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What Pokemon type of Gym Leader/Elite 4 member would you be? *Quiz*

Why not.

1. Adriane
2. Calm
3. Keep the opponent guessing
4. Composer
5. Blue
6. None in particular
7. Jazz
8. Hoenn
And because some people seem to be posting teams...

Scizor, metagross, skarmory, steelix, excadrill, lucario/some not-steel thing to cover up weaknesses.
Why not.

1. Adriane
2. Calm
3. Keep the opponent guessing
4. Composer
5. Blue
6. None in particular
7. Jazz
8. Hoenn

Guess who's a Water user? You are!

1. Alexis
2. Serious
3. Defense and Speed
4. Writer
5. Red, Black, and Blue
6. "I'm sorry, you are just not that good."
7. Acoustic and Alternative
8. Hoenn

Well, it looks like we have a poison user here!
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1. Eilieh
2. I don't really have a favourite...
3. Attack with all I've got, but don't forget type advantages and status inflictions!
4. Consulting Detective *cue glares from non-Sherlock fans*
5. Tie between blue and silver.
6. ____ is/are cool.
7. Punk rock, hard rock, and metal
8. Sinnoh

EDIT: Heh, I'm normal. Didn't see that coming.
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Frostagin said:
1. Eilieh
2. I don't really have a favourite...
3. Attack with all I've got, but don't forget type advantages and status inflictions!
4. Consulting Detective *cue glares from non-Sherlock fans*
5. Tie between blue and silver.
6. ____ is/are cool.
7. Punk rock, hard rock, and metal
8. Sinnoh

Guess what? Welcome to the world of Normal types!
1. Norm

2. Naughty

3. 1 HP (focus sash)/ Endeavor/ Quick Attack

4. Assasin

5. Silver

6. Die, and be free of pain, or live, and fight your sorrow.

7. Classical

8. Hoenn
1. Norm

2. Naughty

3. 1 HP (focus sash)/ Endeavor/ Quick Attack

4. Assasin

5. Silver

6. Die, and be free of pain, or live, and fight your sorrow.

7. Classical

8. Hoenn

You seem to be Ghost, you naughty thing, you!
I was hoping for Dark, xD.

Needs more Dark leaders.

Of course, my team is Banette, Dusknoir, Gengar, Spiritomb, Chandelure.

1. Adam
2. Brave
3. Depends. Usually, either sweep everything with super effective moves or wait out your opponent's attacks and strike when they're down.
4. Theoretical Physicist/some other kind of scientist.
5. Gold.
6. "Oh, Come on!"
7. Classic Rock/Punk Rock/Alternative (and Videogame, if that counts.)
8. Sinnoh

1. Adam
2. Brave
3. Depends. Usually, either sweep everything with super effective moves or wait out your opponent's attacks and strike when they're down.
4. Theoretical Physicist/some other kind of scientist.
5. Gold.
6. "Oh, Come on!"
7. Classic Rock/Punk Rock/Alternative (and Videogame, if that counts.)
8. Sinnoh

We have a Steel user here!
... Sure, why not?

1. Silver is the first I remember playing.

2. Modest, it's quite useful.

3. Combinations/strategies that do a ton of damage but only sometimes work.

4. Rich person.

5. Blue.

6. Honestly? 'Buenos noches'. Do not ask.

7. Eclectic. If I must choose, then R&B.

8. Kanto.
(Steel really fits, what with the swords and all.)

Since people are posting teams...

Probably Skarmory, Bisharp, Lucario, Scizor, and Empoleon. Maybe substitute a Metagross or a Magnezone in there somewhere.
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Oh yeah, teams! Umm, damn it, they're all so awesome how can I pick only 5 ;_;
Well at least Scrafty, Gallade, Toxicroak, Mienshao and then either Sawk, Lucario, Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan.
... Sure, why not?

1. Silver is the first I remember playing.

2. Modest, it's quite useful.

3. Combinations/strategies that do a ton of damage but only sometimes work.

4. Rich person.

5. Blue.

6. Honestly? 'Buenos noches'. Do not ask.

7. Eclectic. If I must choose, then R&B.

8. Kanto.

You seem to be a risk-taker. Fire it is!
1. That's none of your concern
2. Jolly
3. Always try to have the type advantage, and use a diverse moveset
4. Theoretical Physicist
5. Blue
6. "Seems legit"
7. Metal, especially Progressive and Avant-Garde metal
8. Kanto
Fire? I'm flashing back to when Pottermore gave me Gryffindor, but alright, you are the expert...

Ninetales, a camerupt, rapidash, arcanine, heatmor, and probably a torkoal.

(Just realized that there are very few non-starter fire types)
1) Isn't this question too personal?
2) Mild, maybe.
3) Not sure if I have one. I prefer moves with sane amounts of base damage and about 20 PP to ultra-strong ones with 5 PP, sleep is a useful status change, and it's good to be faster than the enemy. Also I don't like bad secondary effects like recoil or recharging.
4) I don't know... Sometimes I imagine myself as the lead singer of a (Lovecraft fan)girl band.
5) Blue.
6) I don't know. "Lava is awesome" is an too old and I only use "It's a void thing" in my mind...
7) Not sure, but I like Disney villain songs... Also I believe that the melody is the most important part of music.
8) Sinnoh.
1) Isn't this question too personal?
2) Mild, maybe.
3) Not sure if I have one. I prefer moves with sane amounts of base damage and about 20 PP to ultra-strong ones with 5 PP, sleep is a useful status change, and it's good to be faster than the enemy. Also I don't like bad secondary effects like recoil or recharging.
4) I don't know... Sometimes I imagine myself as the lead singer of a (Lovecraft fan)girl band.
5) Blue.
6) I don't know. "Lava is awesome" is an too old and I only use "It's a void thing" in my mind...
7) Not sure, but I like Disney villain songs... Also I believe that the melody is the most important part of music.
8) Sinnoh.

Well, well, well. Looks like we have a Dragon Master here!
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