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You're Banned

Re: You're Banned III

You're banned because you only post in Forum Games!
Re: You're Banned III

You're banned for not having more posts than me!
Re: You're Banned III

You're bannned cuz you're a Returner? Does that mean you're here to recruit people to fight Emperor Gestahl and his Magitech Knights and Kefka?
Re: You're Banned III

You're banned for ripping of my friend's original character: Dr. Why.
Re: You're Banned III

You're bannned cuz it's hardly the first time such a thing has happened now, is it? *Suddenly thinking of Spiridcass and Zoroark*
Re: You're Banned III

You're bannned cuz I bet you two haven't memorized it either!

(We are actually all members of the Xbox Live Clan known as Knights of the Blue Flame, if anyone is wondering! Eternal rules!)
Re: You're Banned III

You're bannned cuz have you ever actually heard the Knights of the Blue Flame chant? Especially when Makoto and Noél do it, and Makoto screws it up... Probably cuz Noél wanted to play with Makoto's fluffy tail...
Re: You're Banned III

You're bannned cuz I'm not going there with you on that! Now get on Hellgar or I'll send out Ponies after you! And I have an army right here on TCoD, so they'll be pretty hard to escape!
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