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What's Your IQ?

This thing said I have an IQ of 135. The big, "smart" psychologists at the hospital said I had an IQ of 160, or something like that.

Many also said I had A.D.D.

And they suggested I entered the Boy Scouts.

It's pretty obvious psychologists and IQ tests are the biggest piles of bullcrap on the face of this or any other planet.
Random internet tests say my IQ is around 135, whatever that counts for. (And this one says it's 164, so, uh... o.o)
I doubt that thing is accurate, but it said:
Your general IQ score is 143.

A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 129-143 is considered to be "highly intelligent".
Boy it sure is an amazing coincidence that everyone who takes one of those online IQ tests is way above average.
I really hate the idea that IQ tests measure intelligence, but I took some short random online one and got 127. Meh.
I got 155 on the internet one. I need to take a real one. A year and a half ago, I got 35th in the state at the state level math contest (I think there were like over 150 people there). I don't think internet IQ tests are as accurate as real ones.

EDIT: Do you think listening to music at the same time would give you a better score?
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