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What Dreams May Come

Yeah well I'm here to light your paper airplane on fire with my brain. (IT'S A DREAM I DO WHAT I WANT)

Vampire slayers don't collect pokémon by turning them into pixie dust, narrator. I am a magician. You see, I do magic.

And now I would like to look in the water to see if there are any other pokémon beating logic into the ground! ... Or. sand. sandbar. ... rocky bottom. ... reef. ... shipwreck. ... shut up I know exactly where I am.
I smile as I finally get to see the process in full. This'll make a lovely picture when I wake up! But time to walk on. I do however, give the Sunkern a tap with my shoe. Why just leave it lying there?

But then I decide it's time to move on in this little dream land. Find more shiny things, y'know?

The metaphorical paper airplane combusts into metaphorical ashes! The dream is metaphorically pouting petulantly at you.

Or maybe it admires your spunk (if that's what you'd call it), because just a few strides from you, in water probably between your knees and your waist, you see a lanturn being rapid-spun by a starmie! Who knows what he could have done to insult it. "Your mother was a bidoof and your father smelt of pecha berries"?

Zora of Termina

You give the depressingly useless sunkern a kick, and it too vanishes in [there are only so many ways one can say "silver light and sparkles" okay]. Moving on, you see a furret chittering furiously with a diglett. The furret soon does the furrety equivalent of throwing up his arms in exasperation and claws into the ground pokémon. She squeaks in surprise and starts tunnelling around to get him off; when they resurface, the furret is still doggedly holding on, although slightly dizzy.

It's kind of a cute spectacle, actually.

[ Oh yeah, obtained one (1) female sunkern! ]
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Yeah well I don't care about the dream's puppy eyes because I found that puppy and kicked it and stuck it in the Box and now it's a sad kitten in rain THAT'S HOW HARD I IGNORED IT


Hey, pokémon in the right place! I yell, "Ludicolo, leaf storm!" in an attempt to get their attention for long enough to POKE THEM IN THE EYE. OR HEAD. OR ... GEM. ... or I swim after them. Or both.

You sure thoroughly ignored the heck out of the dream. yep.

Well. You might just have been bluffing, but does the ludicolo that just formed from a shell of silver sparkles and blue crystal know that? It looks just the same as any ludicolo you've ever seen - silly hat, sillier dance (and now you have Miror B.'s theme in your head). It doesn't... seem to know what you asked of it, but it tries its hardest with a razor leaf at the lanturn.

The fish pokémon is stunned, and with a single hit of the sharpened leaves, he floats to the surface. His skin looks as if it turns to grey stone before... imploding, sucking into itself and leaving no trace.

The starmie might not know what just happened, but it knows when to get the heck out of dodge, and does so, fleeing to deeper, calmer waters.

[ No. You did not obtain a lanturn. You do have what appears to be a ludicolo next to you, though. ]

dreamscape when I find you I will make you wish you weren't
and then I will send you to the corner
WITH THE LUDICOLO -- why is there now a ludicolo with me. "... You are adorable but why are you here."

Well, on the plus side, it's a ludicolo and they're pretty cool. SO I SHALL SIT ON IT AND IT WILL BE MY MAGICAL PINEAPPLE MOUNT and assuming it doesn't go sparkle sparkle poofy combustion I will direct it around the waters so that I can possibly find things and ... not attack them this time (THERE WAS NO LUDICOLO! AND IT. DOESN'T. LEARN. LEAF. STORM. WHY YOU GOTTA BE LIKE THAT DREAM I'M BANNING YOU FROM CANADA) but I will stay in water shallow enough I can stand because swimming is hard and also I have no idea how long I can keep my buddy
Walk past them. My Pokemon would nom on that Parasect. Now, I will try to fly. -jumps and faceplants- Darn it....stupid dream.
Lily stared at the Scyther and Bellsprout. Worth a try... She reached out to touch the Scyther's wing.

After an experimental poke, then trying to use the ludicolo's hair to climb up, you're helped up onto the lilypad by the ludicolo's giant oven mitt hands. Using the fuzzy growth as a saddle horn, you guide the pineapple pokémon (who attempts to muffle its rhythmic groove, for your sake) to victory. Victoryyyy!

Well, you see some more pokémon, at least. In the shallows, a krabby looks to be trying to put a few more kinks in a marill's tail. He tries doggedly to swim away from his pinch, to no avail.


It's actually not hard to extricate the sentret off the sunflora when your touch turns her to light and glitter. The flower pokémon gives a "flora!" of appreciation and waddles off.

[ Obtained one (1) female sentret! ]


Not fond of either of the choices, you leave the parasect and phanpy be and continue. (Well, if you expect you're going to fall, of course you won't be able to fly!)

Soon, you spot a ledyba messing with an arbok! She keeps eluding the snake's grasp; he launches himself towards her and she flits just out of reach.


However one would "disintedrate" something, it doesn't work. You try to stealthily bop the bellsprout on her root, but the luminescence spooks the pidgey away. You got the sprout, at least!

[ Obtained one (1) female bellsprout! ]


The wing is fragile under your fingers for the second it lasts. The glassy light and sparks alert the bellsprout, who runs off.

[ Obtained one (1) male scyther! ]

After an experimental poke, then trying to use the ludicolo's hair to climb up, you're helped up onto the lilypad by the ludicolo's giant oven mitt hands. Using the fuzzy growth as a saddle horn, you guide the pineapple pokémon (who attempts to muffle its rhythmic groove, for your sake) to victory. Victoryyyy!

Well, you see some more pokémon, at least. In the shallows, a krabby looks to be trying to put a few more kinks in a marill's tail. He tries doggedly to swim away from his pinch, to no avail.
I am the most awesome, even if my wonderful bluff backfired and I lost some pokémon. This is so totally worth it.

Since I do love delicious crab, I lean over to poke the marill (it might be a bit crabby but at least it's not able to get away) and the krabby! ... Assuming I don't fall off.

Hey, if Runpa (I'M NAMING IT AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME, HORRIBLE NARRATOR THAT HATES MY BLUFFS) helped me get up, it'd probably keep me from falling off.... I believe in you!

In exchange for a no-cost area, I did mention that RP is nice~ I mean, bare minimum is okay, but you're less likely to get two...

As in this case, where, as you try to sneak up behind the arbok, he suddenly turns around and smacks into your chest! The force knocks you down even as he disappears; the ledyba chuckles and flies away towards a distant tree.

[ Obtained one (1) male arbok! ]


You hook the pineapple growth with your legs and flop down. It's not very pretty, but you do manage to hit the krabby's head-spike thing before losing balance and doing a headstand in the sand! Lucky he disappeared before you fell, or you could have had more pain on your mind than getting the sand out of your hair. The grateful marill bobs away.

[ Obtained one (1) male krabby! ]
I blinked once in surprise as the Sentret disappeared, but shrugged. I smiled once at the Sunflora, before turning to explore the strange dream-scape some more.

You hook the pineapple growth with your legs and flop down. It's not very pretty, but you do manage to hit the krabby's head-spike thing before losing balance and doing a headstand in the sand! Lucky he disappeared before you fell, or you could have had more pain on your mind than getting the sand out of your hair. The grateful marill bobs away.

[ Obtained one (1) male krabby! ]
Aw, I was hoping I'd get the marill before the krabby let it go.... Ah well, it was probably too crabby to be my friend anyway and so I am VICTORIOUS ANYWAY


how do I get back up

help this is hard I am no athlete

oh well I will try to SIT BACK ON MY NOBLE STEED and then explore the beach
or possibly the land
but definitely around sand
She proceeds onward, beginning to become rather bored by the, although cheerful, vast and barely interesting fields, wondering if there were other lands to explore. (Hint, hint.)

As you walk down the flower field, you see a purple nidoran strolling along a mareep! ... They don't seem to be fighting at all; they're chatting happily and smiling at each other. The sheep pokémon points his friend to a verdant patch of millet and they begin nomming cheerily.


You get a ★★★☆ in Jump and manage to fumble onto the ludicolo's back once again. Moving on, you see a squirtle watching a school of magikarp intently, then swiping one as the others flee. If you're quick, you could probably grab her before she gets eaten, or him before he takes it back to his nest.


Hey, (even though you've probably walked half a mile or so) the red door is still behind you. And you can always wake up. No one's stopping you from being amazed at the wonders around you; that's all you.

Nature presents to your view a spearow pecking at a sleeping raticate's tail. You can see the black eyes of the raticate open sharply, the amazing reflexes as she tenses her muscles underneath her sleek coat and retaliates, his fuzzy down feathers she manages to catch in her yellowed teeth as the spearow narrowly evades being lunch.

Live in the moment, and you'll never be bored.
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You get a ★★★☆ in Jump and manage to fumble onto the ludicolo's back once again. Moving on, you see a squirtle watching a school of magikarp intently, then swiping one as the others flee. If you're quick, you could probably grab her before she gets eaten, or him before he takes it back to his nest.
FLYING TACKLE POUNCE THAT SQUIRTLE i have the height advantage even if it's hard to get back on Runpa

MAGIKARP CAN SUCK IT UNTIL THEY LAY GOLDEN EGGS >( but actually they're my friends too

everyone's my friend

let's all be happy
Eonrider watched the Doduo and Oddish with interest. He half considered catching them, but he didn't have any Pokeballs, and this was apparantly a dream anyway. Eonrider decided that he should probably break them up. He strode up to the two Pokemon, saying something about a compromise, as if the Oddish would give up part of its body to feed two heads, anyway.
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