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World's Worst

Wild MANTINE appeared!
It wasn't very effective...
It was super effective!
STEVE IRWIN fainted!
*Surfs over dark patch of water*

A "Do you wish to use Dive?" Does so...

*Random battle starts*

"Emerald Weapon has appeared... And it has just owned you! With a look!!"
I don't think I can top that...

Random Johto Newscaster:
"As it turns out, the Red Gyarados was infected with AIDS. We found its broken corpse half out of the Lake of Rage earlier this morning. I wonder if it would taste delicious lightly seasoned with nutmeg..."
*headbutts tree in New Bark Town*

Wild ARCEUS appeared!
ARCEUS used Judgment before you could send out CATERPIE!
This is your principal speaking. Dirty Bitch, please report to the main office. Also, tomorrow is Crazy Hat Day. Thank you.
Congradulations! It's a healthy baby boy! What do you wanna name him Mrs. and Mr.Coholic?

Al. :D (*coughputthefirstandlastnamestogethercough*)
*Dad* Oh, honey, he's beautiful! We need a name. How about something starting with an A. Maybe rhyming w/ golf... *Nurse* So, what will you name him, Mrs. Hitler? *Mom* I got it! Bob! Yeah, weren't expecting that now, were ya?
(Well, Colin is a name that'll get your child's ass kicked. [Whose Line Joke])

Are you sure you want to name the baby "Mr. Panties"?
"Samantha Terra Locke..."


Her hearing is incredible...

"I can read your mind you know!"

Yami: "Really, why don't you try reading my mind?"

*She storms off*
"Mam, what's the meaning behind my name?"

"Well, your father and I had a tad too much to drink when I went into labour, and plus we were rowing at the time, Shitface Moron!"
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