'm going in the pretty purple one!
Me: ...They're all purple. So let's just take the one to home.
Ten: But we don't know which one leads home!
Me: First vortex on the right, labeled "Eevelu's Doorstep".
Ten: ...No, I think it's the one labeled "Chocolate Factory".
Me: Ten, you're more messed up than Five.
Me: You can avoid that fate by going home!
Ten: LET'S GO!! *jumps through vortex labeled "Eevelu's Doorstep"*
Me: Wait for me!! *follows*
Me: Ah, home sweet home...
???: Hi, I'm Tot!
*Me and Ten scream and look at Tot*
Ten: Where did you come from!?
Tot: My older sister sent me through the vortex to stay with her friend Espia.
Me: Sorry Tot, I think Espia made a mistake, and-
Tot: I brought chocolate!
Ten: Welcome to *her* home!!
Me: ...I am going to talk to Espia about this big time...
Now for some more!!

Chapter 3: Family Meeting
*Me, Leafe, Espia, Glacia and Umbre meet*
Leafe: Espia, what were you thinking!?
Espia: I was thinking that mom left you in charge while she's away and you'll do anything for soup.
Glacia: ...Am I the only mature one in our family?
Umbre: Nah. You're just the only girl with common sense.
Me: Uh, hello? I'm the one who's responsible for keeping Ten at home!
Glacia: Eevelu's got a point.
Leafe: Now Tot's playing with the triplets, but what about when he's done?
Espia: Boom won't take Tot home for another two years.
Me: ...Two years?
Espia: And three quarters.
Leafe: Espia, we have eight people in this house to worry about already. I'm not sure we can handle nine.
Espia: Oh yeah? Prove it!
*Tot, Vaporo, Flara and Jolteo run in*
Jolteo: Hey, we're going to play in the streets with Three, Four and Six!
Umbre: Exhibit A.
Espia: Oh well, not my problem. Eevelu's the unofficial caretaker anyway.
Me: Wait, what!?
Espia: Boom and I made a contract. Look! *pulls out contract*
Glacia: This is an authentic contract, with lawyers and everything. Sorry Eevelu, you're the caretaker.
Me: Why did you have to be a certified 15-year-old genius who wanted to become a lawyer!?
Glacia: Because law is fun.
Vaporo: Uh, we're going now. Bye! *Triplets and Tot run out*
Umbre: Well Eevelu, you're the caretaker. Good luck with that. *leaves*
Espia: What he said! *leaves*
Leafe: What they said-
Glacia: Leafe, you're Eevelu's legal guardian so if something happens to her you'll be blamed and arrested too.
Leafe: Since when did it work that way!?
Glacia: Since the laws of physics were broken by that box on the doorstep.
Me: This is going to be a long day.

Chapter 4: Alien Idiots
*Tot in house*
Me: Okay Tot, you're now stuck with us, and I'm stuck as your caretaker.
Tot: Okay. Can I go back out now? It was getting to the exciting part!
Me: Since when is being almost hit by a car exciting?
Tot: Since I came here.
Me: ...Look, just play with Eight. He's smarter and much more safe.
Tot: But safe is boring!
*Eight appears in doorway*
Eight: Want to play my new video game Alien Shooters 2: Revenge?
Tot: YEAH!! *runs off and Ten walks in*
Ten: You know that's rated T for Totally-violent-and-scarring-for-life, right?
Me: Can I get arrested for letting him play?
Ten: No.
Me: Then let them play games!
Ten: Okay. I came here to tell you I found a new mall with a soda fountain.
Me: But I hate shopping! And soda!
Ten: Are you sure you're a teenage girl?
Me: ...Uh...Um... Chocolate?
Ten: OMG CHOCOLATE!! YUMMY CHOCOLATE!! *runs in circles*
Me: Wow, that actually worked!?
Ten: *stops and stares at me* Uh oh... Behind you...
Me: *turns around* Oh, shoot! KYLE!! *runs away screaming*
Kyle: Wait, you forgot your souvenir photo of me!!
Kyle: But it's just me in my Pokémon Pearl heroine outfit with a green Mohawk and blue lipstick!
---*Tot and Eight*---
Tot: Isn't that Eevelu being chased by Ten?
Eight: Nah. They're being chased by Kyle.
Tot: ...Kyle?
Eight: The local idiot. Every place needs to have a good idiot.
Tot: ...They're screaming about an ugly photo.
Eight: Well, as the old saying goes, "A Pokemon Pearl heroine outfit does not look good with a green Mohawk and blue lipstick... especially on Kyle."
Tot: Wait, what?
Eight: Look out! You're about to be killed by the alien shooters!!
*Tot screams and video game character screams*
Eight: Ooh, too late...

End of Chapter 4
Here's another Chapter.

Chapter 5: *Whine Whine Cry Whine*
Ten: Eevelu, I got Three to review the contract, and-
Me: Wait, isn't Three only seven years old?
Ten: Yes, but he knows more about law then I do.
Me: Then why was he playing in the road yesterday?
Ten: Because he was bored, duh!
Me: ...Am I the only person who's not insane!?
Ten: Anyways, Three says that you can sign over the guardianship of Tot to someone else by going through the vortexes with him and the new caretaker.
Me: Would I still get arrested if he gets hurt?
Ten: I don't think so.
Me: LET'S GO!!
---Vortex Box---
Espia: Uh, where are we right now?
Me: I think you know! I already told you.
Espia: Actually, you hit me on the back of the head and-
Tot: Who cares? I wanna go home to my family!!
Me: *pulls Tot to the side and whispers* Tot, I'm going to make Espia your legal caretaker so if you get hurt she'll be arrested, not me.
Tot: Wait, I can get hurt here!?
Me: Think of it this way. If you get hurt and Espia's your caretaker, she'll get arrested. And she's the one who arranged for you to come, right?
Tot: Oh yeah. How do we do it?
Me: Spin in a circle three times while shouting "Espia is my official caretaker instead of Eevelu" after she spins and says "I agree with what Tot will say".
Tot: How will you make her do that?
Me: Watch. *goes to Espia* Espia I want a pony and a real wolf and a new stuffed wolf and a puppy and a kitten and a wolf pup and a baby hamster and a baby Guinea Pig and a new fish and a-
Me: No way not until you give me a pony and a real wolf and a new stuffed wolf and a puppy and a-
Espia: STOP IT!!
Me: No way not until you get me a kitten and a wolf pup and a baby-
Me: No way not until you spin in a circle three times shouting "I agree with what Tot will say" and get me a-
Espia: *begins spinning in a circle three times* I agree with what Tot will say!! *stops spinning* NOW STOP WHINING!!
Me: Tot, NOW!!
Tot: *begins spinning in a circle three times* Espia is my official caretaker instead of Eevelu! *stops spinning*
Espia: Wait, you guys found the switch-caretaker-in-a-vortex loophole!?
Me: Yep. And I used it against you!
Espia: Ooh, wait until mom hears about this!! She doesn't like you using loopholes against us!!
Me: She also doesn't like you letting some the little brother of someone you met online come live with us for two years and three quarters while she's away in Canada visiting relatives even though we don't have any there.
Espia: Oh yeah... Darn it!!
Tot: Can I go play in the street now?
Me: No. We're going to the chocolate factory!!
Tot: YAY!! *jumps in Chocolate Factory vortex*
Espia: BUT HE CAN GET HURT AND I'LL BE ARRESTED!! *jumps in after him*
Me: Not my problem anymore! *jumps in vortex leading home*

End of Chapter 5
Chucho, I assume you're referring to Kyle and all of the siblings. Well, Ten and I have big families as a key part to the story. That way it is hard to run out of ideas and I will rarely have an idea shortage. Also, I use Kyle for the random bursts of idiocy he provides in a story I write on another site. It is now natural for me to have at least one big idiot in my stories, and now when I see the name "Kyle" in a book or story, I automatically think of an idiot who's so dumb he's scary. (No offense to any Kyles out there; I chose the name randomly when I created him and just made it up as I went along; I originally did not intend or expect to make him an idiot. If I did, I would have just made up a name that no one else would have.)

I'm adding some new features to make the story easier to read. (In other words, I'm making the names of the speakers bold and the lines that just have words between stars (*) italic.) I'll edit the other posts with chapters with this ASAP. Also, since the chapters are basically scripts, should I call them "Episodes" instead of chapters? (Such as "Episode 6", "Episode 7", maybe an entire "Season 1, Episode #" thingy as well?)

Chapter 6: Just Another Average Morning
*Me, Leafe, Espia and Umbre sit in kitchen; Tot comes in yawning*
Umbre: Hey Tot, how was your first night here?
Tot: Bad! I wanna go home!!
Espia: And I wanted Eevelu to be your caretaker. Looks like we'll both be disappointed.
Leafe: Just ignore her.
*Vaporo and Jolteo run in*
Vaporo: We just got invitations to the Fancy Schmancy Boarding School!
Jolteo: It's open for the whole summer!! Can we go?
Leafe: What kind of boarding school is open in the summer?
Kyle: Fancy schmancy ones!!
Me: *turns and screams* OH MY GOSH HOW DID HE GET IN HERE!?
Kyle: Espia gave me a key. Ready for our workslow date?
Espia: Of course! Let's go already! Later you guys!!
Kyle: Yeah, later boyfriends and girlfriends! T-T-T-T-T-I-L.
*Espia and Kyle leave; Tot looks confused*
Tot: Who's Kyle? And what was that about?
Me: Years ago Espia went to a boarding school and met Kyle. She wasn't supposed to come home for three happy years, but about a month later the school mysteriously burnt down so she came back. And Kyle followed her. I don't understand how he got into that school, though. He's an idiot.
Tot: Hey, that's mean!
Vaporo: Not really. It's true. And now Espia's dating him.
Jolteo: He scares us. They say he has a photo that makes people brain dead.
Tot: o_O Wow.
Umbre: At least you don't have to live with him in your local area.
Tot: No, not that. I just noticed that Eevelu's hair is sticking up big time.
Me: Wait, what!?
Jolteo: Yeah, it is...
Vaporo: Let's talk about it in our room!
*Jolteo, Vaporo, and Tot leave*
Me: It's like I have three little brothers now instead of four...
Umbre: If it helps, we'll get the forms for Vaporo and or Jolteo and or Tot to fill out so they can go to the Fancy Schmancy Boarding School.
Me: If you can, get an extra one, just in case.
Leafe: Who for? Kyle?
Me: If they're not going, I think I am.

Chapter 7: Just Another Average Morning (Ten's House)
*Ten, Eight, Seven, and Four are in Kitchen*
Ten: Okay, what are you guys having for breakfast again?
Seven: Pancakes!
Four: Waffles!
Eight: Omelets!
Ten: You're all getting cereal. *pours cereal; Five runs in with mail*
Five: Hey, dad sent us a box. Look at the dumb label he used.
*Label reads "Vortex Pancake Waffle Omelet with Chocolate"*
Seven: YES!! OPEN IT!!
*everyone but Five lunges at the box and tears it open*
Baby: WAAH!!
Ten: Hey, this isn't food, it's One!
Eight: *reads note* "Dear kids, I'm sending your baby brother One back. I couldn't stand his constant crying while on my important business trip to Europe. Take good care of him." It looks like he erased "surfing in Hawaii" and replaced it with the part about the business trip...
*Six, Three, and Two run into kitchen*
Six: This place keeps getting funner and funner!
Three: Funner's not a word.
Two: According to our new friend Kyle it is.
One: Ah, but Kyle is an IDIOT who will destroy the world the minute he becomes smart!! *insert evil laugh here*
*Everyone stares at him*
One: Uh, I mean... Goo?
*Everyone sighs with relief*
Ten: That's a relief. For a minute there I thought he was really an evil baby.

End Chapter 7

And so you guys don't get confused, a little bit about Ten's family. I'll do my family later, and then the other main characters (Tot, Boom, and Kyle.) I did this partially to help myself keep track of their ages, genders, and interests/personalities, since I make several stories and my mind's a jumble of story ideas almost always.

Ten is the lovable 14-year-old girl and Eevelu's best friend. She's the oldest one in her household, but also very gullible, naive, and crazy, especially after eating chocolate and coffee. People know better than to give her coffee.

Eight is the second oldest at eleven, and is the most practical thinker in his family. Usually he's the one who talks sense into the others, and loves doing it. It's often his job to keep the others in line, sometimes including Ten.

Seven is a sweet 9-year-old girl and is very happy. She's often rash in her actions, rarely thinking them through. Luck plays a big factor in her life, since her name is Seven. Usually the luck is either horrible, great, or nonexistent.

Six is 6-years-old and is Two's twin brother. His idea of "adventure" includes everything from playing in busy streets to petting cute animals. He's also danger-prone due to him seeing any animal as cute, including lions and tigers.

Five is eight and mostly pessimistic, unlike his other siblings. He is very sulky, hates the fact he lives in a big family for no apparent reason at all, and only likes playing with Jolteo and (now) Tot. He also has a strange taste in food.

Four is a sweet little 3-year-old girl who loves sweets. Her view on the world is basically sugarcoated with sprinkles and ice cream on it. Unlike other girls her age, she doesn't like dresses much and has become a bit of a tomboy.

Three is a smart seven-year-old who's very playful. If he was as practical as Eight he could be called a genius. He likes law like Glacia but rarely talks to her because of their age difference and it's the only interest they share.

Two is a semi-intelligent six-year-old and Six's twin sister. She is very shy and careful, but is still very protective of her her friend Flara and her siblings, especially One. People who know her know to keep on her good side, or else.

One is a one-year-old baby that was mailed home by their dad. He seems normal enough, but seems to have a hypnotic spell over the others despite his cute looks. So far he seems to want to take over the world.

Their Dad is currently away on "business" in Europe, even though he packed a surfboard, swim shorts, and beach clothes in a suitcase with the word "Hawaii" on a sticker. He isn't very bright, and thinks that band aids can fix anything.

Their Mom took One and returned to her family in Hawaii when One was about eight months old, having gotten a divorce from their dad. She rarely contacts her kids, although she still cares about them. Since she was the one who'd taken One, it's a mystery why their dad was the one who sent One to them.

Note: The reason the kids' names do not match the order of ages is because their father can't count very well, and their mother usually was still recovering from giving the gift of life when the birth certificates were signed or something. That is also why there is no "Nine" in the family.
I dedicate the following chapter/episode-thingy to Billy Mays. RIP Billy Mays.

Chapter 8: Sick (of Television)
*in bedroom wearing pajamas*
Me: I can't believe I got a cold today of all days... That was so sudden, too, especially since it was when Ten introduced me to her baby brother One...
*door opens and Tot comes in*
Tot: Hi, want some company Eevelu?
Me: Um, no, I think I'm contagious.
Tot: But we got you a surprise!
Me: What do you mean by "we"?
*door opens again and Flara, Vaporo and Jolteo pull in television*
Me: *sits up in bed suddenly* What the-!?
Flara: Surprise! We brought you a TV to watch!
Jolteo: Yeah, but don't sneeze on it.
Me: But it won't work without cable or satellite or-
Vaporo: Then how do you explain this? *turns TV on to cable channel*
Me: ...Um, I can't without a cable box or--Wait, where's the cord!?
Tot: What cord? We don't use cords where I come from.
Me: o_O
Flara: While you're sick today, we're your personal help!
Jolteo: If you need anything, just call us!
Vaporo: But not right now, we're on our break. That's why brought a TV.
Everyone but Me: BYE! *leaves*
Me: Uh. . . Okay. . . Now what's on television?
TV: "Get your own cordless TV, just $999!!"
Me: Wait, what?
TV: "Cure for the common cold: Free with ten payments of $49.99."
Me: That doesn't sound free...
TV: "YO! WIMP! Exercise with the Rolling Logs Treadmill!"
Me: That looks like a piece of carpet attached tom rolling logs...
TV: "Start your morning with Breakslow, the nice alternative to breakfast."
Me: Uh, what is that?
TV: "Start your day right with quagzons, only 600 vlogux!"
Me: What's are quagzons? And vlogux?
TV: "Merry Sue's Guide to Popularity, Guaranteed to Make You a Merry Sue!"
Me: Why do I want to be a Mary Sue!?
TV: "Every hug ends with 'Gee', which ends with 'Willikers' or 'Wiz'!"
Me: And the point of that was...?
TV: "And now back to the show..."
Me: Thank goodness, no more weird commercials!
TV: "...Commercial Central, Brought to you by Commercials."
Me: Wait, "Commercial Central"!?
TV: "Commercial Central's highest payer is Snow Go! Here's their commercial!"
Me: NOOOO!!!!!
TV: "We are bringing you a breaking story! The new cordless TV invented by several kids has been given to a sick girl, out of charity. Here's the kid behind the idea, or should I say kids: Tot, Flara, Jolteo, and Vaporo."
Me: Wait, huh?
TV: *Jolteo* "Well, she was sick with a cold and it's just awful, so we couldn't ignore an innocent girl in need for money."
TV: *reporter* "Yes, such a heartwarming story. But where is she?"
TV: *Flara* "She's right inside the house. You can see her from her window."
Me: *slowly turns head to look out window* If we weren't on television, they'd so be dead.
Reporter: *sticks microphone through window* Can you say that louder?
Me: If we weren't on television, they'd be unappreciated! After all, they're such perfect little angels... *fake sincere smile*
Reporter: Yes they are, helping a complete and total stranger like that!
Me: Stranger? I-
*Tot writes on paper and holds it up: "Go along and we'll split the profits!"*
Me: -can't believe you'd say that. Why, they are not strange, they're wonderful!
Reporter: Yes, they are! Thanks for watching this important news story.
*news crew leaves in five minutes*
Me: Okay, how much are you making?
Vaporo: The highest offer we've gotten for the rights to produce it was only seven hundred dollars. Now we're up to five hundred thousand thanks to that sappy act!
Me: ...By the way, did I mention you guys are grounded for making me have to go on national television without telling me first?
Jolteo: No. Why? Did you change your mind?
Me: You're all grounded for two days.
Everyone: Aww!!


You can see why I dedicated it to Billy Mays. Plus, I really do have a cold, so it just kinda fits the theme.
So, I was like, on Zhura, and scripts for stories don't look like that. I think it only looks like that for transcripts, which are different.
...Chucho, you're right about that. I messed up, I guess. ^_^; I suppose that means the episode thing idea is out.

Chapter 9: Head-Hurting Impossibly Possible
*Tot walks into room and Ten and I are staring at her with 3rd-degree interrogation lighting*
Me: Tot, where have you been the past week?
Tot: Is this a crime show? Can I be the policeman?
Ten: No Tot, you can be the fugitive kid who vanished for a week and is being interrogated.
Me: *whispers* Have you done this on your siblings!?
Ten: Yeah, but mostly on my dad.
Tot: What are you talking about?
Me: Uh, nothing. Now, where were you yesterday?
Tot: I was in... MICHIGAN!
*ta-da music on trumpet fills room and Me and Ten look around*
Ten: What is that music?
Tot: What music?
Me: ...Right... Anyways, how did you get there?
Tot: I went with Boom.
Me: Who's Boom?
Ten: Don't you remember? It was back before we used bold for names...
Espia: Boom won't take Tot home for another two years.
Me: ...Two years?
Espia: And three quarters.
Leafe: Espia, we have eight people in this house to worry about already. I'm not sure we can handle nine.
Espia: Oh yeah? Prove it!
*Tot, Vaporo, Flara and Jolteo run in*
Jolteo: Hey, we're going to play in the streets with Three, Four and Six!
Umbre: Exhibit A.
Espia: Oh well, not my problem. Eevelu's the unofficial caretaker anyway.
Me: Wait, what!?
Espia: Boom and I made a contract. Look! *pulls out contract*
Glacia: This is an authentic contract, with lawyers and everything. Sorry Eevelu, you're the caretaker.
*Rant rant rant, Tot and Triplets leave*
Me: What is going on here!?
Leafe: Hey, why are there two Eevelus!?
Tot: Why are your names not in bold?
Glacia: Tot, why are you inside when you just left!?
Ten: Why was *I* not here!?
Umbre: What do you mean "was"? You're here right now.
Me: Ten, you brought us back in time so we're actually IN the flashback!?
Me: Why doesn't this surprise me?
Ten: 'Cause you're my best friend and you love me?
Kyle: It wasn't Ten, it was me!!
*everyone turns to stare at Kyle*
Espia: Oh, Kyle, you're so HOT with your name part bold part normal!
Umbre: ...Okay, this is getting weird. And gross.
Kyle: But we're boy-pal and girl-pal! We're dating!
Espia: Oh, Kyle, you're so HOT when you say boy-pal and girl-pal!
Glacia: ...That is so wrong on so many levels.
Kyle: Ooh, levels?? What game are we playing? Rainbow Unicorn Land?
Me&Me: Am I the ONLY one with enough sense to chase away Kyle?!
Espia: But you need Leafe's permission, which I doubt he'll give you. Right Leafe?
*Leafe and Me&Me look at each other*
Leafe: Eevelu and Eevelu, you both have my permission to attack them.
*Me&Me chase Espia away*
Tot: So, how are we gonna get back?
Glacia: We'll think of something. Maybe over tea and milk.


Now for "my" "family".

Eevelu is 14 and endlessly optimistic. When she isn't with Tot. Or her siblings (except for Leafe, who's more sensible). Occasionally the same goes for Ten and family. Otherwise she's very bright and cheerful, even when she gets hurt badly. You just don't see it that much anymore.

Leafe is 18 and keeps the family running with some unknown source of seemingly money. He is sensible and usually very serious about the family, but it is highly suggested to run when he is "relaxed", as there seems to be a lot more damage likely then.

Glacia is 15 and has an IQ of 198, but thankfully she uses regular words unlike some of her more nerdy classmates at Genius Academy. (Most nerds there are between 3 and 8 years old.) Her main interest is law, but she has a sense of humor unlike the stereotype lawyer everyone else thinks of.

Espia is 16 and has the IQ of, according to Eevelu (me), a peanut. Her best friend online is a girl named Boom, Tot's older sister. It is her fault that Tot has arrived, which adds on to the chaos Eevelu (me) calls her (my) life. She's also dating Kyle, the local idiot.

Umbre is 16 but is not Espia's twin; they were born ten months apart. He is a bit mysterious and dark in public, but has a sense of humor. He loves his siblings but chooses to hide it since they're crazy and is usually ignored. He has trouble spelling but lets the others laugh at his mistakes.

Vaporo is 10 and is the oldest of the Triplets. Most of the crazy things they do are his ideas, though he DOES have *some* common sense. That common sense shines through in his music and songs, which are very good and sound like professionals. But they're all rap or rock-and-roll.

Jolteo is 10 and the middle of the triplets. He would rather have his name be "Jolt" and is an extremely fast runner. The one thing he's known best for is that he has an athletic talent, which is why he is on none of the local sports teams. It's too hard for him to choose.

Flara is 10 and the youngest of the triplets. She prefers playing in her room than doing her brothers' crazy schemes. But her idea of crazy is, sadly, distorted, so she does a lot of them. Her art is said to rival that of Renaissance artists. But she never shows them off.
Last edited:
Yay, another update at long last. Here's my latest adventure.

Chapter 10: Shopping Day
[Ten and family walk into my kitchen; my family is sitting at table]
Me: Hey Ten. You ready?
Ten: Yeah. I think.
Tot: What's going on?
Eight: Only the worst day of the year... Shopping Day.
Tot: What's so bad about it?
Flara: Last time we were banned from the mall.
Jolteo: Now we have to go to a new mall.
Vaporo: And it's time to choose the representatives.
Leafe: Last year, I went with Espia, Jolteo, and Four.
Umbre: It was Espia who messed it all up.
Leafe: Anyways, this time we're talking about a bigger trip thanks to Tot being sent here by Espia and One mailed from either Hawaii or Europe. So to choose who's going, we're going to draw straws.
Glacia: As the lawyers, Three and I will go over the rules and conditions. First of all, Espia is banned from any malls within a five-mile radius of the city forever.
Three: Or at least until she breaks up with Kyle.
Espia: In that case I'm out of here.
[Espia goes to her room]
Seven: Well that was lucky.
Glacia: Yeah. Anyways, Tot also has to go to try on clothes since he's new here and we know nothing about what he likes or what he wears. We need a representative for One too, since he's too small to try on the clothes.
Two: I'll do it!!
Three: Okay, sounds good. So let's draw straws already!
[Leafe holds out hand and everyone grabs straws]
Me: Oh great, I'm going.
Ten: Me too.
Five: But I don't want to go to a stupid mall to buy stupid clothes.
Vaporo: Me neither, but oh well.
Umbre: Hey, I'm going too.
Eight: Wait a minute, all the straws are the same length!!
[Everyone gasps]
Leafe: In that case, everyone who didn't go last year can go this year too, I guess.
Six: Uh oh... Well, at least Espia's not going.
Seven: LET'S GO!!
[Everyone runs to car except Me, Ten, Glacia, Three, Leafe and Umbre]
Three: We're going to need a bigger car.
Ten: Let's just ride the bus.
Umbre: We were banned from any bus except for school buses though, remember?
Ten: Oh yeah. Let's have a-
Glacia: NO FLASHBACKS!! As long as Kyle is around, the flashbacks will end up horribly!
Me: Oh yeah, the laws of physics only began to break after Kyle arrived...
Leafe: So how are you guys going to get to the mall?
[Suddenly doorbell rings and Espia runs in and opens door]
Espia: Hi Kyle!!
Kyle: Hi Espia!!
Me: Oh no! KYLE!
Kyle: Hi everyone!! I'm here to watch a movie with Espia!
Espia: I can't WAIT to see it!!
Umbre: Can you guys just get out of here!? We're trying to come up with a way to get to the mall!!
Kyle: Hey, I know what to do!
[Everyone gasps]
Me: *crosses fingers and whispers* Please don't say it...
Kyle: You should have a dramatic cliffhanger!!
Me: Why doesn't crossing your fingers and saying "Please don't say it" ever work!?
To be continued...
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