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You are your avatar (psuedo-roleplay)

Aura looks at Dark Gaia, who has one hand out, like Aura does.

She carefully tapped his forehead.

<Hello, I am Aura. And what might your name be?>

Aura goes into Dark Gaia's line of sight. She makes sure he sees her. She then touches his forehead again.

<You do not intimidate me. Stop the tough guy act and speak to me calmly. Now I'll ask you this, why would you say you are my end when that is not true in the slightest bit?>
Frantic hears the "Greetings" in its mind and wonders what made the mind-sound.

Or at least it would, if it were sentient. Frantic was just a simple pin, enchanted or not, and could not comprehend itself, let alone the voice in its non-existant mind.

So Frantic did nothing, letting a new mini-twister spin it round and round, and, finally escaping, straght into the Celebi's forehead with a THWACK.
Aura felt a pin like substance hit her head.


She then concentrated and healed the wound straight away.


She turned to the item that hit her.

<Why would you hit me? What have I done to you?>

Aura spoke in a voice that seemed enchanting. Aura learned this in an Artemis Fowl book, and yes, Pokemon can read books! Or at least Aura can, XD!

She spoke in a mesmer, which hypnotizes the creature and puts them under her will for a short time. Of course, only anyone with a strong will could escape this.

Although since the pin thing could really do much, she turned to Dark Gaia.

<You don't have to end people's lives you know. Why not speak calmly and not do this anymore?>
It seemed that Westbury had lost the Celebi's attention. It made sense, though - it wasn't easy to ignore a giant metal dragon yelling at you. He wished to learn more about the creature that had spoken to him telepathically though, so he began heading towards it.

"Wait! There's so much I can learn about you!"

He abruptly stopped when he was close to the Celebi. He hadn't considered what to do if the metallic dragon attacked him. Gritting his teeth, he slowly reached for the pistol concealed in his lab coat.
Frantic pings off of Dark Gaia's clawed foot, and landed smoothly on the ground. Still retaining momentum, it glided over the terrain, never seeming to slow. As it travelled, another dust devil sprung up underneath it, lifting it up into the air.
Continuing on its mindless journey, it glided (literally this time) over to a magical couple playing tonsil hockey, and softly bounced off of the blue-tinted one's hat and was propelled in a new direction.
Suddenly - perhaps caused by the change of course - Frantic began to rapidly lose altitude. With a pap, it bounces off of the sciency-looking man and into his coat pocket.
As all of this occured, a very serious L3G1SL4C3R4TOR walks up to the two unicorns and attempts to give them a very serious C4N3 DRUBB1NG for disturbing the peace. All the while she was chuckling madly. "Save it for the imperial drones, before you start pailing in front of us all!"

((Okay this is the new Terezi okay? Okay.))
And just as that was said, a strange creature which looked a bit like that Star Wars guy walked across. Lightning flashed in the sky, which had suddenly turned a vile black.
A strange creature flew down to the ground, telepathically shouting "Hi!" in waves that reached all over.
The stolic Arrancar silently entered the scene, not once glancing at the other people. Ulquiorra Cifer passively stood straight and tall on the edge of a vast cliff, his green cat-slit eyes scanning the twilit evening. A few stars were here and there.
Her pushed a black strand of hair out of his pale face as he checked the digital watch on his wrist.
He should return to Aizen momentarily.
But first, he would find out what all the commotion was about in this place.
He turned his back on the sky and looked at the others. "What, exactly, is all this?"
The stolic Arrancar silently entered the scene, not once glancing at the other people. Ulquiorra Cifer passively stood straight and tall on the edge of a vast cliff, his green cat-slit eyes scanning the twilit evening. A few stars were here and there.
Her pushed a black strand of hair out of his pale face as he checked the digital watch on his wrist.
He should return to Aizen momentarily.
But first, he would find out what all the commotion was about in this place.
He turned his back on the sky and looked at the others. "What, exactly, is all this?"

A strange man, most likely Japanese, walks up. He does not say a word, but observes with slight curiosity. He then comments to himself,"They are even louder than Arthur-san and Alfred-san at most world meetings. I wonder what the meaning of this is?"
Ulquiorra glanced at the other man rambling on about "Arthur-san and Alfred-san."
He looked somewhat Japanese with a curious look. "I have no earthly idea what they're going on about," he replied as if the question was directed toward him. "It does seem very interesting to them, however. They must be quite engaged in the conversation if they're being this barbaric."
Not as barbaric as the creature following them all the time though. Thunder struck one of them.
It seemed that Westbury had lost the Celebi's attention. It made sense, though - it wasn't easy to ignore a giant metal dragon yelling at you. He wished to learn more about the creature that had spoken to him telepathically though, so he began heading towards it.

"Wait! There's so much I can learn about you!"

He abruptly stopped when he was close to the Celebi. He hadn't considered what to do if the metallic dragon attacked him. Gritting his teeth, he slowly reached for the pistol concealed in his lab coat.

Aura turned her attention to the man in the lab coat.

<Well, hello again. What can you learn about me? I am only a Celebi who knows telepathy. I'm not too special, if you can forget about the fact that i'm one of the few existing Celebii who cannot time travel.>

Aura glanced once at Dark Gaia, just to be sure he wasnt attacking her.

She looked back at the man in the lab coat.

<By the way, what is your name?>
The creature had mysteriously disappeared. In its place was a little devil-ball type of thing. It rolled towards the Celebi and viciously attacked it.
but then, a mentally defective robot appeared. he yelled "HI COW" and began to pelt everyone with waffles. he then dressed up as a green dog and began to dance. everyone was confused.
Ulquiorra dodged the waffle as his hand brushed across his Zanpakuto just in case. All of a sudden they just all started fighting.
But the Arrancar was smart enough to not attack back.
He glanced at the Celebi and blinked. ...Celebi?
He had never seen one of those before. He had encountered many other rare ones, but never the Time Traveling Pokemon.

Curiously, he shoved his hands in his pockets, made his face blank and turned on his heel toward it. He didn't even notice the lab-coated man beside it until he stopped in-between them. "Just out of pure curiosity," he muttered to the Pokemon, "Are you...a Celebi, by any chance?"
Ulqi-chan said:
Ulquiorra dodged the waffle as his hand brushed across his Zanpakuto just in case. All of a sudden they just all started fighting.
But the Arrancar was smart enough to not attack back.
He glanced at the Celebi and blinked. ...Celebi?
He had never seen one of those before. He had encountered many other rare ones, but never the Time Traveling Pokemon.

Curiously, he shoved his hands in his pockets, made his face blank and turned on his heel toward it. He didn't even notice the lab-coated man beside it until he stopped in-between them. "Just out of pure curiosity," he muttered to the Pokemon, "Are you...a Celebi, by any chance?"
The Japanese man seemed slightly surprised. "A Celebi? I did not know that Pokemon existed. I wonder if Alfred-san will be interested. Though I am not sure I would like to go to America again. Americans eat too many things with unnatural colors." He also moved his hand to his katakana, in case he needed to protect himself. He then dodged various waffles.
((Gir? And Japan? In one room? This should be interesting... And for those who wonder what Japan looks like un-chibified, here is a picture:Click))
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