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Yanmega vs Keta


Strange days ahead
1vs1 single
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 30%
Banned Moves: OHKO's
Arena: Insect Forest

This dense forest is home to many bug pokemon. The large trees are good for pokemon who like to climb. There is also a small pond where water pokemon live. This pond has a small stream flowing from it. The forest is always very dark because no light reaches through the trees. Many people who try to explore the forest get lost Grass, Bug, Dark, And Ghost Type moves get a 5% boost. The trees will burn down if fire attacks are used. In that case there will be no more move boosting at all

Handy profile stuff:
Yanmega's profile
Keta's profile.


Yanmega's active squad: Male Yanma (Speed boost), Female Spoink (Own tempo), Male Cacnea (Sand veil), Female Poliwag (Damp), Male Nincada (Compound eyes)
Keta's Active squad: Male Gible, Female Shinx (Intimidate), Female Ralts (Synchronize)

Yanmega sends out.
Keta sends out and attacks.
Yanmega attacks.
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Aren't you supposed to post the competitors' active squads as well? Also, I believe I am supposed to give out orders in addition to sending out.

I'll send out Lijierfai, my Shinx.

Lijierfai- start off with a Thunder Wave, to cripple Buzz as soon as possible. If you see he's using a Protect, change it to a Charge. Next, use a Charge Beam. Afterwards, show off a little of your cuteness with an Attract.

Thunder Wave/Charge~Charge Beam~Attract
Ok Buzz first use Foresight to make sure the next move hits. Then use supersonic to confuse Lijierfai. Now lastly Bug Buzz!

Foresight~Supersonic~Bug Buzz
The scene of the Insect Forest is a fairly peaceful one. Various small bug Pokémon crawl around, munching on the lush vegetation, as Butterfree and Beatifly flitter about overhead. At the pond, several cheerful Surskit skate across the surface, basking in the tranquil atmosphere. However, as a nearby Scyther looks up in alarm, rapid movement is heard in the undergrowth.
Within a few minutes a trainer emerges, taking his place on one side of the arena, surveying his surroundings confidently as he waits for his opponent. Although named Yanmega, you can rest assured he isn't the Pokémon. He isn't left standing long, as Keta soon emerges from the forest with the referee of the battle trailing behind her. Keta quickly takes her place at the other side of the arena, waving at Yanmega in greeting.
As the ref signals the start of the battle, Yanmega nods, then takes a Pokéball from his belt to reveal his choice: a Yanma nicknamed Buzz. The bug Pokémon hovers in the air, darting this way and that, but always returning to the same spot. Feeling relaxed at his surroundings, the Yanma moves with an air of confidence.
Keta follows up by throwing a Pokéball with her pick. An interestingly named Shinx appears in a bright burst of light, who gives the arena a quick glance before turning to her opponent. To Buzz's surprise, the small Pokémon abruptly begins growling, baring her vicious looking teeth and taking a few haughty steps towards her opponent.
As the ref gives the signal to start the fight, both trainers shout out their commands.

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Feeling at home, though a little startled by his small foe's ferocity. - 1 attack.

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Status: Eager to begin the battle.

Round one

Still baring her teeth menacingly, Lijierfai's fur crackles with electricity as she watches to see what Buzz will do. Her appropriately named opponent continues hovering and darting around in the air, before suddenly emitting a glaring red beam from his eyes. Lijierfai squints her eyes against the light, as Buzz quickly sweeps the beam across the area, taking in the surroundings but sensing no illusions or tricks.
As the light gradually fades, Lijierfai opens her eyes again, surveying the hovering Yanma. Tensing her forelegs, her fur glows a faint yellow as she unleashes the weak pulse of electricity at the hovering bug. Buzz utters a high whining sound as the thunder wave hits him, and small bolts of electricity grip him and lock up his muscles. He abruptly crashes to the ground in surprise, as his wings unexpectedly begin to seize up. Annoyed at losing some of his precious mobility, Buzz struggles up on his delicate legs, then slowly takes to the air again. Although he manages to rise up a little, his flight is visibily hampered, and instead of darting effortlessly around in the air, his movements are more like involuntary twitches.

As Buzz tries to remain steady, Lijierfai is quick to take advantage of her opponent's condition, and her fur begins to glow again as she readies her attack. Concentrating on the electricity snaking through her fur, she fires it at Buzz in a dazzling beam, striking him dead-on. Buzz utters another high pitched whine of pain as the charge beam zaps him, and he crashes down the ground again, his already weakened wings failing him.
Gingerly, Buzz raises his head, limply flapping his wings, but failing to stay airborne for long. Quickly giving up the endeavor, Buzz manages to prop himself up on his spindly legs and emits a droning whine of higher frequency than before. Lijierfai scowls at the piercing noise, and to her further annoyance, Buzz keeps at it, amping up the volume. Lijierfai staggers back, ears flattening against her head and ringing with the echoes of the supersonic.

Buzz gradually stops his attack, but the ringing in Lijierfai's ears continues - along with a nasty headache. Gritting her teeth, she struggles to focus on her next move: winning her foe's affection. Taking a shaky step forward, she tries to ignore her aching head and concentrate on strutting her stuff, even if the bug Pokémon is far from her type. However, in her dazed sense of mind she quickly ends up tripping over her own paws and tumbling head over heels. Muttering furiously, the Shinx staggers up again, just as Buzz struggles to get some use out of his wings. The Yanma finally manages to overcome the paralysis just long enough to furiously buzz his aching wings and produce more noise for Lijierfai's aching head. She bows her head against the sonic wave, groaning in pain. Buzz's wings gradually slow as they seize up again, and the Yanma is left feeling anxious despite the successful attack.

End of round one

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 93%
Energy: 82%
Status: Very worried about his paralyzed state and wanting to take to the air again. - 1 attack. +1 speed. Paralyzed (Severe)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 86%
Energy: 92%
Status: Annoyed, and irritably cursing her luck. Confused ( Severe)

Battle notes

- Yanmega attacks first.
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Ok first use Hypnosis to put it to sleep! Then use Dream Eater to restore some health! Lastly, take advantage of your paralyzed status and use Facade!

Hypnosis~Dream Eater~Facade
Gah~ Well, Lijierfai, start off with a Flash to blind Buzz- shouldn't require too much effort to pull off. Next, if the Hypnosis fails, use Howl. Finally, finish the round off with a Toxic. If you fall asleep, replace the final two moves with Sleep Talk.

Flash~Howl/Sleep Talk~Toxic/Sleep Talk
Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 93%
Energy: 82%
Status: Very worried about his paralyzed state and wanting to take to the air again. - 1 attack. +1 speed. Paralyzed (Severe)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 86%
Energy: 92%
Status: Annoyed, and irritably cursing her luck. Confused (Severe)

Round two

Briefly fluttering his wings in an attempt to regain movement, Buzz turns his attention to Lijierfai, trying to gain eye contact. His opponent doesn't make it easy, as she keeps shaking her head in annoyance from the effects of supersonic. Buzz gives his attack a try nevertheless, his black eyes slowly beginning to glow with an eerie, blood red light as he broadcasts the steady pulse of psychic waves.
Lijierfai, however, seems completely oblivious to the attack, much to Buzz's disdain. The Shinx simply sets about carrying out her commands as best as she can in her muddled state, but luckily enough they aren't too complicated. For a moment, a few strands of electricity crackle across her forelegs, before her fur abruptly glows with a dazzling flash of yellow light. Buzz whines in surprise, his red eyes immediately fading back to black as he turns his head away in pain.

Spurred on by the successful move, Lijierfai raises her (still quite painful) head to the sky and looses a long, haunting howl. The battle cry fires up Lijierfai's spirit, and she turns toward Buzz with a grin and a clearer head.
Still plagued by spots of bright light across his vision, Buzz only hears the creepy sound, and shivers, feeling a little spooked. Turning towards the general direction of the noise, Buzz's eyes begin to glow again, this time a light pink, as he taps into his psychic powers. However, with his wide awake opponent, Buzz finds himself completely blocked from Lijierfai's mind. In her concious state, she automatically repels the psychic waves and Buzz is quickly forced to give up the attack in disappointment.

Carefully taking aim, Lijierfai begins coughing up a vile, poisonous mixture of potent chemicals until the purple mass of goo drips from her mouth. She then spits the grotesque glob at Buzz, showering his body and wings with sludge.
Buzz utters a high whining sound of digust and pain as the toxins hit, and desperately flaps his locked up wings and body in an attempt to shake the vile goo off. However, the fast acting toxins have already entered the bug's bloodstream, and Buzz is left trying to clear the gunk off his wings. Still slightly blinded and in pain, Buzz tries to move in the general direction he thinks the poison came from, crawling along awkwardly. He then abruptly dives towards his opponent, drawing upon his pain and anger to lend him power. Startled by Buzz's sudden movement, Lijierfai is clipped by the vicious blow and sent reeling before she can react. Buzz takes his chance and dives towards her again, having just about managed to find her location through his blurred vision. The Yanma furiously bashes her with his whole body, gleefully taking out his anger from the pain she has subjected to him. Lijierfai cries out in surprise, struggling to get away from the fierce attack, holding up her paws in defense. As Buzz finally stops, he slowly settles on the ground again, still in pain, but happy to have at least got some revenge on Lijierfai for it.

End of round two

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 90%
Energy: 66%
Status: Very uncomfortable, and still slightly blinded. - 1 attack. +2 speed. - 1 accuracy. Paralyzed (Severe) Poisoned (Severe, 3% this round, 4% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 76%
Energy: 82%
Status: Unpleasantly surprised by the rapid assault. + 1 attack, Confused (Moderate)

Battle notes

- Hypnosis missed.
- Keta attacks first.
Good job, Lijierfai. :D

We'll take this round on the offensive. Use a Thunderbolt on Buzz. If he decides to use Protect, convert it to a Charge. Another electrical attack should help as well- release the rest of your energy in a Discharge. Again, convert this to a charge if he protects. Finish off with a Crunch attack, should work well in this arena.

Ok Buzz. First use Sunny Day to brighten up the arena. Then use Solor Beam. After that you should Chill.

Sunny Day~Solor beam~Chill
Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 90%
Energy: 66%
Status: Very uncomfortable, and still slightly blinded. - 1 attack. +2 speed. - 1 accuracy. Paralyzed (Severe) Poisoned (Severe, 3% this round, 4% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 76%
Energy: 82%
Status: Unpleasantly surprised by the rapid assault. + 1 attack, Confused (Moderate)

Round three

Eyeing her opponent a little more cautiously than before, Lijierfai gets ready to use a more powerful electrical attack. Bolts of electricity race through her fur, crackling loudly, before she unleashes it stright at Buzz, zapping him.
What little confidence Buzz got from his last attack is quickly diminished as he flops to the ground in pain. As the last crackling strands of electricity fade away, Buzz is left looking worse for wear, and slightly charred. For a moment, he is left shaking his head to try and clear the last spots of light across his vision from the flash, before setting about calling out the sun, with not much enthusiasm. Raising his head, Buzz sends a brief beam of light into the sky, which quickly raises out of sight through the trees. Immediately, the clouds begin to drift apart, some of them disappearing and leaving only wisps behind, as the sun itself seems to glow with a more intense heat. Beams of strong light manage to filter through even the dense cover of branches overhead, providing some light to the shadowy forest.

Forced to squint against the sudden harsh lighting, Lijierfai backs into a patch of shade as she begins gathering up more electricity, sparks dancing and snaking through her fur. Now glowing with a bright light of her own, Lijierfai unleashes the pent up energy in a wide and dazzling arc, zapping any unfortunate bug pokémon in the way as well as her intended target.
Buzz screeches in pain, shuddering as the discharge sweeps past him, leaving him looking crumpled and even more charred than before. Buzz gets back up on his spindly legs at a much slower rate, moving gingerly, and gently unfolding his damaged wings. Looking up at the sky again, Buzz wearily starts charging up his solar beam, drawing power from the bright rays of sunlight streaming through the trees. When the beam of light is charged up as much as possible, Buzz unleashes it stright at Lijierfai, sorching her with the blinding beam of solar energy. Lijierfai yelps in surprise at the massive attack, looking a little dazed and slightly charred herself.

When she regains her composure, Lijierfai quickly turns towards Buzz with bared teeth, growling at the weakened bug. The ringing in her ears, though considerably more faint and less distracting, is enough to fuel her on when combined with the slightly uncomfortable heat. Fangs dripping with purple strands of dark energy, Lijierfai bites into Buzz's midsection, shaking her head as she clamps down. A brief struggles ensues as Buzz pulls frantically away, and when Lijierfai lets go and jumps back, Buzz gratefully flops down on the ground to take a break. Now sporting a shallow wound, Buzz savours his moment to relax from having used so much energy on the solar beam attack.

End of round three

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 60% (Capped)
Energy: 62%
Status: In a lot of pain. Charred by the electric attacks with a bite wound on his midsection. - 1 attack, + 3 speed, Paralyzed (Severe) Poisoned (Severe, 4% this round, 5% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 66%
Energy: 63%
Status: A little tired from her relentless attacks, but very pleased with herself. + 1 attack, Confused (Mild)

Arena notes

Beams of harsh sunlight are filtering through the layer of branches overhead. Since the layer of branches blocks out most of the light, the sunlight isn't as strong as it could be. To last two more rounds or six more actions.

Battle notes

- Yanmega attacks first.
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Use Roost to restore you health. Then use Double Team to create three clones. If you're not able to use that move for some reason then use Facade . Then when Lijierfai is least expecting the attack, use Facade.

Roost~Double Team/Facade~Facade

(I think I did that right)
Sorry to strain you like this, but first, do a little Attract at Buzz while he's roosting. Afterwards, Lijierfai, you deserve to chill for a bit. Finally, use a Protect to defend yourself from the Facade.

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Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 60% (Capped)
Energy: 62%
Status: In a lot of pain. Charred by the electric attacks with a bite wound on his midsection. + 3 speed, Paralyzed (Severe) Poisoned (Severe, 4% this round, 5% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 66%
Energy: 63%
Status: A little tired from her relentless attacks, but very pleased with herself. + 1 attack, Confused (Mild)

Round four

More than happy to take a rest, Buzz settles down in a comfortable position, his wings dropping limply by his sides. Lijierfai meanwhile, is acting rather oddly.
Looking at Buzz with adorably wide eyes, she dramatically apologizes for attacking him earlier and "confesses" her secret admiration for him, all in a sugary sweet tone. At first, Buzz is more than dubious, she had no problems frying and chomping the life out of him a minute ago. However, Lijierfai's adorable gaze and kind words gradually win him over. In fact, he finds himself wondering how he didn't notice how cute she was before (although getting bitten and zapped is a bit distracting).

A little annoyed by the change of pace in the battle, and a little creeped out at having to woo a bug, Lijierfai settles down for a quick break. She can only presume her acting worked, reading the expression of a Yanma isn't easy. All the while, she keeps a wary eye on Buzz as she watches him shakily rise into the air.
Managing to overcome his locked up muscles for the moment, Buzz is eager to impress Lijierfai. He hadn't looked so cool the round before, but now....With a sudden burst of speed, Buzz zips through the air in a quick arc. As he flies, four illusionary copies peel away from his form, trailing along with him and copying every twist and twitch of their creator. As Buzz comes to a halt, he eagerly turns to Lijierfai, but is dismayed to see she looks more annoyed than impressed.

Unable to keep up with Buzz, Lijierfai finds herself looking at four Yanmas with no idea which is the real one. Hastily, she summons up her transparent protect shield, which shimmers faintly like a mirage.
Buzz fails to notice, he's too wrapped up in his own dilemma. He doesn't want to disobey his trainer, but at the same time, he can't bring himself to attack Lijierfai the way he did last time. Lijierfai grows steadily more impatient as she waits for Buzz to attack, but he doesn't appear to be doing anything other than staring. Scowling, she lets the shield drop, trying not to focus on the four Yanmas goggling at her.

End of round four

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 85%
Energy: 51%
Status: Still wounded, though not in as much pain as before. Admiring Lijierfai. + 4 speed, Has four double team clones, Attracted (Severe), Paralyzed (Moderate) Poisoned (Severe, 5% this round, 6% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 66%
Energy: 66%
Status: Quickly starting to become restless. + 1 attack

Arena notes

Beams of harsh sunlight are filtering through the layer of branches overhead. Since the layer of branches blocks out most of the light, the sunlight isn't as strong as it could be. To last one more round.

Battle notes

- Keta attacks first.
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Target the real Yanma with a Shock Wave. Even if he protects, you should at least get an idea of where he really is. Next, I think it's alright for you to take another Chill- if he tries to target you during this round, use a Protect instead. Finally, throw a little rain on his parade- finish off with a Rain Dance.

Shock Wave~Chill/Protect~Rain Dance
First try to fly in circles so Lijierfai will get confused and miss. Use sunny day to make sure that she can't have any boosts for thunder. Lastly use Bug Buzz. And she dosn't have "a secret admiration for you" she is just trying to trick you into not attacking.

Fly in circles~Sunny Day~Bug Buz

(Did I do that right?)
Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 85%
Energy: 51%
Status: Still wounded, though not in as much pain as before. Admiring Lijierfai. + 4 speed, Has four double team clones, Attracted (Severe), Paralyzed (Moderate) Poisoned (Severe, 5% this round, 6% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 66%
Energy: 66%
Status: Quickly starting to become restless. + 1 attack

Round five

Trying to ignore the creepy staring of the four Yanmas, Lijierfai's fur glows with a faint yellow and bristles with electricity as she readies her attack.
Instead of moving, Buzz simply watches in cheerful admiration, completely ignoring his trainer's commands in favour of getting a little closer to that cute little Shinx. However, Lijierfai quickly wipes the smile off Buzz's face as she unleashes the shock wave at the four approaching Yanmas, sending the wide spread electric pulse in all directions. Buzz is zapped by the attack, as well as his clones, which are shredded by the shock wave on impact. Screeching in surprise and pain, Buzz staggers backwards, jerkily taking flight and looking at Lijierfai with a wounded and puzzled expression. Not that Lijierfai can read his expression very well, but Buzz takes her lack of response for coldness, and becomes even more distressed. That shock wave was just a mistake right?

As Buzz looks on, Lijierfai looks back, waiting to see what her opponent will do. Reluctantly, Buzz sets about summoning the sun again, raising his head to the sky, and letting loose a bright beam of light upwards. The sunlight, which had been gradually growing weaker, immediately begins to rise in intensity again, and the heat flares up.
Backing a little further into her patch of shade, Lijierfai makes herself comfortable, settling down on the grass to chill. Annoyed at the rise in temperature, she keeps an open eye on her opponent.

Looking at the peaceful Shinx, Buzz wonders if she really did mean to attack him. Upset that she seems to be giving him the cold shoulder, and a feeling just a little guilty at disobeying his trainer, Buzz's loyalty to Yanmega wins out. Looking at Lijierfai apologetically, Buzz begins to flap his wings rapidly until they become no more than red tipped blurrs.
Lijierfai grits her teeth as the sound waves strike her, ears flattened against her skull from the annoying hum. When the noise stops, Lijierfai is starting to feel the pain herself, as she sets about doing something about the heat. Putting a paw forward, she begins to do a complicated dance, moving to some mental rhythm. As she twists and turns, the sunlight begins to fade away, and the bright blue sky becomes dark and gloomy. The clouds follow suit, becoming black and swollen with rain, and sure enough, drops of water begin to fall down. The rain rapidly gathers strength, lashing down in icy sheets, and both Pokémon are soon left sodden in the wet weather.
Buzz looks up in annoyance, but the rain is soon the least of his worries as he doubles up in pain from the toxins afflicting him. As the pain finally passes, Buzz is left miserably wondering if his trainer was right after all, yet at the same time, he can't help but feel guilty for attacking Lijierfai. Overall, the bug is more than a little confused.

End of round five

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 70%
Energy: 41%
Status: In a bit of a dilemma, though really wanting to believe Lijierfai wasn't fooling him. In the air again. Has a shallow bite wound on midsection and really starting to feel the poison now. + 5 speed, Attracted (Moderate), Paralyzed (Mild) Poisoned (Severe, 6% this round, 7% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 56%
Energy: 66%
Status: Visibly rattled, but eager to attack again. + 1 attack

Arena notes

Rain is lashing down on the arena, to last for eight more actions.

Battle notes

- Wide spread attacks such as shock wave shred double team clones.
- Yanmega attacks first.
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Ok first fly into a tree where Lijierfai can't attack you. Then use sunny day then take a rest.

Fly high into a tree~Sunny day~Chill
Electricity likes to hit trees. As Buzz is flying into that tree, unleash a good-sized Thunder. Afterwards, pretend that it was all an accident- use your cuteness in another Captivate. It'll save you some future damage, if it ever comes. Finally, chill while Buzz chills.

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 70%
Energy: 41%
Status: In a bit of a dilemma, though really wanting to believe Lijierfai wasn't fooling him. In the air again. Has a shallow bite wound on midsection and really starting to feel the poison now. + 5 speed, Attracted (Moderate), Paralyzed (Mild) Poisoned (Severe, 6% this round, 7% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 56%
Energy: 66%
Status: Visibly rattled, but eager to attack again. + 1 attack

Round six

Irritably buzzing his sodden wings aginst the lashing rain, Buzz raises higher, heading towards the nearest tree. A few disgruntled Beautifly flutter out of his way as he flies up and up, hovering for a moment before landing delicately on the highest branch.
Although the foliage is thick, the heavy downpour batters down, not leaving Buzz any drier. Feeling wet and miserable, and still nursing his hurt affection for Lijierfai, Buzz nevertheless feels a bit safer up high. He certainly hasn't forgotten that shock wave. Besides, he can still admire Lijierfai from up here along with a great view. Not to mention his muscles aren't locked up anymore and his movement is back to normal for the most part, although his bite wound still stings.
Seeing her opponent perched comfortably up on the branch, Lijierfai grins toothily. She's got him right where she wants him. Raising her head, her wet fur begins to glow with a bright, dazzling light. As if in reply, the stormy black clouds overhead begin to roil, and bright flashes of electricity can be seen. Buzz can't fail to notice the disturbance, and as he looks upwards, he is horrified to see a wicked bolt of lightning suddenly stream from the heavens, striking his perch in an explosive display of electricity.
The Yanma's screech is the loudest one yet as the lightning strikes him, quickly rendering him extra crispy again. The branch cracks loudly apart in a shower of sparks, and Buzz tumbles down in tangled mess of spindly limbs and rumpled wings. Even in his pain, Buzz desperately struggles to take flight and avoid further hurt, but only succeeds in a few weak bursts of frantic buzzing. The brief wing movement helps to slow him down slightly, but doesn't prevent him crashing harshly down to earth in a heap.

For a moment, Lijierfai is a little staggered from using such a powerful move, but lucky for her, Buzz isn't going anywhere in a hurry. Walking casually over to the battered bug, she promptly begins her new act. As Buzz wearily looks up, Lijierfai gazes at him with big innocent eyes, cutely wagging her tail and pawing at him playfully.
Even through his bleary vision and bad headache, Buzz can't fail to notice how adorable the little Shinx is. So adorable in fact, that he certainly can't imagine her being responsible for that horrible lightning! As Lijierfai begins preening her wet fur, Buzz finds himself doing nothing but watching, completely forgetting his orders again.

Smirking at her dumbfounded "foe", Lijierfai settles down comfortably in a shady patch for a quick break. Buzz also takes a breather, staring at Lijierfai rather shyly now. However, the Yanma is finding it hard to ignore the pain from the vicious thunder, even with his distraction. Gingerly testing out his legs and wings, he gets as comfortable as he can even with the pangs of pain from his charred body and the worsening poison.

End of round six

Yanmega [O]
[Buzz] (M)
Ability: Speed boost
Health: 40% (Capped)
Energy: 46%
Status: Still a bit unsure about Lijierfai but very wrapped up in her cuteness. Badly charred by the thunder. Has a shallow bite wound on midsection. + 6 speed (Maxed), Attracted (Moderate), Poisoned (Severe, 7% this round, 8% the next)

Keta [O]
[Lijierfai] (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Health: 56%
Energy: 65%
Status: Feeling very confident now, and amused by her opponent. + 1 attack

Arena notes

Rain is still lashing down heavily. To last five more actions. A bit of debris from the damaged tree is scattered around, including a splintered and charred branch.

Battle notes

- Buzz took extra damage from his fall.
- Keta attacks first.
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