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What's your favorite Fire Starter?

What's your favorite Fire Starter?

  • Charmander

    Votes: 17 24.3%
  • Cyndaquil

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • Torchic

    Votes: 18 25.7%
  • Chimchar

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
Hm. I think it's a more or less a tie between Charmander and Cynaquil, although I admit that I like Charmander largely because it evolves into Charizard, one of my favourite Pokémon. I adore Cyndaquil even regardless of the fact that it too has awesome evolutions. It's just so sweet. :3
Charmander. Well... The 1st generation Pokemon are my favorites, and Charizard is an awesome member of my team.
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I love ALL of them, but Blaziken is pretty awesometastic. I like its hippie pants.
For this post, Torchic, cuz something that cute becoming a fighting type appeals to me.

But my overall favorite is Fenniken because its line are all magical girls pretty much


And i love magical girl anime (such as pretty cure) a lot x3;
Mine is Cyndaquil. It's just cute, and awesome, and the evolutions are also great. And they were my first starter. Charmander is my second. Also great and I like the design and it looks like a dragon and is fiercer than Dragonite, the og dragon.
Torchic is really cute and blaziken is just AWESOME, one of the only starters i actually kept on my team.
and then i also like the litten line, and i sort of like the fennekin line and i picked scorbunny because scorbunny is pretty cool. Actually i usually choose fire.

Gen 1 - Charmander
Gen 2 - I hate all gen 2 starters so i pick cyndaquil then dump it in a box
Gen 3 - I like em' all really but i usually go with torchic.
Gen 4 - I did a fighting-type monotype run of D/P the first time so i had to pick chimchar, named Chimmy (or was it Chim Chim? i forget) because 10 year old me had a dumb sense of humour.
Gen 5 - I don't like these either. So i put them in a box.
Gen 6 - I like them all, but... i do really like fennekin but i picked froakie.
Gen 7 - I play through this game, resetting and putting the starters in pokémon bank three times. If i only could pick one, it'd be popplio for primarina.
Gen 8 - Scorbunny is probably the best. But i don't mind sobble/drizzile/intellion.
My opinion on each gen fire starter...

Gen 1- Charmander and his evos are cool <3 I like them.
Gen 2- Cyndaquil's line has been one of my favorites. Typhlosion is awesome. I'm actually even huger a Chikorita line fan, though...haha <3
Gen 3- I LOVE the Torchic line. My general go to on this gen :3 yay for fire and fighting chickens x3
Gen 4- Chimchar's line is also my fav for this one :)
Gen 5- Probably my least favorite fire starter, the final evo is ugly to me.....lol xP
Gen 7- Also adore the litten line <3
Gen 8- Scorbunny is best gen 8 starter, hands down :) So cute its a bunny omg x3 its evos are great too

For the record, I like most starter pokemon in general; though ones I find the final evos a bit ugly, I probably won't use as much lol.

I'm also a little mixed feelings about treecko.....he's cool, but i didn't like how he was the starter i picked when i restarted my sapphire file due to insecuritiy one time >_<;;; still, probably more like than hate, since his line DOES look very cool to me. But some bitter feelings too i guess.

EDIT: Ahhhh.....Probably won't give a like to Emmy's post, because I REALLY like johto's starters, overall.....haha :P
when i was in the boy scouts, i was always looking for the easy way out, so i was a big fan of low effort tricks you could use to get a big fire burning with minimal effort—packing the kindling with drier lint or soaking the wood in lighter fluid, for example. now that i've been away from all that for a few years, though, i find building a fire the natural way much more rewarding, though of course i allow myself a lighter these days rather than the old flint and steel i was required to use before.
when i was in the boy scouts, i was always looking for the easy way out, so i was a big fan of low effort tricks you could use to get a big fire burning with minimal effort—packing the kindling with drier lint or soaking the wood in lighter fluid, for example. now that i've been away from all that for a few years, though, i find building a fire the natural way much more rewarding, though of course i allow myself a lighter these days rather than the old flint and steel i was required to use before.
Sh*tposting at it's finest.
For the most part I prefer the final evolution in each line. Of those my favourite design is Delphox. But funnily enough, I have actually never used it - I never played Generation VI.
... that poll really needs to be updated.

I like Cyndaquil, Torchic, and Litten.

the rest... can perish.
*Hugs Charmander, Torchic, Chimchar and Scorbunny and Walks off with them in my arms so they don't perish.*

Nothing is stopping all the others Tepig from being destroyed.
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