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What's your birthday on the the tCoD Zodiac?

May 28: Day of Omanyte and Omastar, Reign of Regice, Season of Knowledge

Sweet. I was quite the Omanyte and Omastar fan when I first got into Pokemon. I should go train one now for old time's sake.
Festival of Lugia, Season of Knowledge


Oh yeah. My favourite legendary. And the season suits me poifect.
Day of Carvanha and Sharpedo, Reign of Darkrai, Season of Will.
Sharpedo... not exactly my favorite Pokémon, but whatever.
Better than the Day of Jynx in the old zodiac.
Day of Tyrouge and Hitmontop, Reign of Palkia, Season of Knowledge.
I always did like Palkia better than Dialga. It's like a pink Mech Godzilla.
Day of Shroomish and Breloom, Reign of Palkia, Season of Knowledge.

Shrommish, Breloom, and Palkia are pretty cool. Not my favorite Pokémon, but still pretty great. :3
Day of Staryu/Starmie, Reign of Cresselia, Season of Emotion

So, uh, I guess I'm a boltbeaming tank who cries when he takes hits.
Day of Roselia, Reign of Shaymin, Season of Emotion. :/


My old one is the Day of Treecko, Reign of Celebi, Season of the Earth. What's with all the grass?
Season of Will, Day of Carvanha/Sharpedo in the Reign of Darkrai.

The Reign of DARKRAI.

I don't mind the Carvanha evo line, but why the reign of Darkrai?!
Day of Riolu and Lucario, reign of Azelf, Season of Will. Not bad, I guess. I wasn't really fond of my birthday on the old Zodiac anyway (Day of Linoone, reign of Jirachi, Season of Air).
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