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What do you think of Pokémon Horizons?


New member
So, it seems like there isn't a thread about this yet, so I decided to go ahead and start one.

The latest season of Pokémon seems to have retired Ash as a protagonist in favor of a girl named Liko. It seems like Team Rocket doesn't appear, and the narrative is centered around artifacts rather than becoming a Pokémon master.

Does it seem like a step in the right direction, retiring Ash and trying to come up with something fresh, or does it feel like the series is moving too far from its roots?

I personally feel like I can appreciate the new series for what it is, and also feel like there were enough seasons featuring Ash that I'm not too upset about that coming to an end, simply because there are so many seasons to rewatch that feature him.
I haven't watched it yet, but I hear good things! I think shaking it up by doing a standalone series with different protagonists after giving Ash a good send-off was probably a good move for the storytelling of the series. But, as I said, I haven't seen the series so I don't know how it turned out.
This series is doing great and was certainly better than my expectations ( I wasn't expecting much tbf), it is a solid anime and it was a good Idea in the end to change the protagonist as it brings something fresh to the table rather than just keep using Ash.
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