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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Your honour, this is irrelevant to this case!


Wobbefet always wins!
Yes, a PW fan.

Love the games, love the characters and it looks like i'm now part of these forums.

So yeah...thats it...welcome.
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Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

Welcome to TCoD. :)
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

I just had to do that before anyone else did. I'm Kai, another PW fan, and you'll mainly see me around the artwork forum and it's sub-forums.
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

I kinda know!

S.K (Libbie) and Cadet (scott) told me to come on here. I go to school with them! :p

They told me about you and loads of other people, its all i've been hearing for like weeks.
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

Hi! I'm Flora. I'm a PW fan, too (even if I only have the first game. ^^). Welcome!
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

Well...actually I only have Trials and Tribulations but i've read and seen the others.
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

Your avatar makes me think that you are one of the oodles of girls on this forum, and then... well... the jiggling, you know.
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

I agree... The jiggling... yeah... and then the usertitle. yeah...-awkward-
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

Hello, PW fan. I'm another fan, Flareth.

You should get the other games...:D
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

Welcome to TCOD is printed on a huge sign pointing towards TCOD in the huge country of the Internet. You walk in wondering about what you do at TCOD. You see a sign: 'Newbies please register here' pointing towards the Introductions forum. You walk in and Introduce yourself. A girl that is dressed like a Princess and claims she is the Princess of Windia comes and gives you a cat plushie. 'Thanks' you whisper.
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

That should be YOUR Honour. =3

Welcome, Objection!. Ace Attorney games rule. Check out the Ace Attorney Fan Club in Clubs. =D
Re: My honour, this is irrelevant to this case!

Woah! theres already a PW Club? cool! i'm joining! thanks!

(yeah sorry bout that heading, i'll change it.)
Well, if you work REALLY hard you could get to be one of the highest posters but it would be REALLY hard because of your late head start.
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