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What really annoys you about the Pokemon Anime?

If I had to choose one thing from the anime that annoys me, it would be Ash. Could they make him any more childish? It's been like 10 years since the anime started, so could they at least have him go through puberty?
^ Honestly, I don't think it goes by our years at all. The only time they ever mentioned Ash getting older was in the third movie short, and that was just a "Remember? Today I met you" thing.
Here's how EVERY episode goes:
.Ash and co meet a "New best friend"
. They battle
. Team Rocket see the battle, say they're hungry then try and cause mischeif.
. Team rocket attempt to steal Pikachu and whatever other pokemon they feel like.
. Pikachu will try to electricute them, but OH NO! Team rocket are wearing rubber!
. Pikachu electricutes the Meowth baloon.
.TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF AGAIN! WOBBAFETT! CHIME! (Anyother frikkin' pokemon that makes irratating sounds)
.Ash and co sod off again.
.Bye bye "best friend ever", I hope we battle again.
.The walk into the sunset, as it goes into a box that says TO BE CONTINUED...

I can't believe I just wrote all of that...

Rinse and Repeat.
*GROAN* Dang, why can't they just make Pokemon cooler? The only place it's cool is in Japan, and in little addicts' minds. Not that ALL of it is bad, but the anime...
Well of course the anime's gonna be cooler in Japan; they actually don't censor it. (AKA Satoshi swears, according to what Ketsu told me)

Hehe, I kinda parodied that in a fanfiction that REALLY SHOULD GET FINISHED.
Most people here pretty much summed up everything that annoy me with the anime, and the fact no main character get any of the AWESOME Pokémon(Gardevoir, Absol, Golem, Scizor, Drifloon, Mawile, Milotic, etc)

What if they made a anime arc where Ash & co. WASN'T the main characters, and there was a bunch of completely new ones? Would the world implode?
They did it before. I think during the Johto or Hoenn season they had special episodes which followed Misty at her Gym, Richie and Sparky, Prof. Oak etc. rather then Ash. They even had the characters from Gold and Crystal star in an arc of their own, trying to save Raikou. Better yet, Gold had a Typhlosion, rather then showing him just starting off with a Cyndaquil.

More of these episodes please. But with a range of people ~ the kid just starting out, the teenager whose exploring elsewhere, the Gym Leader, the bad guys etc. Then you can get those great episodes where their paths cross over, so if you're a fan of one character you can cheer for them, but if you like both you end up a bit screwed XD
the dubbing is cringe-worthy
i have started watching the japanese episodes with subs, admittedly i do enjoy it, but it's still rather predictable plot-wise. the better voice actors do make it better though.
I just came to think of something, I'm going to kill the ones who make the anime if Max appears as a trainer in the anime WITHOUT the Ralts he befriended in AG109.
I'd probably kill them if they mess up an opportunity to make up an awesome movie plot.

Cause everybody knows that Evil Dictator!Ash is awesome.
I haven't looked at the anime in long time but I have had some pet peeves.

~How Team Rocket, at this point in time, still haven't found any valuable Pokémon to catch other than Pikachu. Are they never going to learn they can't have him?

You are totally right.And,All their disguises are pathetic
The funny thing is, the anime wasn't actually any better in the first season; we were all younger so we appreciated it more and ignored all the plotholes/fail logic/fillers. Hence why kids today like the anime even though everyone else thinks it's fail.

I mean, go back and find the first season on youtube. It's crap.

You know why TR fails in every episode, why Ash is still like 10 years old and all of the other crap? It's a kids show.
The funny thing is, the anime wasn't actually any better in the first season; we were all younger so we appreciated it more and ignored all the plotholes/fail logic/fillers. Hence why kids today like the anime even though everyone else thinks it's fail.

I mean, go back and find the first season on youtube. It's crap.

You know why TR fails in every episode, why Ash is still like 10 years old and all of the other crap? It's a kids show.

While I do agree that we were younger and less aware of low quality television I do think that, even so, the first season was better. Not out of any nostalgia or memories of the show, just out of regular old judgement. Every now and then I watch an episode or three of the first season just for fun. And I realize that if I had never seen or even heard of Pokemon before and I compared an original episode to a-what are we on now, eleventh season?-new episode then I would almost definitely choose the original.

The writing's gotten worse. TR's gotten stupider. The jokes have gotten punnier. The character designs have gotten wackier. It seems like the anime may soon burn itself out; it's running out of ideas. Of course, I guess they'll always gave inspiration from new games.

I'm not sure if I would care if it did. I don't watch it anymore, as I can't stand any episodes past maybe Advanced. But it would be sort of, I don't know, saddening. Like a feeling that something ongoing, no matter how bad, related to one of your favorite things has stopped. I'm not sure how I would feel.

I think you're right, it all comes down to the fact that the show's written for kids. And as Pokemon's gotten older the average age of fans has risen, but since there are still plenty of younger kids to please I guess they just cater to the target audience, since you can't please anyone. I guess they think (if they even think about this at all) that while the older kids will cling to the show because they used to love it, the younger kids will just ignore and not watch the show if there aren't being targeted. So if they want another generation of kids in the fandom, not to mention all the extra money from the merchandise that kids force there parents to buy, they just have to make the show suit children more.

Did anyone else hear the news about Maddie Blaustein?
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