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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Whelp. Hi everyone!


Caw caw
Okay, I'll be honest. I mostly signed up because the anime style battling intruiged me. Although I have a terrible track record with these things so who knows how long that'll last.

Anyway, my name is Stala! Well OK, it's actually Ella but my username is Stala. I am not very good with social situations, often not knowing what to say or how to end something. I'm a bit of a lurker because of this. I'm Australian, love biology (life-long passion!) and am entering my final year of highschool this year. I'm taking Chemistry, Math Methods, English (only 'cause it's compulsory, ruined Romeo and Juliet for me, I swear), Geography and Japanese as a second language for those who are interested. I finished the year twelve Biology course last year as top of my class and in the top 29% of the state of Victoria. I'm hoping to do similarly in Geography, Japanese and English (as much as I hate it, I'm damn good at it and it contribetes massively to my final score).

Right than, enough about school. I am hoping to be a marine biologist when I... well, grow up isn't the most appropriate term anymore, I suppose. I've always loved this particular branch of biology and wish to be more of an educator than a studier. There are so many wonderful things that would be such a shame to lose! I obviously like pokemon, or else I wouldn't be here. I'm not kidding when I say that nearly half my games are pokemon related. I even used it in school a couple of times! Specifically an analysis of Ruby's box for Visual Communication and Design and a piece for studio arts that had Shadow Lugia, an espeon and a landscape partially influenced by the bad future from the second mystery dungeon games. The latter also had stuff from EarthBound and Psychonauts, we were told to use whatever we want so... :D

Okay, it's 1:30 AM and I should really wrap this up 'cause it's gettin' a bit long. I am very shy but also very friendly. When talking to someone for the first time I tend to be overly formal (and maybe a little archaic at times) but really loosen up to something more akin to this once I get to know you. When my posts aren't overly short (for me that means about a paragraph) I tend to be excessively wordy. I am currently stuck at the first Silent Realm in Skyward Sword because I am a total wuss.

Bleh, if you wanna know anything else, just ask.
Welcome to the Cave, Stala. I am CJ Blazer, but you can call me CJ. Feel free to ask me if you need any help. Enjoy your stay and have fun. :grin:
Hi! I'm Rarity, the resident Rarity, youngest member, Luxcario, and................. sponge cake maker.

Enjoy your stay!

Hello, welcome to TCoD! I'm Ever. May I offer you some tea and cod? Coffee and salmon? Or perhaps you would prefer hot chocolate and halibut? Whatever your preference, be sure to avoid sugar. And watch your step- the welcome mats are carnivorous. Memes aside, I highly suggest ASB, Mafia is fun but a bit confusing, Creativity's nice, and Insanity's pretty beast, IMO. Enjoy your stay, watch your step, avoid sugar, and have fun!
Heh, thanks guys! I've never tried a game of mafia, may have to cherck that out. Same with forum games in general, they're usually what keeps me hanging around, honestly. Hopefully you guys will be seeing some more of me in the months to come!
Hi, I'm Frostagin. The resident Hetalia freak. Here, have a foam sword. Or would you like some fish fingers and custard? (Translation to American: fish sticks and warm vanilla pudding)

I'm just kind of the person that's fun to talk to. Even though I'm quiet.
Silly Frostagin, I speak Australian, not American! We reffer to fish fingers and custard here as well :D Although it's also the middle of a rather warm summer here, so I think I'll opt out of the warm food.
Stala said:
I'm Australian, love biology (life-long passion!) and am entering my final year of highschool this year. I'm taking Chemistry, Math Methods, English (only 'cause it's compulsory, ruined Romeo and Juliet for me, I swear), Geography and Japanese as a second language for those who are interested. I finished the year twelve Biology course last year as top of my class and in the top 29% of the state of Victoria. I'm hoping to do similarly in Geography, Japanese and English (as much as I hate it, I'm damn good at it and it contribetes massively to my final score).
Oh hi, I'm from WA. :>

Wait, so you're going through TEE/ATAR right now? What's the scaling like for biology? I did TEE art when I was at school and you automatically get scaled down ten marks on portfolios and art history exams and it sucks. I've heard that you generally get scaled up in the sciences though, which is neat. The important thing with these exams is that they're much more stressful and difficult than university exams, which I've found are pretty easy in comparison, so once you make it through here things'll probably get easier if you're uni-bound. But then, I'm a humanities student, so. :D'
Oh! Hi fellow Aussie! *waves* Yeah, I'm doing ATAR/VCE. I think bio was scaled up one this time around. Really wasn't much compared to other sciences, especially chem,as it's one of the, if not the easiest. The scaling changes every year though, depending on how many take the course and how well thay do overall. I think the general trend is that second languages, the harder maths and chem get scaled the most. Especially Japanese, apparantly there's a +5 incentive added to you score, seperate from the other scaling (which is usually around +5 itself, I think).

As for exams, I honestly have a much easier time with them than the rest of the course! I don't enjoy projects and homework. At all. I also tend to do better in them than projects and homework. Except for math and chem, oh well! I can see why they would be less stressful in Uni, though.
Hello! Welcome to the Forums!

I'm Blade, swordsman extrordanaire. (At least in some games.) As far as anime style battling goes, it's easy to battle once you get the hang of it. The ASB Rules thread does an excellent job of explaining it.

And don't worry about the first Silent Realm. It's actually quite difficult, especialy for the first one. I think I had the most trouble simply finding the tears. (Not to mention how the music when you're being chased scared the living daylight out of me. D:)

Enjoy your stay! And if you need any assistance, feel free to ask.
Yeah, I've alredy read the rules through twice. I suppose I need to get a battle happening now, huh? *stares at challenge board*

As for the Silent Realm, I'm not stuck because I find it hard, I'm stuck because I hate anything even mildly stealthy and it makes me weep. Seriously not kidding about that one, the guardians don't even have to be awakened for me to break down T_T
Well, pretend it's less of a stealth run and more of a time trial that you don't have your sword. I believe you're actually quite safe in the first, there aern't that many watchers. And even if you do awaken the guardians, you're fast enough to outrun them if you keep moving.
Hey you! I'm The Omskivar, the resident Omskivar. What's an Omskivar?

Heheh. Please.

Anyway Anime-Style Battling is very intriguing and I suggest you take as many samples as you need because it is awesome. Also Mafia except I have very little experience there.

Welcome to TCoD!
Greetings, Stala. Yes, I know who you are. I am the resident (and one-and-only) Time Manipulator, specializing in Time Reversal. If you ever need anything, including turning back that clock hand for Daylight Savings, I would be glad to help you out. Enjoy your stay!
The translation was for any Americans ignorant enough to not know of awesome things like fish fingers and custard. Unlike me. :3
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