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You're Banned

You're banned because my favorite orange pen just exploded all over me! D: And now I have orange ink on my shirt! D:
You're banned because EVERYBODY should have an orange pen. XD

I only write in orange pen, or pink pen, or purple pen. Except for when there are specific instructions to use boring blue or black ink :P
You're banned because I use a light green pen very occasionally!

And aren't colorful pens so fun? XD
^You are banned because I just had a heart attack!

So know how at night the TV makes that "BRANGGGGGGG BRANGGGGGGG" sound as a test? And it is super loud and sudden? Yeah, that is just ugh, I wasn't expecting it XD

And you, Jakey, inspired me to use my light green pen more often! But not the dark green one, that one is kinda lame, even though it is a better shade, I like the light green one better XD
^ You're banned for being the first person I've ever heard of prejudicing a pen ;)

And I'm sorry the TV spooked you XD If it makes you feel better earlier I was having severe chest pains XD
You are banned for having chest pains! D:

Jakey are you okay? D:

And I mean, I will use the dark green pen, but the light one is better XD The color is just cooler on paper to me XD
You're banned for assuming that I am never not okay! >:D

I'm fine, I just get chest pains every once in a while XD No biggie ;P

And okay, whatever helps you sleep at night ;)
You're banned for using a double negative!!

And okay, good. I was worried!

And oh Jakey! XD But you don't even use orange pens at all, so you are prejudiced against those!
You're banned for not realizing that I did it on purpose! XD
When I make grammar mistakes I TRY XD

And nuh uh! I just haven't had the privilege!
You're banned for having grammar so perfect that you try to make grammar mistakes! XD

And well you're lucky that your grammar doesn't just go crazy around me, like my grammar does when I am with you! XD

And well okay. When we are roommates, I will let you use my orange pens. I had four of them, but two are exploded XP
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