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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Which Pokemon ability best suits you?

Simple. "I'm no Superman"
Rock Head. If I hurt myself (By, like, ramming into someone, TakeDown style) then I'll just shrug it off.
Any of the following:

Ice Body (Cold has like, no effect on me)
Soundproof (I've been surrounded by LOUD music my entire life. I'm immune to noise)
Unaware (I'm just all-around absent minded :P)

I'm a pretty big guy (though not quite as much now that I stopped drinking Mountain Dew all the time)... so maybe Thick Fat? Except that I really hate hot weather, so not really resistant to heat... the resistant-to-cold part works, though (I wear shorts when it's in the lower-40s/upper-30s!)

Or Slow Start. Not a morning person at all. Unless I need to get up and go somewhere, I usually end up laying around for at least half an hour after my alarm goes off... sometimes even longer.

Oblivious - To the point where the girl I like actually asked me out and I didn't realise it until about a year later

Or maybe this one... though this only happened to me once (and not just the "not realizing it" part, unfortunately...) and it didn't take quite that long (about an hour, rather than a year... though it probably helped that the girl actually realized that I didn't know she was asking me out the first time and tried again.)
Insomnia: I can't fall alseep until around 4:00 AM or 4:30 AM. It's unhealthy. I need 8 hours of sleep,and sometimes I only get 3. Whatever.
Anticipation: I can't wait for [insert random thing here. Uh...B&W!]!
Download: ...
Heatproof: *Lives in Florida* Heat no bother me no morez. :3
Iron Fist: >:D
Intimidate : >:D Mwahahaha...
Rivalry: Yup. Not so much on the internet,but in real life,they're are many bratty girls in my life. o.o
Cute Charm: No explaining.

That's all I can think of at the time. :3
Ice Body. It's a Michigan thing. I hate, hate heat, and can't stand the summer.

Maybe that's why I'm pretty much colorless.
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