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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You're Banned


wants to play mafia
Rules = simple: The person who posts after me is going to give a (fake) reason to ban me. This is all in good fun of course; this is only Forum Games after all.

Example is go!

Poster A: Can't do anything
Poster B: "Bans" poster A for any reason
Poster C: "Bans" poster B for whatever they feel like
Poster D: "Bans" poster C...

And so on until the thread gets deleted again. =3

Have fun and don't get too serious about it; no one is actually going to ban you. Unless you are a troll. Then you will suffer a quick death by the hands of surskitty.

Let the banning begin!
Re: You're Banned III

YOU are banned because I have no earthly idea why I used CAPS LOCK on "you" and "caps lock".
Re: You're Banned III

You're banned for

1. Spelling it right
2. Not capitalizing it D:
3. Because you're incorrect; I'm just a ghost now
Re: You're Banned III

(Google this)

Você está banido por não saber o que este disse e ter de google it.
Re: You're Banned III

You're banned because I have no frackin' idea what the HECK you guys are saying.
Re: You're Banned III

You're banned because I didn't know that and I started saying it when some kid in my class mentioned frack and I was like, "What the frack?!"
Re: You're Banned III

You're banned because I thought I was the only one who got those.
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