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Yet Another Association Game

My mom... XD
She always says for realziez because she hears me say it! XD

And Gerald has just been laying on my bed for weeks, plugged in and it is sad to see him just laying there, not turning on! D:
That story you told me about your mom! You were at...Wal-Mart or something? And she was acting all weird and such trying to be cool, I think you said? And I thought it was hilarious? I forget the details XD

Poor Gerald. Get him an oxygen tank or a wheelchair or something! XD

When my mom is trying to be cool, she is obsessed with mustaches. :P I had to look up and learn how to make Duct Tape wallets (even though I don't even use duct tape like that) and make her a wallet out of moustache-patterned duct tape. XD

XD He has been chillaxing in bed forever, he should be okay by now! But when my dad gets back from Chicago this weekend, I'll ask him how I can fix Gerald.
The fact that my face itches because I need to SHAAAAVE D:

Wow XD My friend Josh is obsessed with making duct tape wallets. I think it's dumb but whatever floats his boat XD

And good! Gerald should knock it off and start working! Mean Gerald. He's too grumpy D:
My hair because I need to get it cut because it is much too long and it is just a hassle!
Except I haven't cut it in two or three years, so it is scary to cut it!

My friend Caroline who makes duct tape everything. It is kinda dumb, but it is kinda impressive. She made a duct tape dress (she didn't wear it or anything, it was too small. It would fit me better, since I am all short and a bit thin, but I wouldn't it wear it!).
That time you told me about wanting to die your hair Cherry Red. And that time I forgot the specific color. I'm still not sure if I remembered right XD

And wow. That IS kind of impressive XD
That time you told me that you used to want to dye your hair maroon! And yeah, you have the color mostly right (Bright Cherry Red XD)
The fact that I have three white spots in my hair XD

I told you about that? And it wasn't maroon, it was scarlet XD I was like, 9 XD
My older sister, who told me that while she was living in New York for college, she dyed her hair black and had purple and white streaks in it. She even showed me a picture, and it didn't look that bad, but I'm glad she dyed it a more natural color. Her hair like that didn't really suit her personality, honestly. She dyes her hair as much as I do!

And yeah, it was around the same time we were talking about my wishes for red hair XD And ah oops! Sorry!!

Oh that reminds me, when I was at the mall with Samantha, I dyed my hair!! I can't believe I didn't tell you!!!!! Do you want a picture? It isn't Bright Cherry Red, though. Not yet! XD
This girl at school, Natalie. She shaved half of her hair off and dyed the remaining half blue XD

And yeah sure! :) You can PM it to me if you like XD
This girl I knew in elementary school, Natalie. She was Mrs. Caskey's daughter XD She was very annoying. XD

And okay, I will!
Gabby, Mrs. Zundel's daughter. She was too shy for me to know how she really was :P

I've already told you, but I'll say it again, your hair looks sooo pretty! :D
Gabby, a seventh grader who went to my school (I guess she is a freshman now) who was veryyyyy quiet!

And aw thankssss! :D I can't wait to see that picture of you!! :D
Morgan, a girl who I became really good friends with when she was in my Practical Business class in Freshman year. She was super shy and quiet, but I'm glad I talked to her! :D
Sydney, in my third, fourth, and fifth grade class who had a sister named Morgan. Sydney lived on a farm and it was all she would talk about XD
Terry. There was a time I was on Skype with Chibbitts, and I asked where Terry was, and Chibbitts said "He's probably on a farm!" later that day, Terry told us he was at his grandfather's house, working on the farm. Chibbitts was only kidding, we didn't know Terry knew anyone with a farm XD
The people across the street who have chickens and ducks and roosters and stuff.
They got a turkey recently! Like, a few days ago!! XD

And that's really funny! XD
Dylan McDowell, this kid down the street with some chickens. He's a grade below and I find him annoying, but oh well.
This 10th grader who would always ask if I was in seventh or eighth grade (because my school was 7-12), because I am so short... I was in 11th grade!
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