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What's so wrong with Pokemon Battle Revolution?

What do you think of Battle Revolution?

  • I like it.

    Votes: 22 33.8%
  • It's not that good.

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • I don't have it.

    Votes: 25 38.5%
  • It's mediocre.

    Votes: 14 21.5%

  • Total voters


Now I was surfing the internet when thinking of finally getting Pokemon Battle Revolution, seeing whether it was worth my while. I saw some pretty harsh reviews. Saying it was "Ludricrously boring and repetitive, even the graphics are'nt as good as they should be"- I have no idea what game they were playing. Now i've got it. Yes, maybe a little repititive, but the music, graphics and commentator (nice touch) all greaten the experience, well I love it anyway. Boring if you don't have Diamond or Pearl mind.

Also for some strange reason I love Sableye in this game. Dunno why he just looks so cool. Same with Rhypherior who is always cool anyway.
Re: Whats so wrong with Pokemon Battle Revolution?

really boring if you don't have wifi (even with it it's still kinda lame)
i do like the graphics though
Re: Whats so wrong with Pokemon Battle Revolution?

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PBR graphics aren't significantly better than Pokemon Colosseum: like Colosseum, they appear to be reusing models and it's pretty damn noticeable depending on what Pokemon you use. Typically, the DP graphics are neat while the RBY Pokemon are also not bad; GSC models and RSE models are pretty freaking close to the older ones.

Also, the game is really slow. There's no reason for the fifteen-second-gap where it'd normally deliver the quip when the narrator's disabled. It also doesn't help that the commentator is a lot more irritating than the earlier ones....

The whole "customizing your trainer" thing was pretty anticlimactic, too: it'd work a lot better if you could mix and match outfits, but then that'd be harder. Still, I'd like to have been able to equip the Roserade hat or something without the whole entire costume, or if they weren't limited to one particular character model.

It's not godawful, but it's not worth $50, considering how it's basically half of Stadium/Stadium 2/Colosseum/XD. It'd've been a lot better if it was either ~25 dollars or it had something in the way of minigames.
It depends mostly on your tastes in what you enjoy doing. I'm personally not that fond of endless battling without gaining experience for it, so I don't play mine much; if you enjoy that sort of thing, it's more likely to be for you. The graphics look pretty smooth to me, though I believe the game suffers from shoehorning all Pokémon into moving across the arena at the same very slow speed (the game overall tends to be really slow) and from the very random decision to only sometimes show full contact; I do love the great improvements in the look of the battles, however, and think with some modifications it would be a great battle look for a Colosseum-ish 3D RPG with the more varied camera angles, more interesting lighting and some better-looking Pokémon models. I don't think more than reasonably few painfully bad models got through to Battle Revolution from what I've seen, with a lot of R/B/Y ones, which tended to be the most problematic, being improved or remade; I still can't stand Butterfree's wings, though.

I personally could absolutely not care less about what you can do with the trainer customization feature, but eh. :/
Half-assed trainer customization is more irritating than none at all. :/ They very well could have simply gone with Miis and it'd've likely worked better.

I love competitive-esque battling but the number one issue with PBR's implementation of it is the damn speed issue. D: why so slow~~
I understand all of your points but I still like it, I'm into the endless battling!
but yeah I guess it could use a little more strategy.
@Surskitty- It is a lot like XD/Stadium/Colosseum but I have'nt got any of them so I don't know what they're like also like the idea of Mii was a nice idea! they would'nt quite fit in though.
I don't think anyone said anything about strategy.

No, it isn't. It's a lot like half of the game: there's absolutely nothing to do in PBR besides battle. Colosseum and XD had story modes; Stadium and Stadium 2 had a minigame mode and a lot of the minigames were quite entertaining. PBR just has amazingly slow battling. As in "anything you do takes thirty seconds to happen".
I really like it, but I still think they should have had minigames or something. :|
I hope they come out with another pokemon game for the Wii..
Mmmm. I've thought of buying that, saw the bad reviews, wanted to rent it, saw more bad reviews, and just lost the idea altogether.
I think the 3D console games should have a traditional story mode. I never quite cared for the console games since Pokemon Stadium. I don't like how you can only catch shadow Pokemon, take an obsene amount of time to train it to normal, and you still can't get certain ones.
But this is about PBR, isn't it? ^_^;
I never got PBR, but mostly because it remains freaking expensive... and I suck at competitive battling. However... I really think that they should have made a Wii game with a storyline. Just because Colloseum was THAT AWESOME.
Nah: Colosseum was too much in the realm of DARKER AND EDGIER and it handwave'd too much stuff. :/ Also, Nintendo has consistently been pretty dumb about their motion-sensing-related stuff so.
I've had it for like 5 months now, I still play it, guess its just my sort of game...
Its alright, rent it see if you like it then buy it.

I liked it so I bought it permanently.

Love the graphics.

Electrivire and Magmortar aren't to shabby either
I think it suffers the same problem as Ranch - there's nothing to it but one thing and that's battling. I got it, played it a little bit, got the Surfing Pikachu and then sold it off. There just wasn't enough to do for me to keep it =s Admittedly the graphics are a respectable step up, the "omg Pokemon are actually hitting each other!" part was kickass but the customising Trainer part was a joke =s

I think you need to be a competitive battler to get the best out of it. Which I'm not XD
Mediocre once the awesomeness of the 3D battling Pokémon wears off, you've beaten all the colosseums and you've imported the Magmortar, Electivire and surfing Pikachu to D/P. The trainer customisation was a nice touch but it was underexploited, and without WiFi it's really not especially worth it.

(Having said that I bought PBR expecting an RPG and wasn't particularly disappointed ^_^)
I think it suffers the same problem as Ranch
Ranch isn't fifty dollars.

The competitive battling aspects of PBR are pretty sad, too, seeing as Nintendo's idea of what should be banned does not fit in well with most of the competitive battlers. Plus, the game takes ~forever~ to do anything.
I wasn't interested in buying it, mostly because I rarely buy anything that isn't a Pokemon RPG and I suck at competitive battling. x3 I have no idea whether it's good or not, but it never appealed to me.
I would totally get this if I had a Wii, despite the bad reviews. Constant battling is my idea of a party ;P

Well... not quite.
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