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What Eeveelution do you want?

i'd like to see a steel, rock and flyin' eevee.......83 we need more pure flying types anyway.

though it'd be really funny to see a ??? or a BIRD eevee....lol

at this rate, he might just rival arceus.
Yep, Eevee can rival Arceus for sure :)

Because then we'll force Nintendo to make Dual types and do every combination possible with Duals(after getting all the single types) which is a lot.

But Nintendo won't, how sad.
I can see "Missivneon" now: All the powers of Missingno, in Eeveelution form! (One terrible evolution people would dread. xD)
^I prefer the name "Eeveeon". (My long-lost friend made that name...)

Lots of people love glitches!

Missivneon would be so awesome if it caused nothing bad to happen.
By "glitches", I mean that all your Pokémon would become Eevee, and they'd be level 1. Also, your character would become a purple-haired boy wearing a floral dress and you'd fight Missingno and die. Also, your game file would be ruined, and your game itself would be "bricked".
I'd like to see a Ground and a Flying type. After that, they'd basically have all of the types that aren't already similar to another. (Rock, Steel, etc.) Except maybe Dragon, that's pretty cool. =P
^I prefer the name "Eeveeon". (My long-lost friend made that name...)

By "glitches", I mean that all your Pokémon would become Eevee, and they'd be level 1. Also, your character would become a purple-haired boy wearing a floral dress and you'd fight Missingno and die. Also, your game file would be ruined, and your game itself would be "bricked".

Who says that exactly would happen? And Nintendo could make it a real Pokemon so it doesn't count as a glitch if you know what I mean.
Well, for flying it could be Aveon (credit to Lucas) bug it could be Insecteon and ghost it could be Poltergeon. I would like an Eeveelution of all types, though!
I like Spectreon for a ghost. Maybe Alloeon or something for a steel type. :o
I think we probably have enough Eevee evolutions already... but then again, people used to think it was "only special-based types for Eevee evolutions," and now technically every type is both a special type and a physical type.

Dragon-type Eevee evolution would be pretty lame (it is Dragon-type, after all), so I say we should finally get a pure Flying type. And they should rename "Flying" to something like "Air" or "Wind" while they're at it, if only to shut the "NO! FLYING IS ONLY A SECONDARY TYPE!!!1!111!" crowd up.
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