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What Eeveelution do you want?

I'm making three new Eeveelutions for my game (Pokemon Aotearoa), a normal type, a dragon type and a poison type. There names are:
Normal - Un-named (any suggestions)
Dragon - Draceon
Poison - Acideon

Any suggestions, on a name for the normal type?
I say Ground and Steel. I'd love to see those.

I've doodled Eeveelutions for every type, but have no idea where they are T-T
I'd like a steel Eevee that evolves with metal coat. A ghost one would be good, but I am strongly opposed to the idea of a flying Eeveelution. Flying is only cool if done by birds.
Yeah, Eeveelutions are getting out of hand these days, I like them and all but it's going a bit too far. I never expected Nintendo to make more. The only type that would work for the Eeveelutions right now is Dragon, and I have no idea how Nintendo would do that.

Just put Erindor! :D

A flying dragon psychic type.
That'd be cool.
For some reason, bug and rock really intrigue me.. With such a simple design, there is a lot you can do with Eevee.
steel/ground eeveelutions, i love the concept of steel eeveelutions whilst ground just really needs more recognition if you ask me
Ghost and Dragon are the only ones that go with the theme but here's my list of how I felt when I heard of them.
First 3: Need more. Jolteon is a clear win.(Between the three)
Next 2: Awesome.
Next 2: There are ugly.
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