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rememeber me?

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New member
Hey! :scared:
I'm not really new. But I'm putting this here so the header goes away.

I was here back when.. well, when the forums were old. c:
I was never allowed to get on because of my stepdad. Remember any of this? Probably not. But this is really KOTF, Keeper of the Flygons.
I'm not dead. xD
But I'm plenty more retarded.

So hey again everybody, if anyone still remembers me.
And if you've forgotten me, or I just don't know you, I look forward to meeting you anyways. c:

I just have one question- does the Houndoom style still exist?
Houndoom... kinda. I believe that is called Hellfire now isn't it? Anyway I remember you're name, sorry though I can't recall you personally. But anyways, welcome back!
I'm on Sneasel now. xD So I guess that's close enough right now.
Do you know if there's a way to get your wifi pokemon back if you've lost them? :C
My pokewalker is long gone.
you want to reclaim a Pokémon from the Walker?

Bulbapedia said:
[SIZE=+1]Pokémon retrieval
[/SIZE] A Pokémon that has been transfered onto a Pokéwalker isn't actually sent to the device, but rather copied and the data for the Pokémon is sent. The targeted Pokémon is instead put aside, and can't be used in the game, until the data has been returned to the game. Therefore, if a Pokéwalker is lost or damaged, the Pokémon is not lost. Pokémon can be restored to the game it was taken from if a Pokéwalker is lost or broken by pressing and holding Up, Select, and R at the Pokéwalker connection screen. The Pokémon will be returned to the PC box with its level or happiness unaffected

I redded the bits you'll need.
Thankyou so much :>
But my pokewalker is lost, not broken or misplaced
I'm never getting it back.

But I need my Murkrow. I got him on WiFi.
so do I need to create a wifi pokemon account to get him back?
I CAN GET HIM BACK? Oh lord I am so excited
my DS won't work on my WIFI but I know I just need to change my security settings
I'm not a mod but I know one of them is gonna come in and say it anyway:
PLEASE only use the default colors for posts. Colors are very hard to read on certain styles.

But welcome, anyway.
You don't need to do anything special to get the Pokémon back. You just go to the start menu, select "Pokéwalker", and on that screen press and hold Up, Select and R. You will reclaim the Pokémon then.
Heyo. I joined late 2008, so you most likely don't know me.
I'm Male Gardevoir, and I'm uncool and stuff and never do anything. :I
Sorry it took me so long to reply.... It seems every time I get on here, major mishaps happen. :I
But thanks for the welcome guys! :>
And haha, Male Gardevoir, you look pretty cool to me. Luigi ftw. Are you a hardcore Mismagius fan? Because I am!

And thanks so much for the pokewalker help too!
Oooh, KotF... I remember the name, mostly because it involved the greatest Pokemon ever, hehe. I don't think we talked that much, but I don't know why not...

Oh yes, and I'm hungry! Did you bring live Sandshrews with you? You know we Flygons love our Sandshrews... ^^
I remember you, though I don't really remember when you were around. Welcome back, by the way.

(I probably had different username at the time.)
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