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World's Worst

New topic: Worst way to lose a ball (in sport that is)!

"Oh, and Justin Chatwin has charged onto the pitch and stolen the ball before Robert Snodgrass could take his Free Kick!"
Announcer: The quarterback hikes the ball. He throws it, and the wide receiver gets it! He's running and running and...touchdown! The Patriots score their first touchdown of the game! And...wait a second folks. Where's the wide receiver?
Quarterback: That's the last time I throw the ball to an Abra.
what is this... 'never...ending...cheat?'
oh god, I'm stuck at the bulbakarp! What the hell do I do!
And Mueller backs up. He runs for the penalty kick. He strikes it, and GOOOOOOOOAAAAAA-, wait, where's the ball? Oh god, it went up the goaly's butt! Oh the pain! Well, somebody's getting a fruit basket, right Ian?

Commentator: "And Chris Doyle ran up to Cristiano Ronaldo and planted him face first in the dirt. If you watch the replay closely you can clearly see the look of excruciating agony on Ronaldo's face as the ball disappears up his arse! I guess that's what he gets for being a kno*muffled*!"
Commentator: "And Raichu passes it to Machop who knocks it on to Elekid! He passes it wide to Magmar... No, wait *ball explodes*... And I think the Manager is going to make a substitution..."
"The quarterback is running it in for the touchdown, and, what's this? This is unbelieveable! A pack of wild monkeys are trying to eat the ball! And the quarterback! This is a sad day in football, indeed."
"and he goes for the kick... what the? The ball has suddenly caught fire! And now the goalies leg is on fire! Whats this? The guy from the ShamWOW commercial has run out onto the field and is attempting to put out the fire using a ShamWOW! What a play from the Product Placement team!"
"And Wayne Rooney steps up for the Penalty Kick to decide if England win the World Cup... And, what are the odds? The ball has jus evaporated into the 5th dimension!!!"
Damn all these monkeys, and their planet! Wait, what's that?! Its... its the...the Statue of Liberty! This must be...must be Earth!?!?!

Yes, Earth is the worst vacation spot.
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