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What's your favorite Fire Starter?

What's your favorite Fire Starter?

  • Charmander

    Votes: 17 24.3%
  • Cyndaquil

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • Torchic

    Votes: 18 25.7%
  • Chimchar

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
cyndaquil is by far my favorite starter. of all of them besides bulbasaur. it's also tied with umbreon for my all time favorite pokemon.
Goodness! My last post in this thread was 12 years ago!

I think Scorbunny and Tepig are fantastic, and Fennekin is objectively really good and cute. :D I've gained a really big appreciation for Cyndaquil, though, because it's just a small round friend with sleepy eyes. ^^
You can really tell how old this thread is just by looking at the poll, thankfully, my favourite fire starter is Cyndaquil, definitely, but chimchar is still pretty good aswell.

My opinions
Gen 1 - It's fine. It is basically what you would expect out of a starter, not good, not bad, but Game Freak constantly shoving it down our throats only makes my opinion on it worse.
Gen 2 - Cyndaquil is a good boy, and also my favourite fire starter.
Gen 3 - Torchic is fine aswell, It definitely is my least favourite Hoenn starter for me.
Gen 4 - Chimchar is pretty good.
Gen 5 - I don't like Tepig, but I don't hate it either
Gen 6 - Pretty much same situation with Tepig
Gen 7 - It is fine, I guess, it used to be my favourite Alola starter until i played with rowlet and popplio.
Gen 8 - It is fine as well, definitely prefer Sobble though.

So my general stance on Fire Type starters is that they are usually the ones that I don't really have any major thoughts on. I much prefer Water starters.
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