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Requests Open zeKieranator's Userbar Shop


New member
Well, since I haven't seen this anywhere else on the forum, I decided to make a userbar shop. Now, userbars are 350x19 images, like this one:


To request a userbar, fill in the following:

Colors: What background color you want.
Image: The image you want.
Text: Self-explanatory.
Animation: Whether or not you want your userbar animated.
(optional)Animation Frames: The userbars you want animated, and in what order.
(optional)Animation Time: How long each frame should last for. If you're 
looking for a guideline about how long it should be, the example above is 2 
seconds per frame.
Share: Whether or not you want me to put the userbar on the front page (for 
anyone to use) or not.

If you want to use one of my userbars (remember to give credit), go here.

And, uh, that should be it. Comment and request at your will.
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I'll be your first customer!

Colors: White
Image: Just a togetic sprite
Text: Saturated Bliss / Tearproof
Animation: Yeah, just alternate between those two messages
(optional)Animation Frames: I dont think this applies
(optional)Animation Time: Three seconds please.
Share: Sure why not.

Thanks =D
Can I use the "teardrops on my guitar" one? Alsoooo.....

Colors: Dark purple
Image: An Espeon
Text: Espio
Animation: No
Share: No; it's my character anyways...

How about this?


I thought it was a bit boring, doing only white, so there's a light blue at one side. Hope that's okay.


Sure! Any userbars on the front page gallery can be used by anyone (with credit, of course).


However, I felt bad letting only you get an Espeon userbar, so I made this as well.


EDIT: I've decided to put the w/ credit userbars in an Art Gallery, so any userbars you might want to use will be there instead. I will, however, keep up an example userbar, but this cannot be used.
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Ooh, ooh, ooh! Me wants one!
Colors: Golds, silvers and bronzes.

Text: #1: Rock and Romance #2: Like a bullet of love #3 I support Germanshipping (CzarinaXKlavier)
Animation: Yes, can you make it like Togetic's one?
Slides: I don't care.
time: 5 seconds please!
Share: Yes.
Extras: The characters have to be separate! That means one character per slide!
P.S if you can't do the text for #3, just do KlavierXCzarina.
Does Gold, Silver and Bronze mean that each one is gold, silver and bronze colored, or that one is gold, one is silver and one is bronze? If the latter, then how about this?

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Colors: Um, Orange.
Image: Cool Groudon picture, preferably focused on it's face.
Text: Dragon On Steroids
Animation: None thanks.
Share: No, I don't think anyone would need it.
Here you go!


EDIT: Twelve more userbars, all from my super-secret TCoD Style Project.


Credit to Butterfree for the rainbow Ho-oh wings used in Spectrum style.
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Does Gold, Silver and Bronze mean that each one is gold, silver and bronze colored, or that one is gold, one is silver and one is bronze? If the latter, then how about this?


Erm...either because I couldn't decide. :sweatdrop: But the userbar looks AWESOME!
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